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1、中国科学技术大学 硕士学位论文 压缩传感理论研究及其在图像纹理分割中的应用 姓名:刘凤霞 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:信号与信息处理 指导教师:叶中付 2011-04 摘 要 I 摘摘 要要 奈奎斯特-香农(Nyquist - Shannon)采样定理要求信号的采样率必须高于信 号最高频率的两倍,原信号才能从采样值里得到不失真的重构。但是对于稀疏信 号而言,原信号压缩后的数据量仅为原信号数据量的一部分。因此这种先采样后 压缩的信号处理模式会造成资源的浪费。压缩传感理论作为一种新兴理论,将集 采样和压缩同时进行。它指出对于可压缩或稀疏信号,可在远少于传统采样值的 情况下精确的重构原信号。压缩传感理

2、论以信号的稀疏性为前提,为传统的信号 处理带来了革命性的突破。本文的主要工作和贡献如下: 1. 在稀疏基为冗余基的情况下,设计测量矩阵,使得稀疏基和测量矩阵组 成的压缩传感矩阵具有最优的性能。 首先对近年来该研究方向的研究成果和最新 进展进行搜集、整理和总结。然后针对 M. Elad 提出的最优投影(Optimized Projection,OP)算法进行了改进,使得压缩传感矩阵有更好的性能,即相同稀 疏度的前提下,能用最少的测量值进行重构;或者在相同测量值的情况下,重构 出来的信号与原信号之间的误差最小。 2. 由 S. Rosset 和 J. Zhu 在 2007 年提出来的分段线性路径解

3、算法 (Piecewise Linear Regularized Solution Paths)由于涉及了矩阵的求逆问题,因此该算法只能 在矩阵满秩的情况下运行。在矩阵欠秩的情况下该算法是失效的。我们受到 Ch. Ong, S. Shao, J. Yang 对 T. Hastie,S. Rosset,J. Zhu 提出的支持向量机规则化 路径算法修正方法的启发。对分段线性路径解算法中的矩阵求逆问题进行了修 正。并通过实验验证了改进的分段线性解算法的优越性。 3. 将压缩传感理论引入纹理分割问题。首先,将纹理图像看作是某些纹理 基元有轻微差别的循环, 因此纹理识别问题可以看作是多线性回归模型中的

4、一个 分类问题。其次,用压缩传感理论中 1 ? -最小化方法将纹理块分解成过完备集的 一个线性组合,并将纹理块在该完备集上的稀疏系数作为纹理的特征量。然后, 对该特征量采用一定的准则对其识别。当纹理类被识别后,我们再利用纹理的连 续性把属于该纹理类的所有非边缘部分分割出来。 最后通过细分割把边缘部分分 割出来。 关键字关键字:压缩传感 冗余基 纹理分割 恢复算法 Abstract III ABSTRACT As we known, the Nyquist - Shannon sampling theorem points out the conditions needed for the si

5、gnal exact reconstruction without distortion is that the sampling rate of the signal must be at least twice as the highest frequency. As for sparse signals, the compressed data of the original signal is only part of the original signal data. The mode of first sampling then compressing will cause was

6、te of resources. The theory of Compressed Sensing as an emerging theory, offers a joint compression and sensing process for the sparse or compressible signal. The signal can be exactly reconstructed though the measurements which are much less than conventional sampling data. As for the Compressed Se

7、nsing theory, the sparsity of the signal is required. A revolutionary breakthrough has been brought to the traditional signal processing from the Compressed Sensing theory. The main work we have down is as follows: 1. If the redundant dictionary is fixed, how to design a suitable measurement matrix

8、so that the compressed sensing matrix composed by the measurement matrix and redundant dictionary has the optimal performance. We firstly investigate the newest academic achievements and progress at home and abroad in this direction. We improved the optimal projection proposed by M. Elad, making the

9、 compressed sensing matrix has optimal performance. The optimal performance is that, for the signals with the same sparsity, it can reconstruct the signal using the least measurements. In the other words, with the same measurements, the compressed sensing matrix can reconstruct the signal with the s

10、mallest error. 2. The piecewise linear regularized solution paths algorithm proposed by S. Rosset and J. Zhu in 2007 is valid based on the premise that the matrix is full rank. Inspired by the method that Ch. Ong, S. Shao and J. Yang have used for modifying the Entire Regularization path algorithm f

11、or the Support Vector Machine proposed by T. Hastie, S. Rosset and J. Zhu. We improved this algorithm by solving the problem of the inversion of singular matrix. The new algorithm is verified through experiment. 3. The Compressed Sensing theory is introduced into the texture segmentation problem. We

12、 firstly consider the texture image as a cycle-extension of small texture atom. We cast the texture recognition problem as one of classifying among multiple linear regression models. Secondly, the texture image is decomposed as a linear combination of the overcomplete dictionary by 1 ? -minimization

13、 in the Compressed Abstract IV Sensing theory and the coefficients of the image is considered as the feature vector. Then, this texture class will be recognized by some criteria on the feature vector. Afterwards, as the texture class has been recognized, we are able to use the texture images structu

14、re feature, consistency, to segment all the parts of the texture image belonging to this class. The edges will be segmented by the fine segmentation. Key word: Compressed Sensing, Redundant dictionary,Texture segmentation, Reconstruction algorithm 中国科学技术大学学位论文原创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下进行研究工作所取得的 成

15、果。除已特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含任何他人已经发表或 撰写过的研究成果。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的贡献均已在论文中作 了明确的说明。 作者签名:_ 签字日期:_ 中国科学技术大学学位论文授权使用声明 作为申请学位的条件之一,学位论文著作权拥有者授权中国科学技术大学 拥有学位论文的部分使用权,即:学校有权按有关规定向国家有关部门或机构 送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅,可以将学位论文编入中 国学位论文全文数据库等有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描 等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。本人提交的电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内 容相一致。 保密的学位论文在解密后也

16、遵守此规定。 公开 保密(_年) 作者签名:_ 导师签名:_ 签字日期:_ 签字日期:_ 第 1 章 绪论 1 第第 1 章章 绪论绪论 压缩传感理论又称压缩采样理论(Compressed Sensing or Compressed Sampling, CS) ,它是由著名的数学家 D. Donoho 与 E. Candes 在 2006 年提出的 1,2。该理论一提出就引起了巨大的轰动,这是因为压缩传感理论的应用前提已 不再是带限信号,取而代之的是稀疏信号。它指出对于满足条件的稀疏信号可在 远少于奈奎斯-香农采样定理要求的采样值的情况下精确的重构原信号。这种集 采样压缩为一体的信号处理新模式,为信号处理领域带来了革命性的突破,因此 得到了研究人员的广泛关注。本章首先论述压缩传感理论的研究背景及意义;然 后介绍压缩传感理论基本原理和国内外的研究现状; 最后简要阐述本文的主要工


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