(广州版)五年级英语上册教案 Module 4 Unit 10(period 1)

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1、广州市小学五年级英语上册Module 4 Travel Unit 10 Where are you doing on holiday?Team备课小组Author执笔 Module/Topic 模块及话题MODULE 5Unit 单元 Unit 10Title 题目Where Are You Going on Holiday?Type of lesson 课型 dialogueObjectives:教学目标教学目标1.语言知识目标:掌握“四会”单词:get to by train stay on foot live 掌握“三会”单词:fantastic Hong Kong super掌握句型:

2、A. How are you going to get ? By B.Where are you going to?2.语言技能目标:A. 能理解和运用所学句子。B.能用所学语言谈论假期计划。3.情感态度目标:了解和合理选择旅行目的地。4.学习策略目标:积极思考,联系实际,主动练习和实践所学内容。Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:1.对单词的理解和记忆。2.句型的理解和运用。TeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体 电脑,Powerpoint 软件。Teaching Resource教学资源网络图库收集的图片。Teaching Procedures教学过程Teac

3、hing activity & Steps of the activity教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略Purpose设计意图1、 Warm-up2.Pre-task 3.While-taskA. Sing the song “The Wheels on the bus”。 A. Review and present words of vehicles.a. T shows pictures of vehicles and the pupils shout the words.b. Present new words B. Present new

4、 sentence patterns.a. T shows pictures and asks Ss about their holiday plans.-School holiday is coming soon. Xiaoling, where are you going on your holiday?-Im going to .-How are you going there? By train?-Yes, Im going there by train.b. T writes down the sentences and asks Ss to read it aloud. c. T

5、show s pictures of cities and asks and answers with Ss with the sentences. T present A. 学生唱歌并做动作。a. 学生大声念出单词。b. 学生学习和记忆新单词“on foot” and “train.”a. 学生积极思考并回答问题。b. 学生跟读句子。c. 学生与老师问答,观察黑板上的句子总结规律。d. 学生编对话。e. 学生表演自编A. 热身。a. 复习单词。b. 复习句型以及学习新单词。a. 引起学生自觉思考问题。b.帮助学生熟悉句子。c.鼓励学生开口说英语并养成观察总结的习惯。d,e.给学生机会运用所学

6、知识。A. 把学生的思维引到4.Post-task5.AssignmentsThats fantastic/nice/cool. as well. d. T asks Ss to talk in groups.e. Groups perform their dialogues.A. T leads Ss to the background of the dialogue.“Some friends are talking about their plans on holiday. Where and how are they going? Lets see.”B. T plays the di

7、alogue twice by VCD and Ss listen carefully and then answer the questions above.C. Ss listen to paragraph 1 and read it after the tape.D. Ss listen to paragraph 2 and read it after the tape.E. T explains phrases of time “a half past seven” and asks Ss to read it as a chunk.F. Present paragraph 3 and

8、 4 as the same.G. Ss practice to read the dialogue and then read it out in front of the class.A. Sum-up new words and sentence patterns.B. Ss try to write down the words and sentences.A. Read the dialogue.B. Copy the new words.的对话。A. 学生思考老师的问题。B. 学生听对话并回答 A.的问题。C. 学生听对话并朗读。D. 学生听对话并朗读。E. 学生认真听老师的讲解。G. 学生听对话,朗读和表演朗读。课文上来。B.使学生对整篇对话有一个整体认识。C.逐段学习对话。D. 逐段学习对话。E.使学生对该种时间表达方法有一个基本认识。G.使学生熟悉对话内容和句子。


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