上海新世纪版三年级英语上册教案 Unit 2 Period 3-5

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《上海新世纪版三年级英语上册教案 Unit 2 Period 3-5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海新世纪版三年级英语上册教案 Unit 2 Period 3-5(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 2 Looking for Mother教育目标:1. 通过“找妈妈”的故事激发学生对母亲的爱和喜欢小动物的感情。2. 培养学生保护动物的意识。知识目标:基础目标:1Words and expressionsFrom Wonderland From Farmland From Grand Theatreswan Mr. Dog *sing*horse Miss Swanfly*rooster smart speak*hen look forpig baby*cow sheep*duckpet pet 宠物2Sentence patternsFrom Farmla

2、nd From Grand TheatreAre you ? I want my mother. Are you my mother?Yes, I am. No, I am not. No, I am a swan.3. 1.根据课文内容回答 Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答 On your own 中的问题。4.Music Box 掌握字母 c 和 d 在单词中的发音。字母 c 在单词中有两种发音:/k/和/s/。一般来说,c后跟字母 e, i, y 时发/s/,其他情况下则发/k/;字母 d 在单词中发/d/。通过朗读更多的含有字母 c,d 的单词,

3、让学生体会它们在单词中的发音。5.Disneyland这是一首优美的小诗“天鹅” ,与 Grand Theatre 的动物主题有关。教师可以在引出课文的同时带领学生吟诵小诗,也可以在课文教完后教学,让学生在诵读过程中欣赏小诗,体会天鹅的优雅、美丽。Difficult Points了解英语和汉语在表示动物叫声的词汇的差异。发展目标:1. 让学生分组围绕课文内容进行短剧表演。2. 鼓励学生运用已有的语言知识,编写以Looking for Mother为主题的小故事。能力目标:本课的 Grand Theatre 是一个小短剧,要求学生自由结合排练后尽心法表情感、策略和文化等有关目标:在排练过程体验母

4、爱的伟大,体验同学之间的友情教学资源:Students book 3A P8P 14 Cassette 3A Unit 2Students workbook 3A P7P12 Word and picture cards 3A Unit 2Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 2 Animals masks教学时间:5 课时(每课 3540 分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排 5 教时。第一课时:Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab第四课时:Language Lab

5、& Music Box第五课时:DisneylandLesson Plan ( 3 )Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming-up:1. Rhyme: A dog goes “Bow, wow, wow, wow”2. Review the words of the farm animals.Say the rhyme in chorus.Read and spell the words.创造英语学习的氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。While task procedures Task 1Free talkTa

6、sk 2Finish Language Lab Part 4Task 3Learn the storyQ: Do you like animals?Where can we see animals? Which animal do you like best?Discuss the questions of On your own in groups.1. Listen to the story and do exercise “True or False”.2. Read the questions of Questions and Answers, then listen to the s

7、tory again.3. Read after the tape.通过自由谈话引出故事。通过课本上的练习提供给学生更多语言输出的机会。分层学习故事,通过了解故事情节、理解故事内涵、分角色表演故事几个步骤帮助学生学习课文中的语言材料。4. Act out the story.Do it paragraph by paragraph.Post-task activities Exploit the dialogue 1.Provide more language material.Eg: More characters, more sentence pattern, etc.2. Write d

8、own the new story.3. Act out the new story.提供给学生更多的材料,鼓励学生拓展新的内容,编写新的故事,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生驾驭语言的能力。Lesson Plan ( 4 )Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task preparationWarming up Act out the story “Looking for mother”.通过分角色表演营造英语课堂氛围。While task procedures Task 1Finish Language Lab Part 1Task 2Experien

9、ce the phoneme /k/Task 3Experience the phoneme /s/1.Read the rhyme.2. Pay attention to the pronunciation of letter “i”1.Show the sentence “The cat can climb the tree.”2. Underline the latter a.3.Learn the phoneme.1.Show the sentence “A 通过朗读儿歌感受字母的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受 c 在单词中/k/的发音。通过绕口令的句子感受 c 在单词中/s /的发音。T

10、ask 4Experience the phoneme /d/cat and a rat are sitting on a mat.*Steps 2 and 3 are same with those of task 1Same with Task 1通过绕口令的句子感受 d 在单词中/d /的发音。Post-task activities Do Language Lab part 3 and part 4.Write down the answers and check.Lesson Plan ( 5 )Procedures Contents Methods PurposePre-task

11、preparationRevisionReview the sentences of Music Box.1. Read the sentences of Music Box.2. Experience the phonemes.通过朗读绕口令感受音标/k/, /s/, /d/。While task procedures Task 1Learn the rhyme of Didsneyland.1. Talk about the animals.Q: What animals do you know? (Brainstorm)Whats your favourite animal? Why?D

12、o you like swans? Why?What can swans do?(Learn the past form of “swim”)通过学习英语儿歌扩展学生的词汇量,同时,通过模仿发音培养学生的语感。在朗读富有节奏的儿歌时学生容易产生积极的情感态度,从而促进英语的学习。Task 2Finish the exercise on Students workbook2. Show the picture of Disneyland.Q: Where are the swans?(Learn the phrase “over the sea”.)3. Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.4. Read the rhyme in chorus and individual.Do the exercises of Unit 1 on Students workbook Page 712.通过完成练习巩固所学内容Post-task activities Check the answer. Check the answer on Students book.通过校对了解学生完成的情况。


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