词汇学 习题

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1、西安外国语大学 王满良老师 词汇学考试 习题Questions and tasks:1. What is lexicology?2. What is the nature and scope of English lexicology?3. What subjects is English lexicology correlated with? And to what extent?4. Why should a student of English study English lexicology?Chapter one Questions and tasksI. Answer the fo

2、llowing questions.1. What is a word?A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1) a minimal free form of a language;2) a sound unity;3) a unit of meaning;4) a form that can function independently in a sentence.2. What are the causes of diffe

3、rences between sound and form?The internal reason for this is that the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, one letter may represent two or more different sounds,Another reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years, and in some cases have drawn far

4、apart.A third reason is that some of the differences were created by the early scribes(抄写员)3. How do you define “vocabulary”?The vocabulary of a language refers to all the words in the language.4. List 3 criteria for classifying words.By use of frequency, words may fall into the basic word stock and

5、 nonbasic vocabulary.By notion, words can be categorized into content words and functional words.By origin, they can be classified into native words and borrowed words.5. What are the characteristics of basic word stock?1) All national character2) Stability3) Productivity4) Polysemy5) Collocability6

6、. List 7 kinds of nonbasic word stock.) Terminology (术语)Jargon(行话) Slang(俗语) Argot(黑话)Dialectal words(方言 Archaisms(陈词)Neologisms(新词)7. Explain neologisms with examples.overworking class, noun A segment of society in which the chief characteristic is the desire or need to work long hours. 8. What fea

7、tures do native words have in contrast to borrowed words?Neutral in style2) Frequent in useII. Multiple choice1. Which of the following is NOT true? A a. A word is the smallest form of a language. b. A word is a sound unity. c. A word has a given meaning. d. A word can be used freely in a sentence.2

8、. The differences between sound and form are due to _C_. a. the fact of more phonemes than letters in English b. stabilization of spelling by printing c. influence of the work of scribes d. innovations made by linguists3. Of the five characteristics listed for the basic word stock, the most importan

9、t is _A_. a. all national character b. productivity c. polysemy d. collocabilityIII. Complete the following statements by supplying an appropriate word for each blank.1. Borrowed words which still sound foreign and look foreign are _ Aliens _.2. There is no _ logical _ relationship between sound and

10、 _ Meaning_ as the connection between them is _ arbitrary _ and conventional.3. _ Denizens (同化词)_ are borrowings that have become naturalized or assimilated in English.4. Archaisms(陈词)_ are words once in common use or but now restricted only to specialized or limited use.5. Content words are changin

11、g all the time whereas functional words are _ stable_. _ Functional _ words enjoy a _greater_ frequency in use than content words.6. A word whose meaning was borrowed from another language is called _semantic-loansIV. Choose the standard word from the column on the right to match each of the slang w

12、ords on the left. a. beaver coward b. bloke drunk c. blue fellow d. chicken fight e. dame girl f. full great g. gat loose woman h. smoky pistol i. swell police j. tart womankeys: beavergirl blokefellow bluefight chickencoward damewoman fulldrunk gatpistol smokypolice swellgreat tartloose womanV. Mat

13、ch following archaic words with their modern equivalents: a. albeit also b. bade although c. billow before d. eke bid e. ere faith f. hallowed holyg. haply it seems to meh. methinks morningi. morn perhapsj. quoth saidk. sooth truthl. troth wave/the seakeys: albeitalthough badebid billowwave/the sea eke-also erebefore hallowedholy haplyperhaps methinksit seems to me mornmorning quothsaid soothtruth trothfaithchapter twoQuestions and tasksI. Define the following terms:1. Old English 2. Middle English3. Modern EnglishOld English (450-1150)Middle English (115


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