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1、1. 虽然他们学到了许多英语单词的意思,但他们似乎不能用那种语言来思维。(seem; think in the language)Though they have learned the meanings of some English words, they seem unable to think in the language. 2. 他在美国逗留时学到了一些美国英语。(pick up)They picked up some American English during his stay in America. 3. 他自己得出结论,而不是等待老师解释。(form conclusion

2、; instead of)He formed his own conclusion instead of waiting for the teacher to explain. 4. 狄克很聪明,但迄今为止他的语言学习并不成功。(intelligent; less than successful)Dick is very intelligent but his language learning has been less than successful so far. 5. 据说学习一门语言的最好方法是和说那种语言的人交际。(communicate with)It is said that

3、the best way to learn a foreign language is to communicate with the people who speak it.6. 当你去北京时,一定要腾出一整天去游颐和园。(be sure to; set aside)When you go to Beijing, be sure to set aside a whole day to visit the Summer Palace. 7. 她似乎忧虑的几乎不能集中思想学功课了。(seem; concentrate on)She seemed so anxious that she could

4、nt concentrate on her lessons. 8. 这位家庭主妇上超级市场前把她要购买的东西列了一张单子。(make a list of)The housewife made a list of all the things she wanted to buy before going to the supermarket. 9. 每个学生每星期被指定做一篇作文,但如果他想多写些也可以。(assign)Every student is assigned to write a composition each week, but he can write more if he w

5、ants to. 10. 我们利用去那所大学的机会大致了解了一下该校英语系的情况。(take advantage of; get a general idea of)We took advantage of the chance of going to the university to get a general idea of the English department of it. 11. 老人住院时不了解外界的情况。(get no information about)The old man got no information about the outside when in ho

6、spital 12. 报纸的第一页是我们了解当天最重要新闻的地方。(where)The first page of a newspaper is where we know the most important news of the day. 13. 有关方面对建造中的隧道的情况做出了报道。(reports have been given on; be in progress)Reports have been given on the tunnel which is in progress. 14. 对于想要了解医学科学新的发展的人来说,这本杂志是很有帮助的。(be informed of

7、)The magazine is very helpful to those who want to be informed of the new development of the medical science. 15. 我们在学校学习的各门功课都各自有用,很难说哪一门更有用,哪一门不怎么有用。 (useful in its own way)Every subject is useful in its own way; its hard to say which one is more useful and which one is less useful. 16. 诺贝尔奖金被认为是科

8、学家能希望得到的最大荣誉。(consider; honour)The Nobel Prize is considered the greatest honour that scientists hope to win. 17. 爱因斯坦因他杰出的相对论而被授予诺贝尔物理奖。(award; theory of relativity)Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics for his outstanding theory of relativity. 18. 居里夫人是第一个获得两项诺贝尔奖金的人。(the first person w

9、ho)Madam Curie was the first person who won two Nobel Prizes. 19. 诺贝尔发了大财,但他发明的炸药杀死了很多人,为此他感到悲伤。(make a large fortune; be saddened by)Nobel made a large fortune, but he was saddened by the fact that the explosives he invented killed many people. 20. 这男孩因帮助了陌生旅客而受到了奖励,奖励的形式是两大条巧克力。(reward; in the for

10、m of)The boy was rewarded in the form of two bars of chocolate for helping strange passengers. 21. 我不在乎花钱买这药,但我不知道这药对你是否有效。(mind buying)I dont mined buying the medicine, but I dont know whether the medicine will have effect on you. 22. 因为在物理方面做出了重要发现,他得到了最高的荣誉。(make discovery; top honour)He won top

11、honours because he had made important discoveries in physics. 23. 这位年青人对写小说感兴趣,他对写作所得的报酬并不在意。(take little notice of)The young man was interested in writing novels, taking little notice of the pay for it. 24. 是那些实验使她相信这理论是正确的。(It was that; makebelieve)It was those experiments that made her believe th

12、at the theory was right. 25. 这位科学家在大学里得到了一个好职位,以便继续他的科学研究。(be offered a post; go on with)The scientist was offered a good post in the university so that he could go on with his scientific research. 26. 他直到看到了红灯才觉察到危险。(be conscious of)He was not conscious of the danger until he saw the red lights. 27

13、. 很难想象这位电影明星在电影界一直活跃了长达半个世纪之久。(remain active)Its hard to imagine that the film star remains active in the film circle as long as half a century. 28. 她的睡眠取决于周围环境,只要有一点吵闹声她就整夜合不上眼。(depend on; stay awake)Her sleep depends on the surroundings; a little noise will make her stay awake the whole night. 29.

14、 不管你给我什么样的礼物,都说明你想到我。(whichever)Whichever gift you give me, it means you have thought of me. 30. 如果你睡觉时做一点梦,对你的健康是无害的。(no harm is done)No harm is done if you have some dreams when sleeping.31. 只有知道实验结果以后,我们才能得出正确的结论。(form a conclusion)Only after we know the result of the experiment, can we form a co

15、rrect conclusion. 32. 你睡觉以前一定要把门关好。(be sure to)Be sure to close the door before you go to bed. 33. 画图是她的嗜好,它几乎占据了她所有的业余时间。(occupy)Drawing is her hobby, which almost occupies all of her free time. 34. 她很好的利用她在国外逗留的时间学习外语。(make good use of)She made good use of her staying abroad to learn English. 35.

16、我不知道他的语言学习为什么不很成功。(less than successful)I dont know why his language learning has been less than successful. 36. 你只要仔细的看一下这幅图,你就会很容易发现那不是毕加索画的。(take a close look)If you take a close look at the painting, you will easily find it wasnt painted by Picasso. 37. 据说每一个生物都能以自己的方式来保护自己。(in its own way)It is said that every creature can protect itself in its own way. 38. 人们读报为的是获悉国内外发生的事情。(be informed about)People read newspapers in order to be informed about what is happen


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