上海新世纪版三年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Garden School(1)

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1、(新世纪版)四年级英语下册教案 Unit 1 Garden School1. 能简单介绍自己的学校概况。2. 能提问班级或学校的基本情况。3. 听懂或读懂某个场所的简单话语, 并进行对话. 二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1. 学习本单元单词:school, garden, term, building, pupil, student, floor, welcome。2. 学习掌握基本句型和有关的语法知识。How many + plural noun+are there + preposition phrase?比较:How many + plural noun+have/has+subject

2、+ got + preposition phrase?3. 听读和理解 Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题完成 Language lab中的练习。4. 掌握字母组合 er, ea, oo, ar 的一般发音规则,并结合 Music box引导学生快速记忆单词。5. 能朗读 Rhyme,能完成 Kids palace 中的练习。(二)发展目标:1. 能用英语来介绍自己的学校情况。2. 能在课上运用所学句型进行对话。三、能力目标:学生能用英语表达学校及其他场所的基本情况,并结合生活实际进行交际训练。四、情感、策略和文化等目标:1. 情感态度:通过学习,培养学生热爱学校,尊敬师

3、长,友爱同学的品德。2. 学习策略:在 pair/group work中培养合作完成的意识。3. 文化目标:了解中国和西方国家中 love的不同之处。五、教学资源:Students Book 4B P1P8, cassette 4B Unit 1, Exercise Book 4B P1P8, Pictures of places, Teaching transparencies, etc.六、教学时间:六课时。 (其中 5课时新授,1 课时练习和复习,练习册随教学进度完成。 )Lesson Plan (1): WonderlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Dail

4、y talk2. T: Today is the first day of the new term. We come to school again. Are you happy in the winter holiday? Do you like your school life? II. While-task procedure:1. Learn the new words (term, pupil, student, welcome, school, garden, building, floor) while talking about the school and school l

5、ife.1) “term”: In China, how many terms are there in a year? There are two. What are they? They are the spring term and the autumn term.But in England there are three terms in a year. They are the summer term, the autumnterm and the winter term./t m/: Pay attention to the sound of “er”. Let pupils s

6、ay out other examples. ( her, nurse, first, girl, worker, shirt, etc)2) “pupil”: T: Are you a pupil? Which class are you in? Are you pupils of /pju:pl/ use, you, computer, usually, etc3) “student”: We are pupils, and also we are students. Compare “student” with “pupil”./stju:d nt/ 4) “welcome”: This

7、 term we have a new pupil in our class. Who is she? Oh, yes. She is Kitty. Kitty, welcome to our class. /welk m/ pen, desk, seven, ten, etc5) “school”: Is our school beautiful? Yes. How beautiful our school is!/sku:l/ /u:/ zoo, room, too, food, spoon, who, movie, etc/u/ classroom, foot, good, book,

8、look, etc 6) “garden”: Is there a garden in your school? Yes, its nice./ga:dn/ car, park, father, class, grass, etc7) “building”: Our school is very big. There are three buildings in it. Where is our classroom? In Building One. What a nice building!/bju:ldI / biscuit, guitar, etc8) “floor”: Do you k

9、now which floor your classroom is? Its on the third floor./fl / door, morning, four, for, etc2. Listen to the recording and then read out the new words one by one.Correct the mistakes in time. 3. Learn the sentences. Listen and read the sentences.4. Make phrases with the new words. 5. Play the casse

10、tte again. Students listen and repeat.6. Let the students ask questions about the new words.7. Read the new words and sentences in groups of four. Pay attention to the pronunciation. Try to remember the meanings of the new words.III. Post-task activities:1. Ask the students to remember the new words

11、 in ten minutes.2. Listen and fill in the blanks.t_ _m p_ p_ l b_ ild _ ng g_ rd _ns_h _ _l w_lc _ me fl_ _ rFirst students fill in the blanks individually. Then check the answers together.3. Divide the students into groups of four. Ask them to make sentences with the new words.4. Invite individuals

12、 to say the sentences they have made.5. Page1 to Page 4, Exercise Book. Lesson Plan (2): FarmlandI. Pre-task preparation:1. Encourage the students to say something about the school. Prompt the less able students by asking them some questions about the school life.2. Review the words and the sentence

13、s on P 3, 4.3. Say something with the words.II. While-task procedure:1. Ask and answer: How many people are there in your family? There are 2. Compare: How many books have you got in your bag? Ive got 3. Play the cassette: Mini dialogue. Students listen and follow.4. Play the cassette again. Student

14、s listen and repeat.5. Ask several students to read the dialogue.6. Learn some phrases. (in the study, fridge/ in the kitchen)7. Encourage the students to make dialogues with their own words.8. Ask the students to ask and answer the questions in pairs.III. Post-task activities:1. Do a survey. Try to

15、 know the number of the things in our school. Example: P1: How many grades are there in our school?P2: There are five.2. Make sentences with the pattern “How many are there? There are”.3. Recite the phrases and dialogues on P5.4. Page 5-6, Exercise Book.Lesson Plan (3): Grand TheatreI. Pre-task prep

16、aration:1. Sing a song.2. Review the pattern “How many are there? There are”.II. While-task procedure:1. Show the picture of the Grand Theatre while listening to the recording.2. Try to realize the meaning of the following phrases:the first day of the new term, talk with someonea new pupil from Canada, welcome to our schoola beautiful school garden, on the second floorin all= altogether, sure=certainly, love=like3. Read the phrases above


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