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1、Unit 1A1. 倒时差2. 周到的安排3. 热情好客4. 纪念品5. 食宿6. 提取行李7. 进行海关检查8. 活动安排9. 告别词10. 适应时差B1. to hold a banquet in honor of 2. to bid farewell to3. to come all the way to4. to be/feel honored5. I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6. a welcoming address7. to pay tribute to8. to look back9. to look ahea

2、d10. happy memoryA1. 我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿。2. 今天,我们怀着喜悦的心情欢聚在这里,欢迎来自ABC公司的布朗先生。3. 这使我有了一个重见老朋友,认识新朋友的好机会。4. 很遗憾我们要离开贵国了。说真的,这是一次非常有趣、收获很大的访问。5. 能接待你们,我们感到很高兴。我们衷心感谢你们的光临。B1 Mr. Smith, Im very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope y

3、oull have a pleasant visit here.2 As a Chinese saying goes, “Isnt it a great pleasure to have friends coming from afar?3 Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.4 I hope you will be frank with us and give whatever opinions and suggestio

4、ns you may have in regard to the tentative schedule. Well see what we can do to meet your wishes.5 You are welcome to visit us again any time. Our door is always open to friends.Text A尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们:非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎次。中国是最古老的文明发源地之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年梦寐以求的愿望。这次访问使我有机会重见老朋友,结交新朋友,我为自己能访问归国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和

5、荣幸之感.我对你们为我达到贵国后所做的安排深表谢意。作为在一家中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理中存在着差异。基于不同的文化传统,我们的美国同事比大部分中国同行来得直率。我无法断言我们美国的经营方式一定在中国之上。毕竟各有各的优点和弊病。近年来,越来越多的美国管理人员已经认识到中国人那种更具人情味的管理方式的长处。很高兴我们能交换意见和信息,并达成共识。我希望在今后的日子里,我能有机会就此话题与各位交换自己的看法。谢谢!Text BIn-David: 你好!我是Willa公司的销售代表。你是中安科技公司派来接我们的吗?In-Li: Hi, Mr. Anderson

6、! Yes, I am. My name is Li Hua from the International Business Department of Zhongan. Welcome to Shenzhen.In-David: 谢谢!In-Li: Have you claimed all your luggage?In-David: 全取了。In-Li: Then this way please. My car is in the parking lot across the street. Shall we go there now?In-David: 好的In-Li: Did you

7、have a good flight? Did you fly directly from Vancouver to Shenzhen?In-David: 谢谢,是的。旅途还不错,服务很好,13个小时的直达航班。In-Li: What a long trip!In-David: 在飞机上没睡好,所以现在有点累,明天会有时差反应。In-Li: How about going straight to the hotel? We have booked a room for you at the Garden Hotel.In-David: 好的。In-Li: The first time to C

8、hina?In-David: 是啊。深圳真是漂亮极了。In-Li: Well, in that case, we shall try to make your visit as pleasant as possible, so that you will take home happy memories. Fortunately, we are enjoying beautiful spring weather and spring is the best season in Shenzhen.In-David: 我真是赶上好季节了。In-Li: Please allow me to talk

9、 briefly about your schedule. There will be no arrangement for tomorrow. You can have a good rest and recover from jet lag.In-David: 好注意,我是要好好休息一下。In-Li: Tomorrow night, we will have dinner in the Yueweixian Restaurant, a chance for you to try the Cantonese cuisine.In-David: 太好了,我喜欢中国菜。In-Li: On the

10、 morning of the day after tomorrow, we will show you around in our factory. On the afternoon, we will discuss our cooperation. Then you will visit Splendid China Theme Park.In-David: 你会给我一个时间表吗?我想看看你们的工厂以调查一下从贵公司进口汽车配件的可能性。In-Li: Sure. If you have any personal problems or business problems, please l

11、et me know. I will do all that I can to help.In-David: 好的。In-Li: Here we are! Get on the car, please.Text CIn-Smith: 朱先生,你远道来送行,真是太客气了。In-Zhu: Not at all. Its a pity that you are leaving us.In-Smith: 我也不愿意离开你们。In-Zhu: Have you checked in?In-Smith: 还没有。In-Zhu: Now, lets go through the Customs. This w

12、ay, please. Here is something Id like you to keep as a souvenir.In-Smith: 谢谢,那我打开了。啊,是中国画,太漂亮了。这马画得真好。In-Zhu: I am glad you like it. I hope it will remind you of me and of our friendship.In-Smith: 真不知道如何感谢你才好。我很高兴有这幅画来帮我想起我在这里度过的时光。In-Zhu: Thanks. I appreciate very much everything youve done for us.

13、 I wish I could repay you somehow.In-Smith: 别客气。In-Zhu: Listen! Its announcing the departure of your flight.In-Smith: 是啊,那我去登机了。In-Zhu: As a famous Chinese saying goes, “Although a thousand miles a person can see off a friend, he has no choice but to say good-bye in the end.” I wish you a pleasant j

14、ourney.In-Smith: 希望再次见到你。In-Zhu: Good-bye. And dont forget to keep in touch.Supplementary ExercisesTask 41. 在中国度过的6天真的是非常愉快,令人难忘。2. 我特别要感谢我们的中国伙伴们。3. 你从远道赶来机场接我,真是太客气了。4. 我想借此机会代表我所有的同事对你们热情周到的接待和无与伦比的好客表示感谢。5. 我能荣幸地邀请在座的各位跟我一起举杯吗?Text DOn the occasion of this New Years Eve of national celebration,

15、and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering. You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle. This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to a world market, and a decade of your dedication without any c



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