Elias27 story 教案

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1、Teaching planModule 1 unit 5Reading: Elias storyAnalyzethecontentofthisunit:Thisunitisconcernedwithteachingstudentsaboutwhatmakesagreatperson.ItonlyconsidersmaleheroesbecausethereisalaterunitinNSEConfemalerolemodels.Butitshouldberememberedthateverythingthatissaidinthisunitappliestowomenaswellasmen.A


3、nts,isactuallyastoryintroducingsomegoodqualitiesofNelsonMandela.Teaching objectives1. Knowledge objectives Learn some key words and phrases 2. Ability objectives Students will be able to master some reading skills of skimming and scanning.3. Emotional objectives To motivate the students interest in

4、learning English.To arouse the students love to the great men and learnt some good qualities from them.Important points:1. Develop the students reading skills of scanning and skimming.2. Develop the students analyzing ability: a. drawing a conclusion from some materialsDifficult points:Develop the s

5、tudents analyzing ability: drawing a conclusion from some materials; Teaching methods:Task-based method, cooperative discussion.Teaching aids:a projector and a blackboardTeaching procedures1. Pre-reading Show the pictures of William Tyndale, Norman Bethune, Sun Yat-sen, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mande

6、la and Neil Armstrong. Ask the students who he was and what they did. Ask them if they were great people. Student give a definition of a great person. Show some brief introduction of Mandela. Ask the students to guess the relationship between Elias and Mandela.A. Strangers B.friends C.Father and son

7、 D.Teacher and student2. While-reading Task 1: Listen to the tape1. Whats the relationship between Elias and Mandela?A.Strangers B.Father and son C.friends D.Teacher and student2. Whats the main idea of this story?A.The poor life of black people in South Africa.B.The life of Mandela.C.How Mandela he

8、lped Elias and black people in South Africa.Task 2:Find out the basic items in the story.When: Where: Who:What:Task 3: part1 para.( ) The life of Elias before he met Nelson Mandelapart2 para.( )The change of Elias life after he met Mandela and what Mandela didTask 4:Decide whether they are true of f

9、alse.1. Elias went to see Nelson Mandela when he was in trouble.2. Nelson Mandela was a black lawyer.3. Elias left school because the school was too far from his home.4.Elias had to get a passbook to keep his job.Task 5:1. What kind of unfair situation did black people in South Africa face?Black peo

10、ple could not _or choose their _. They couldnt get the _they wanted. The places they lived were the _part of the country.No one can_ _ there.2. Why did Elias help Mandela blow up some government buildings?It would help them _ their dream of making_.3.What did Elias do to support Mandela? He joined t

11、he _.He helped Mandela_ some government buildings in 1963. Post-readingTask 6: In the middle of _, Elias, a_ in _,lived a _. However, things_ after he met Mandela and they fought for the _ of the black people together.Task7:The sayings of Nelson Mandela and discuss his qualities.I will continue figh

12、ting for freedom until the end of my days.我决心继续为争取自由而奋斗,直到咽气的一刻为止。Homework: (1)Recite the important words, phrases and sentence patterns of this unit. (2)How to be a great man? In other words, what qualities does a great man need?write a composition about 150 words. Self-evaluation:Afterlearning,stu




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