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1、第四章 成本与收益理论,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Contents,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,第一节 成本概述,成本:或称为生产费用。在经济学中,成本是指生产中使用各种生产要素的支出。 成本 =工资+地租+利息+正常利润,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,二、私人成本和社会成本,1、私人成本(private cost):个别厂商使用生产要素时所支付的代价。 2、社会成本(social

2、 cost):整个社会为某项经济活动所支付的代价。 3、关系: 社会成本=私人成本+外在成本,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,三、机会成本与沉没成本,Opportunity cost: all those things that must be forgone to acquire an item. Explicit cost(显成本): also called accounting cost, refer to those expenditure paid for the factors. e.g: workers wage

3、s; rent; intersts,etc Implicit cost(隐成本):those fees should be paid to those factors supplied by the owner.,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Economic profit versus accounting profit,revenue,E.p,A.p,revenue,Opportunity cost,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,沉没成本(Sunk c

4、ost),Sunk cost: refers to those cost has already been committed and cannot be recovered. Let bygones be bygones; Dont cry over spilt milk.,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,四、短期与长期成本,短期(short-run,short-term):至少有一种要素投入不变的时期,称为短期; 长期(long-run,long-term):所有生产要素均为可变的时期。,Southwest Univers

5、ity of Political Science and Law,第二节 短期成本分析,短期(short run)内,厂商不能根据要达到的产量来调整其全部生产要素. 短期成本可区分为固定成本和可变成本。,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,一、短期总成本,固定成本(fixed costs):指在短期内,使用固定生产要素所支付的成本。 可变成本(variable costs):指在短期内,使用可变生产要素所支付的成本。 总成本(total costs):是厂商在短期内为生产一定量的产品对全部生产要素所付出的总成本。 TC(Q)=TF

6、C+TVC(Q),Southwest University of Political Science and Law,图形表现,O,Q,C,FC,VC=f(Q),STC=FC+VC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,二、平均成本和边际成本,平均成本(average cost):即短期平均总成本,指短期内平均每单位产品所消耗的总成本,等于固定成本和平均可变成本之和。 AC=TC/Q=AFC+AVC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,短期平均成本曲线,O,Q,C,AV

7、C,SAC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,短期边际成本,边际成本(marginal cost):指短期内厂商每增加一单位产品所需要增加的成本。 MC=TC/Q=MFC+MVC = MVC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,边际成本递增,边际成本递增规律:不断增加可变生产要素投入,边际成本开始时递减,当要素投入上升到一定程度时递增。,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,边际成本及其与两种平均成本之间

8、的关系,O,Q,C,AVC,SAC,SMC,AVC=SMC; AVC最小; 停止营业点 。,M,SAC=SMC; SAC最小; 收支相抵点 。,N,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,第三节 长期成本分析,长期(long run)是指厂商可以根据他要达到的产量调整其全部生产要素的时期。 因此,长期中一切成本都是可变的,没有固定成本和可变成本之分。,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,一、长期总成本,长期总成本(LTC):在长期生产中,生产要素的的投入比例可任意变动,生

9、产规模不受限制,因此厂商可在任意产量水平上选择要素投入的最佳比例和生产的最低成本。,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,长期总成本与短期总成本,O,C,A,B,C,LTC,STC1,STC2,STC3,Q1,Q2,Q3,Q,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,二、长期平均成本(LAC),指在长期里,对于任一产量水平,所有短期平均成本最小值的组合。,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,长期平均成本(LAC)

10、,O,C,Q,SAC1,SAC2,SAC3,Q1,Q2,LAC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,三、长期边际成本(LMC),O,C,Q,SAC1,SAC2,SAC3,Q1,Q2,LAC,结合长期总成本曲线,SMC1,SMC2,SMC3,Q3,LMC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,四、规模报酬原理与LAC,C,0,Q,Q1,Q2,LAC,ECONOMIES OF SCALE,CONSTANT RETURNS TO SCALE,DISECONOMIES OF S

11、CALE,Economies to scale means that as a plant increases in size: Increased labor specialization; Better use of and greater specialization in management; More efficient use of capital Other factors.,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,MES (minimum efficient scale),Economies and disecono

12、mies of scale are an important determinant of an industrys structure; MES:the lowest level of output at which a firm can minimize long-run average cost.,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,MES(a),First occurs at Q1 units of output; Firms within Q1 and Q2 range are equally efficient; Th

13、e scales of firms are quite different; Such as: food processing; furniture;,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,MES(b),The LAC will decreaces over a wide range of outputs and diseconomies of scale appear only at high levels of output. Most heavy industries,Such as: steel; Automobile; A

14、luminum;,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,MES(c),Economies of scale are few and diseconomies occurs quickly; A particular level of consumer demand will support a large number of relatively small firms. Such as: Clothing industry; Shoe industry; Retail trades;,Southwest University of

15、 Political Science and Law,第四节 收益理论与利润最大化,收益: 总收益(total revenue,TR): TR=P*Q 均收益(average revenue,AR) AR=TR/Q 边际收益(marginal revenue,MR) MR=dTR/dQ,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,二、利润最大化原理,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,2、给定价格条件下企业的利润最大化,条件:P=P0,Southwest University

16、 of Political Science and Law,总收益与总成本,C,R,0,Q,TR,TC,Q1,Q2,利润最大,亏损 最大,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,边际收益与边际成本,C,R,0,Q,Q1,Q2,利润最大,AC,MC,亏损 最大,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,3、需求曲线向下倾斜的利润最大化,条件:P=a-bq,此时有:,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,图形表现,C,R,0,Q,Q1,利润最大,AC,MC,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,附录:生产理论与成本理论 之间的对应关系,1、某企业使用资本


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