2019年秋七年级英语上册 unit 6 do you like bananas(第4课时)分层训练课件 新人教版

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1、第4课时分层训练,Unit 6 Do you like bananas?,课内基础自测,课后巩固提升,课内基础自测,第4课时分层训练,.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 1Lu Han is a pop _(明星) 2My brother doesnt like asking _(问题) 3Do you have good eating _(习惯)? 4She eats _(健康的) food every day. 5I _(真地) like chicken.Its delicious.,really,star,questions,habits,healthy,第4课时分层训练,.用所给单词的适当形

2、式填空 1Sally wants _ (be) my friend. 2John Smith _ (eat) chicken and vegetables for lunch. 3Sam plays basketball very _ (good) 4Carrots are _ (health) food. 5Dale likes pears, but I dont like _ (they),them,to be,eats,well,healthy,课后巩固提升,第4课时分层训练,.单项填空 ( )1._ lunch, Bill and his brother _ hamburgers AF

3、or; like BFor; likes CTo; like DTo; likes,A,第4课时分层训练,( )2.I like _ TV with my friends. Awatch Bwatching Cwatches Dwatchs,【解析】 like后接v.ing形式或动词不定式。,B,第4课时分层训练,( )3.Excuse me. Can I ask you _ your family? Afor Bof Con D. about ( )4.My brother eats some bread and an egg for breakfast. (选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一

4、项) Ahave Bhas Clike Dwant,【解析】 haveeat,意为“吃”。my brother为第三人称单数形式,故选B。,D,B,第4课时分层训练,( )5.These sports _ eat _ every day. Astar; well Bstar; good Cstars; well Dstars; good,C,第4课时分层训练,( )6.I want some _ and_ Astrawberry; bread Bstrawberries; bread Cstrawberries; breads Dstrawberry; breads,【解析】 some修饰可数

5、名词复数和不可数名词。 strawberry是可数名词,应用复数形式; bread是不可数名词。故选B。,B,第4课时分层训练,( )7.Tom wants_ an apple. Aeat Bto eating Cto eat Deating ( )8.2017南京I go swimming every day. Wow! Thats a good _. It keeps you healthy. A. match Btask C. habit D. dream,【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:“我每天去游泳。”“哇!那是一个好习惯。它使你保持健康。”habit意为“习惯”,符合语境。故选C。,C

6、,C,第4课时分层训练,( )9.2017十堰I usually have _ breakfast at home. I think its good for my health. Aa Ban C. the D. /,【解析】考查冠词。句意:我通常在家吃早饭,我认为这对我的健康是有益的。三餐之前不用冠词。故选D。,( )10.Frank likes fruit,_ he eats some apples. Abut Bor Cso D/,D,C,第4课时分层训练,.按要求完成下列各题,每空一词 1He doesnt like eggs for breakfast.(改为肯定句) He_ eg

7、gs for breakfast. 2Tom likes meat and vegetables for supper.(对画线部分提问) _ Tom _ for supper? 3They have radios.(改为单数句) She _.,likes,What does,like,has a radio,第4课时分层训练,4His father plays pingpong well.(改为一般疑问句) _ his father _ pingpong well? 5Jack eats hamburgers for dinner.(改为否定句) Jack _ hamburgers for

8、dinner.,doesnt eat,Does,play,第4课时分层训练,.根据汉语意思完成句子 1就早餐而言,李梅喜欢吃鸡蛋、香蕉和苹果。 _, Li Mei likes eggs, bananas and apples. 2他真的喜欢这本书。 He _ the book. 3海伦不想变胖。 Helen _fat.,For breakfast,really likes,doesnt want to be,第4课时分层训练,4晚饭后我吃一些水果。 I have some fruit _ 5我哥哥有健康的饮食习惯。 My brother has _,healthy eating habits,

9、after dinner,第4课时分层训练,.完形填空 _1_ name is Li Lei. I have _2_ brothers, Li Ping and Li Shan. We _3_hamburgers for lunch. Li Ping and I like rice. But Li Shan _4_ like it. I dont like eggs for dinner, but my brothers like them. I think we need to eat _5_food every day. I eat _6_ oranges and bananas ever

10、y day. My brothers eat icecream. I _7_ like icecream. I dont want _8_ fat. Please tell me something _9_ your _10_habits.,第4课时分层训练,( )1.A.My BI CHer DHis,( )3.A.likes Blike Chas Ddoesnt have ( )4.A.dont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent,( )2.A.four Bthree Ctwo Done,【解析】考查物主代词。由下文内容可知,短文以第一人称叙述,故选A。,【解析】短文中提到Li Pi

11、ng和Li Shan两个人,故有两个弟弟。,【解析】考查助动词。在一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数时,实义动词前加doesnt构成否定句。,A,C,B,B,第4课时分层训练,( )7.A.dont Bdoesnt Cam not Dnot ( )8.A.to Bis Cto be Dbe ( )9.A.for Bat Cin Dabout ( )10.A.eat Beats Ceating Dto eat,( )5.A.healthy Ba lot Clot Dmany ( )6.A.much Bmany Ca lot Da lots of,【解析】 oranges和 bananas是复数名词

12、,不能用much(只能修饰不可数名词)修饰;a lot只用在动词后;a lots of不正确。many修饰可数名词复数。故选B。,A,B,A,C,D,C,第4课时分层训练,.阅读理解 Alicia is a tennis star. She is fourteen years old. She has breakfast after she gets up. She and her friend Cindy usually play tennis for three hours in the morning. She has a big lunchlots of healthy food: a

13、pples, bananas, eggs, carrots, chicken and fish. She has classes in the afternoon. Then she does her homework. After dinner she watches tennis games on TV. She has a happy life.,第4课时分层训练,( )1.Alicia is _. Aa pingpong star Btwenty Cfourteen Da basketball star ( )2.Alicia plays tennis for _ in the mor

14、ning. Atwo hours Bthree hours Cfour hours Dsix hours,C,B,第4课时分层训练,( )3.Alicia usually has _ for lunch. Ahamburgers Bicecream Ctomatoes Dchicken ( )4.Alicia _ in the afternoon. Ahas classes and does her homework Bswims Cspeaks English Dgoes to the movies,D,A,第4课时分层训练,( )5.Alicia watches tennis games on TV _ Ain the morning Bin the evening Cin the afternoon D. after lunch,B,第4课时分层训练,.任务型阅读 Hello! I am Sandra C


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