外研版2020八年级英语初二上册Module 12同步练习

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1、外研社八年级上英语测试Module 121. Would you like to go shopping with me? -_.A. I wouldB. Yes, I would love C. Yes, Id love to D. Thank2. My sister _ to help me with my English. A. offer B. offered C. offered to D. offerred3. At last, they _ to go there next Sunday.A. decidedB. decidingC. decide D. decides4. My

2、 hope is _ more in the future.A. understandingB. understoodC. to understandD. to understood5. The captain fell in love _ the beautiful girl.A. toB. in C. withD. of6. Shes very _ and she sings _.A. beautiful, beautifulB. beautifully, beautifullyC. beautiful, beautifullyD. beautifully, beautiful7. _ t

3、he word “play” _ the same?A. Is, meaningB. Is, meanC. Does, meaning D. Does, mean8. It asked us to see the Teahouse _ the centre _ the neighborhood.A. as, ofB. in, inC. on, onD. on, in9. Its a good way _ down the different meaning and remember them together.A. of write B. to write C. writes D. to wr

4、iting10. We didnt want to party _.A. endingB. endsC. to end D. to ending11. When its sunny on Sunday, I often _ a trip.A. haveB. am havingC. hasD. having12. When do you do when it rains? -I _ a book.A. readB. readsC. reading D. am reading13. Its a good idea _ an umbrella.A. bringB. bringingC. brings

5、 D. to bring14. -_ weather! Its raining. Bad luck! We have to stay at home all day.A. What fineB. How fineC. How bad D. What bad15. -_ have you been here? -For a month.A. How often B. How farC. How long D. How soon16. Although I have a bike, _ I like walking to work.A. butB. /C. andD. or17. I knew t

6、hat Mr. Li _ there to help her. A. may beB. might beC. can beD. will be 18. Please look _ these new words in your dictionary. A. forB. atC. afterD. up 19. In Australia you can take photos _ people. A. of B. to C. onD. with20. You cant drive a car _ the age of fourteen.A. in B. atC. onD. to 21. Tony

7、has something nice _. A. eatB. to eatC. eatsD. eating22. You _ give a clock to a Chinese _ a present. A. can, forB. mustnt, asC. cant, inD. can, as23. What _ he _ like? -He is short. A. does, lookB. is, lookC. does, looks D. is, looks24. It is snowing. And anyone _ a good time. A. havingB. hasC. is

8、having D. are having25. _ the weather like today?A. Whats B. What C. Hows D. HowII. 完形填空One morning Mr. Green is driving around the country and 1 a small bookshop. When he sees an old man 2 the other side of the road, he stops his car and says to the old man, “Excuse me. I want 3 to the Sun Bookshop

9、. Do you know it?”“Yes.” The old man answers, “I 4 you the way.” He 5 Mr. Greens car, and they drive about twelve miles. 6 they come to a small house, the old man says, “Stop here.” Mr. Green stops and 7 the house. “But this isnt the 8 ,” he says to the old man. “Right.” the old man answers, “This i

10、s my house. And now Ill show you the 9 to the bookshop. Turn around and go back nine miles. 10 youll see the bookshop.”1. A. look forB. looking forC. findingD. find2. A. on B. inC. atD. by3. A. go B. goesC. goingD. to go4. A. be going to showB. showC. will showD. am showing5. A. is getting inB. gett

11、ing on C. gets into D. get on 6. A. While B. When C. Before D. After7. A. looks at B. looks for C. sees D. watches8. A. shopB. hotelC. sun D. bookshop9. A. streetsB. streetC. way D. ways10. A. So B. ButC. ThanD. ThenSome people work on Sundays but most people dont. Many people get up late, but_(1) d

12、ont. Nearly _(2) reads the Sunday paper. Often the paper is outside the door before the family _(3) up. The Sunday paper is usually very _(4). Many men like to read the world news and sports. Most men dont read the _(5) papers, but the mother of the family usually _(6). These pages have news _(7) pa

13、rties, food, health and clotheMost Sunday papers _(8) parties. Children like to read _(9). Old people can find the old things. There is _(10) for everyone in the Sunday paper. 1. A. otherB. othersC. another D. the other2. A. someoneB. anyC. everyoneD. no one3. A. is gettingB. gets to C. getD. get to

14、4. A. manyB. moreC. mostD. thick5. A. womansB. womensC. a womanD. mens6. A. didB. doC. is doingD. does7. A. aboutB. atC. onD. in8. A. haveB. hasC. there are D. there is 9. A. theyB. themC. itD. their10. A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. thingsIII. 阅读理解There was once a clockmaker(钟表匠). He had a shop in a busy town. Every day he saw a man stopped by, looked into the window and then walked away as fast as he could. One day the clockmaker asked the man, “Why didnt you c


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