上海新世纪版一年级英语下册教案 Unit 5(3)

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1、(新世纪版)一年级英语下册教案Unit 5 Jumbo教学目标(1) 基础目标:1.能听,说,认读 fat, thin, tall, short四个单词。2.能用 Im a , Im 句型来描述自己。(2) 发展目标: 1.能用 fat, thin, short, tall以及其他的形容词来描述人物。2.能用 Im, I like, I can 等句型介绍自己。(3) 情感目标:1.教育学生不以貌取人,学会悦纳别人,欣赏别人。2.教育学生要团结友爱,互相帮助。(4) 技能目标:能用 Im a Im I like I can等句型来描述人物,并能进行角色表演.教学用具:多媒体课件,动物头饰等。

2、教学过程:Procedures Contents Methods Purpose1. Warming-up: a chant2. Greeting. Im a 1. Students say a chant together.2. Students introduce themselves.Chant可以营造气氛,学生在随意的聊天中复习了 Im a的句型Pre-task preparation3. Today is Mr. lions birthday. What present have you got?Ive got 2. Students say something about thei

3、r presents.由生日 party来展开故事,以学生喜爱的事物来激发其学习兴趣。1. short and talla. Show a picture of a Foxb. Elicit the word: shortc. Practice: Im a_. Im short. Im_.1. Students look and listen, then learn the new word.2. Students describe3. Themselves.让学生听故事,既是英语听力能力的训练,也是学生感知语言,实践语言的过程。a. shows a picture of a giraffe.

4、b. Elicit the word: tall.c. Song 1. Students guess who can help the fox. Then learn the new word.2. Sing a song: Who is tall?学生可以从故事中懂得人与人之间要互相帮助的道理2. thin and fat.a. Show a picture of a monkey.b. Elicit the word: thinc. Practice: _, _, Im a_.Thin, thin, Im thin._, _, I like_.1. Students say somethi

5、ng about the monkey. Then learn the new word. 2. Rhyme.学生在听故事,学英语的同时,知道了每个人都有自己的优点,要学会欣赏别人。Taskprocedurea. Show a picture of a bear.b. Elicit the word: fat.c. Practice:Im a_.Im fat/thin. I like_.I can _.1. Students say something about the bear. Then learn the new word.2. Students act and say.Then describe themselves to their friends.通过小动物之间的互相帮助,让学生学会悦纳别人,欣赏别人。Post-task activityThe lion is trapped in a net. Who can help the lion?1. Students act and help the lion.2. Sing a song 让学生通过自己的能力想办法去帮助别人, together. 懂得乐于助人的道理。Homework Describe yourselves to your parents.



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