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1、1志远小学英语教师理论考试试题第一卷 英语专业知识(共 40 小题,每小题 2 分)一、单项选择:下面每题四个选择中只有一个答案,请选出,并填入答案卡内。1. Binbin gets up _ about 8:30 _ Saturdays.A. on, at B. in , on C. at, on2. Whats he like ? _.A. He likes beef. B. Hes Mr Carter C. Hes short. 3. How is the cinema from here? A. much B. many C. far 4. Id like Kate soon.A. t

2、o write B. to write to C. to writing to 5. -What Amy ? -Shes writing an e-mail to her pen-friend.A. diddo B. isdoing C. isgoing to do6. -Your homework is very good.-_.A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks 7. Im eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So .A. She s older than me. B. Shes tall

3、er than me. C. Im two years older.8. You and I like swimming . We have the same .A. bothhobbies B. arehobbies C. bothhobby9. - _ is this walkman?-_ my daughters.A. Who, Its B. Whose, Its C. Whose, Its10. -Would you like _ tea?- Yes, just _.A. some, little B. any, a little C. some, a little 11. Come

4、in and have a look. This is _ bedroom.A. Lucys and Lily B. Lucys and Lilys C. Lucy and Lilys12.I can play _ football. My sister can play _ piano.A. 不填, the B. the, 不填 C. the, the13. Mr Carter teaches _ English. _ all love _.A .our, We, him B. us, Us, her C .us, We, him14. _ sheep are there on the fa

5、rm? A. How old B. How many C. How much 15. My throat _ sore. My nose _.A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is, hurts16. -There are many apples _ the tree.-Yes. There are some birds _ the tree, too. A. in, in B. in, on C. on, in17. -Whats the date today? - Its_ .A. sunny B. Monday C. August 1st 18. your pen

6、 pal in Beijing? A. Do,lives B. Does,live C. Do, live 19. Sometimes I _ TV in the evening. But this evening Im _.A. watching, sleeping B. watch, sleeping C. watch, sleep20. Its 8:30. Its time _ have English class.A. for B. to C. at 21. You cant pass the exam _ you study hard.Aif Bbecause Cunless 22-

7、Can you tell me_?-He has just moved to another city.Awhere does he live Bdoes he live whereCwhere he lives Dhe lives where23- Would you help me put away these things?-_.AYes, quite right BNever mindCYoure welcome DWith pleasure24- Heres coffee and tea. You many have _.-Thanks.Aeither Beach Cone Dit2

8、5- Will you please stay here for the party?-Sorry, I _. Ill have to go to an important meeting.Amustnt Bneednt Ccant Dwont二、根据所给的情景完成句子:26.谁的书包更重,我的还是你的?-是你的。学校 班级 姓名 考号_2_ bag is _, _or yours?-Yours.27.这个星期天你们打算去干什么?-我们打算去参加歌唱比赛。What are you _ to do this Sunday? We are _ to take part in the singing

9、 contest.28.他通常在星期日干什么? 他通常洗衣服。What _ he usually _on Sundays? He usually _ .三、阅读理解AOnce there was a boy. He loved sweets very much. He always asked his father for sweets.The boys father thought hard about how to stop the child from asking for so many sweets. A great man lived nearby. The boys father

10、 decided to take the boy to him. He might be able to make the child give up sweets.So they went to the great man. The father asked the great man to help him. But the great man liked sweets himself. He told the father to bring his son back after a month.During the month, the great man tried to give u

11、p eating sweets. At last he did it. When the boy and his father returned after a month, the great man had a talk with the boy. From then on, the boy did not ask for sweets any more.The boys father felt surprised, “Why didnt you ask my son to give up sweets when we came to you a month ago?” The man a

12、nswered, “How could I ask a boy to give up sweets when I loved sweets myself? In the last month I gave up eating sweets.”A persons example is always stronger than words. We should not ask others to do what we cant do ourselves.29. The boys father took his son to the great man because_.A. the man liv

13、ed close to the houseB. the man might give him some helpC. the man was also fond of sweetsD. the man had already given up sweets30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. The great man had a hobby of eating sweets.B. The great man gave up eating sweets in a month.C. The father and son came back to the man a month later.D. The boy failed to stop eating sweets at last.31. Which is the best title(标题)for the passage?A. Eating sweets is bad for childrenB. A good way to give up eating sweetsC. Giving up


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