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1、模块语法聚焦四,Module 4 Home alone,模块语法聚焦四,教材典句,1I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.我能照顾自己,尽管这对我来说并不容易。 2Although they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them. 虽然他们爱我,但我对他们还是有点儿不满。,状语从句(3),模块语法聚焦四,3My clock rings so loudly that it will certainly wake me up. 我的闹钟响声如此大,它肯定会叫醒我的。 4I bec

2、ame so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.我对他们的命令如此厌烦,以至于我希望他们让我一个人待着。,语法探究,一、结果状语从句 1sothat引导的结果状语从句,模块语法聚焦四,形容词,形容词,模块语法聚焦四,模块语法聚焦四,模块语法聚焦四,2.suchthat引导的结果状语从句,模块语法聚焦四,名词,模块语法聚焦四,二、让步状语从句 让步状语从句通常由although, though等连词引导。二者都不可与but或however连用,但可与yet或still连用。 Though he is y

3、oung, he knows a lot. 虽然他小,但他懂得很多。 Although I am tired, I must go on working. 尽管我很累,但还得继续工作。,模块语法聚焦四,实战演练,.单项选择 ( )1.2017自贡_ he is only seven years old, he knows a lot about science. A. But B. Though C. So,【解析】考查连词的用法。由后文“he knows a lot about science(他了解很多有关科学的知识)”可知,空格处指“尽管”他仅有七岁。故选B。,B,模块语法聚焦四,( )

4、2.2016宿迁They spoke _ quietly _ I could hardly hear them. Asuch; that Bso; that Cneither; nor Dboth; and,B,模块语法聚焦四,【解析】suchthat和sothat都引导结果状语从句,但such修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词。quietly为副词,应用so修饰,故选B。,( )3.2016恩施Why didnt you write down what the teacher said? He spoke _ fast _ I didnt follow him. Aso; that Btoo;

5、to Cvery; that,A,模块语法聚焦四,( )4.2017巴中 _ they are twin brothers, _ they dont look like each other. A. Although; / B. Although; but C. But; although,【解析】 考查连词。连词although不与but连用。故选A。,模块语法聚焦四,A,模块语法聚焦四,( )5.2016天水 The elephant has _ a strong body _ it can do heavy work for people. Aso; that Bsuch; that C

6、such; so Dso; and,B,.改为同义句 1Though he is very young, I think he can take care of himself. He is very young, _ I think he can take care of himself.,3Jenny was too excited to express herself clearly. Jenny was _ excited _ she couldnt express herself clearly.,模块语法聚焦四,but,2My cousin is so young that he cant understand that. My cousin isnt _ _ to understand that.,enough,old,so,that,4Amy is so young that she cant go to school. Amy is _ young _ go to school.,5The news was very exciting and everyone shouted with joy. It was _ _ news that everyone shouted with joy.,模块语法聚焦四,too,to,such,exciting,



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