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1、2017-2018学年度小升初英语测试卷听力部分(40分)一 选出你所听到的单词( )1 A climbB climbingC club( )2 A skirtB hurtC feature( )3 A catchB caughtC bought( )4 A fallB fellC feel( )5 A behindB betweenC beside二听录音,给下列图片排序( )( )( )( )( )三 听录音,选择正确的答语( )1 A Its on October 16thB Its FridayC Its five oclock.( )2 A Theyre going to have

2、a picnicB Were going to see a playC Theyre playing football( )3 A He is shorter than me B He is short and thin C He likes flying kites( )4 A Its rainyB I like winterC its yours( )5 A No,he didntB Yes,I didC Yes,I do四 听录音,句子正(T)误(F)( )1 Keep your desk clean( )2 Look! The little elephant is drinking w

3、ater( )3 Bob played basketball last Monday( )4 I would like some hamburgers and juice( )5 My favourite colour is blue笔试部分(60分)一 单项选择(10)( )1 There is _ orange and _banana on the plate A an anB an a C a an( )2 Thank you for _A comesB comeC coming( )3 Give the teachers _booksA theirB theirsC they( )4

4、_would you like _breakfast?A How ofB What ofC What for( )5 English is _than FrenchA easyB easierC the easiest( )6 Will you take your kite tomorrow?- _A Yes,I amB No,I wontC No,I dont( )7 What class does she _at school today? -She_ English class and Chinese class.A has haveB has hasC have has( )8 Ros

5、e often _on Sundays. And now she is _A swim swimmingB swims swimmingC swimming swim( )9 Can I use your book?- _A No problemB Youre welcomeC Its nice( )10 - _ Where is the past office?-go straight and its on your rightA Im sorryB Excuse meC Thank you二 从II栏中给I栏各句选择相匹配的答语(5)III( )1 How do you know that

6、?A Now I love to ice-skate( )2 What are they talking about?B I had a race with Dad and Max( )3 How about now?C I looked it up on the Internet( )4 What did you dream about?D The cheetah( )5 What animal can run very fast?E Mikes old photos三 选出正确的单词填空(5)1 There _( A is B are ) more dinosaurs over there

7、.2 Who is _ (A short B shorter ) than you ?3 I _(A cleaned B clean ) my room yesterday.4 We can write _ (A a B an) email and say sorry to them.5 Bill is _(A play B playing) ping-pong.四 用所给单词的正确形式填空(5)1 I think she is _ (thin) than me.2 September is the _(nine) month of the year.3 He _(write) a lette

8、r yesterday.4 Did you go _(swim)last Sunday?5 What will happen to _(I)?五 连词成句1 you last did what do weekend ?_2 I You than stronger am ._3 see can I pictures sometime your ?_4 are some the in sheep zoo there ._5 going a see this we film Sunday are to ._from playing them artist listening hair new com

9、es near teaches teaches六 根据短文内容造词填空(10)There are two 1 classmates in my class. They are Jim and Candy. Jim is 2 Canada. He likes 3 football and 4 to music. He often 5 us English after class. Candy 6 from the UK. Shes pretty. She has long 7 . She lives 8 the school. She likes pictures. She wants to b

10、e an 9 in the future. We like 10 very much.七 阅读理解(10)(一) 根据短文内容,判断句子正误,正确写T,错误写F(5) Jack stayed at home last weekend. He ate a lot of chocolates, ice-cream, chips apples, bananas and chicken. After a moment he felt sick. He had a stomachache. His mother asked him to take some medicine. After about t

11、hree hours, Jack felt better. His mother said to him, “ You shouldnt eat too much food from now on. Thats not a good habit.”( )1 Jack was at home last weekend( )2 Jack ate a lot of chocolates, ice-cream and eggs( )3 Jack had a headache( )4 Jacks mother asked Jack to take some medicine.( )5 Jack has

12、a bad habit.(二) 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案(5)Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. One day he went to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and then went in. But after two or three minutes he came out, bought a second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes

13、 he came out, bought a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he came out and asked for another tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Tom answered,” No, I have no friends here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears (撕) my ticket to pieces.”( )1 Tom is _ years old.A sevenB sixC nine( )2 It was _for Tom to go to the cinema alone.A the second timeB the third timeC the first time( )3 Tom bought _before the girl asked him


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