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1、河南大学 硕士学位论文 反生产行为与组织不公正:归因风格的调节作用 姓名:郭辉辉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:应用心理学 指导教师:李永鑫 2011-05 I 摘 要 摘 要 反生产行为是员工在工作场所中实施的蓄意伤害组织利益或与组织利益有关的其 他成员的行为。本文在整理和分析已有理论和实证研究成果的基础上,进行了归因风格 对反生产行为与组织不公正之间关系调节作用的实证研究。 本研究通过文献搜集法、问卷调查法等研究方法,以中国企业员工为被试,综合研 究考虑了人口学、组织学因素,通过对 308 名组织员工进行调查,采用相关分析、分层 回归分析、多因素方差分析等统计方法,得到如下结论: 第一,对不同

2、人口学变量的方差分析结果表明:不同年龄、不同婚姻状况、不同工 作年限、不同职位级别,以及不同单位性质的组织员工,在反生产行为部分维度上存在 显著差异;不同性别、不同学历层次和不同职业领域的员工在反生产行为的各个维度得 分上不存在显著差异。 第二,控制了人口学、组织学变量之后,通过回归分析,对组织不公正与反生产行 为的关系进行了预测。其中领导不认同、程序不公正对反生产行为总体有显著正影响, 而互动不公正对反生产行为有显著负影响。结果表明:组织不公正与反生产行为之间存 在显著相关,且组织不公正对反生产行为有显著预测作用。 第三,通过多因素方差分析,探讨了归因风格对组织不公正与反生产行为关系的调 节

3、作用。结果表明:归因风格在组织不公正与反生产行为之间起部分调节作用。其中, “归因风格”对“分配不公正”与“主动越轨”之间关系,对“分配不公正”与“消极 怠工”之间关系,对“分配不公正”与“反生产行为”之间关系,对“领导不认同”与 “主动越轨”之间关系,对“组织不公正”与“主动越轨”之间关系,对“组织不公正” 与“消极怠工”之间关系,对“组织不公正”与“反生产行为”之间关系的调节作用显 著。 关键词:反生产行为,组织不公正,归因风格 III Abstract Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB) is an intentional behavior of

4、the organization member, hurts colleagues or organizations legitimate interests. In this paper, based on studying those existing theory and empirical research, I taked the empirical research: a test about the moderate role of attribution style between counterproductive behavior and organizational in

5、justice. The purposes of this dessertation were to investigate the relation between Counterproductive Work Behavior and organizational injustice as well as to test the role of attribution style between counterproductive work behavior and organizational injustice. For these purposes, some standard re

6、search method, such as literature review and survey were used. This research considered the demographic factors, and by 308 employee to investigate, used the statistical methods of correlation analysis, regression analysis, variance analysis. The study obtained conclusions as follows: Firstly, the r

7、esearch discussed about the demographical variables dffects on counterproductive work behavior. We found that the significant effects in demographical variable included age, marital status, woking life, position classes and units characters. While the sex, academy degree and profession have not sign

8、ificant effects. Secondly, after control the demographical variable, through regression analysis, we found that leader injustice and procedural injustice have a significant positive effect on initiative deviant. leader injustice and procedural injustice have a significant positive effect on passive

9、work. leader injustice and procedural injustice have a significant positive effect on personal aggressio, interactional injustice have a significant negative effect on personal aggressio. leader injustice and procedural injustice have a significant positive effect on counterproductive work behavior,

10、 interactional injustice have a significant negative effect on counterproductive work behavior. Thirdly, through MNOVA ,the main conclusions are as follows: attribution style was found to partly moderate the relationships between counterproductive behavior and organizational injustice. To be more sp

11、ecific, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships between distributive injustice and IV inttiative deviant, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships between distributive injustice and passve work, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships betwee

12、n distributive injustice and counterproductive work behavior, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships between leader injustice and inttiative deviant, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships between organizational injustice and inttiative deviant, attribution

13、style significantly moderates the relationships between organizational injustice and passive work, attribution style significantly moderates the relationships between organizational injustice and counterproductive work behavior. Key words: counterproductive work behavior, organizational injustice, a

14、ttribution style 前 言 1 1 前言 每个组织都会不可避免地遭遇员工的破坏性行为,依据 Harper(1990)的调查发现, 在美国有 33至 75的雇员涉及了偷窃、与计算机有关的破坏、欺诈、怠工和旷工盗 用等行为(Harper, 1990)。有调查发现,68.9%的经理表示,他们曾因给予下属负面工作 评价而遭到语言攻击(Geddes Marcus Sackett, Berry, Wiemann, Hollinger Hollinger Robinson Spector, Fox, Skarlicki Skarlicki, Folger, Martinko, Gundlach

15、, Weiner, 1995);反过来,对负性事件进行内部归因常导致 个人对自己的消极体验,包括自我否定和无助感(Martinko Martinko, Gundlach, & Douglas, 2002)。经历了高水平负性情绪的人更容易沉浸在 消极的工作状态中,也更倾向于实施反生产行为。要知道,对负性事件进行内部归因是 中国文化背景下,社会道德对大众的一种完美要求,既然是完美要求,就意味着,并非 人人都可以做到, 即便外在形式做到了, 也未必就能达到圣人般的境界, 做到心甘情愿、 表里一致。一旦做出了非自己本能的归因行为,便会在内心产生矛盾和冲突。一旦体验 到冲突和压力,就会产生负性情绪,从而

16、又增加了反生产行为的发生频率。 (2) 第四种归因风格(外部不稳定归因)对反生产行为及其各个维度均起到负向 的调节作用。这就意味着,组织不公正程度越高,持有外部不稳定归因倾向的员工,发 生反生产行为的频率越低。这一类型的归因风格,没有西方理论提及,在西方国家是比 较容易被忽略的类型。而在中国背景下,这种员工应该就是我们常说的比较“看得开” , 有点 “阿 Q 精神” 的那类人, 一般拥有开朗、 豁达的性格。 发生了负性事件, 会认为 “这 次是我运气不好” ,或者“我尽力而为了,听天由命” 。心中没有承担过多的压力,更不 会有自责、内疚等情绪,因而能保持内心的平和,和善地与人相处,与世无争,反生产 行为发生的频率自然就会降低。 (3) 有关指向内部的反生产行为。理论认为,当员工进行稳定的内部归因,会发 讨论 57 生指向自身的反生产行为,如习得性无助,酗酒,滥用药物等。目前,国内外对于指向 自身的反生产行为都没有可用的量表问卷,本研究在这方面做了一些初步的尝



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