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1、四级真题英语阅读长难句分析1. Recent decisions by Hamilton and others may be “a sign that people are starting to realize that theres this destructive competition going on,” says Baum, co-author of a recent College Report that raises concerns about the role of institutional aid not based on need. (2009. 阅读. Text A

2、)【译文】鲍姆认为,哈密顿和其他人最近的决定可能就是“一种迹象表明人们开始意识到存在一种破坏性竞争”。他是最近一项大学调查报告的组织者之一,这项报告引发了人们对并非基于需要的制度性经济援助的关心。【析句】复合句。主干是 Baum says+宾语从句,也就是 Baum 说话的内容。宾语从句的主句是 Recent decisions may be a sign that are starting to realize that there is this destructive competition., 引号内包含两个从句, that 引导定语从句修饰 a sign, realize 后是 th

3、at 引导的宾语从句。最后,co-author of a recent College Report 作 Baum 的同位语, that raises concerns about.是 College Report 的定语从句。2. “No one can take one-sided action,” says Laird, who is exploring whether to seek an exemption from federal anti-trust laws so member colleges can discuss how they could jointly reduce

4、 merit aid. (2009. 阅读. Text A)【译文】任何人都不能采取单方面的行动。莱尔德说,他正在研究是否有必要寻求获得联邦反托拉斯法的豁免权,这样一来,其成员大学就可以探讨如何共同削减奖学金支出。【析句】例句二和例句一结构相似:主句 Laird says 且倒装,引号内是说话的内容,作宾语从句且置于句首。主句后,who is exploring whether to.作定语从句,whether to.作 exploring 的宾语,而最后 so member colleges can discuss how they could reduce merit aid 是 expl

5、oring 动作的结果,discuss 后是 how 引导的宾语从句。3. A complicating factor is that merit aid has become so popular with middle-income families, who dont qualify for need-based aid, that many have come to depend on it. (2009. 阅读. Text A)【译文】一个复杂因素就是,奖学金深受不符合助学金申请条件的中层收入家庭的欢迎,甚至许多家庭都依靠它。【析句】复合句。主句 Acomplicating fact

6、or is that 引导表语从句。表语从句中,主句是 merit aid become so popular with middle-income families that many have come to depend on it,包含固定短语 so.that+从句,意为“太以至于”,句中插入了 who 引导的定语从句。1. And that means that for the first time people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woma

7、n they so rarely see. (2009. 阅读. Text 1)【译文】而且这意味着,人们第一次有机会亲自近距离了解平时很难见到的那类非裔妇女。【析句】主句 that means that+宾语从句,宾语从句中,主句 for the first time people will have a chance to.woman, 其中短语 get up close and personal with这一短语结构中,close and personal 作伴随状语,最后 they so rarely see 作 the type of .woman 的定语从句。2. When nex

8、t years crop of high-school graduates arrive at Oxford University in the fall of 2009, theyll be joined by a new face; Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost of Yale, wholl become Oxfords vice-chancellora position equivalent to university president in America. (2009. 阅读. Text 2)【译文】2009 年秋季毕业的高中生进

9、入牛津大学时,他们会迎来一个新面孔,安德鲁 汉密尔顿,55 岁的前耶鲁大学教务长。他将入主牛津成为副教务长,职位相当于美国大学的校长。【析句】复合句。首先是 when 引导的时间状语从句,主句位于句中,theyll be joined by a new face。Andrew Hamilton, the 55-year-old provost of Yale 作 a new face 的同位语,而同位语后 wholl become Oxfords vice-chancellor 是它的定语从句,最后 a position equivalent to.又作 vice-chancellor 的同位

10、语。3. In 2003, when Cambridge University appointed Alison Richard, another former Yale provost, as its vice-chancellor, the university publicly stressed that in her previous job she had overseen “a major strengthening of Yales financial position.” (2009. 阅读. Text 2)【译文】2003 年,剑桥大学任命前耶鲁大学教务长艾莉森理查德为副校长

11、。学校公开强调艾莉森之前的工作确保了“耶鲁大学财政状况良好”。【析句】本例句与例句 2 结构相似,句首先是 when 引导的时间状语从句,another former Yale provost 作 Alison Richard 的同位语。主句位于句中,the university stressed that+宾语从句。可以看出,在介绍某人的年龄、职位等情况时多用同位语。1. These days, children are robbed of these ancient freedoms, due to problems like crime, traffic, the loss of the

12、 open spaces and odd new perceptions about what is best for children, that is to say, things that can be bought, rather than things that can be found. (2010. 阅读. Text 1)【译文】如今,由于诸多问题如犯罪频发、交通拥挤、空地缺乏以及奇怪的关于什么对于孩子最好的新观点能买到的而不是孩子发现的东西,孩子们被剥夺了这种古老的自由。【析句】复合句。主句 children are robbed of these ancient freedo

13、ms,due to problems like.odd new perceptions about.这句中,due to 作原因状语,like 这里是介词。about 后 what is best for children 是 about 的宾语从句,that is to say作插入语,最后有两个 that 引导的定语从句修饰 things 并由 rather than 连接。2. Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth

14、 of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition to academia more attractive, according to Lee. (2010. 阅读. Text 2)【译文】李认为,越往象牙塔的高处走,薪酬就降得越明显。但是,由于大学需要大量行业经验丰富的研究人员,这就迫使学校提高转向大学做学术的吸引力。【析句】主句的主干是 the demand for scientists. is forcing universities to make., 具体说来,with a wealth

15、of experience.作伴随状语。这个句子难理解的部分在前面,Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is more significant, 要注意 the ladder 不是生活中的“ 梯子” ,在这里含有指代意义,尤其指代职场上职位、地位的高低。higher up the ladder 在结构上是形容词短语作伴随,并且还有 where 引导的非限制性定语从句修饰。3. They werent looking for cured meats, organic produce or beautiful presentation; they were

16、looking for whatever they could get their hands on, and this prioritisation of quantity over quality prevailed for decades, meaning a generation was brought up with food that couldnt compete with neighbouring France, Italy, Belgium or Spain. (2011. 阅读. Text 1)【译文】他们不会去找腌肉或有机产品,也不会在意菜肴摆放是否漂亮,他们只会寻找任何能得到的食物。这种数量优于质量的做法持续了好几十年,这意味着这一代人所吃的食物是无法与邻近的法国、意大利、比利时或是西班牙相提并论的。【析句】整句话有两个分句组成,重点在后一分句。主干由 and 连接两个句子组成,前句they were looking for wh



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