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1、阿拉伯糖操纵子,在大肠杆菌中阿拉伯糖的降解需要3个基因:araB、araA和araD,它们形成一个基因簇,简写为araBAD E.Coli 的ara操纵子(arabinose operon)中的araB基因、araA基因和araD基因分别编码阿拉伯糖代谢需要的三种酶: 核酮糖激酶(ribulose kinase), 阿拉伯糖异构酶(arabinose isomerase) 核酮糖-5-磷酸差向异构酶(ribulose-5-phosphate eimerase)。 三个基因的表达受到ara操纵子中第4个基因araC 产物转录因子AraC的调控。,ara操纵子的调控有三个特点: 第一,araC表达

2、受到AraC的自动调控。 第二,AraC既可充当阻遏物,也可作为激活剂。 第三,AraC与CAP结合可充分诱导ara操纵子。,与araBAD相邻的是一个复合的启动子区域和一个调节基因araC,这个AraC蛋白同时显示正、负调节因子的功能。AraBAD和araC基因的转录是分别在两条链上以相反的方向进行的。在标准的遗传学图谱上,araBAD基因簇从启动子PBAD开始向右进行转录,而araC基因则是从Pc向左转录。,AraC蛋白作为PBAD活性正、负调节因子的双重功能是通过该蛋白的两种异构体来实现的。Pr是起阻遏作用的形式,可以与现在尚未鉴定的类操纵区位点相结合,而Pi是起诱导作用的形式,它通过与

3、PBAD启动子结合进行调节。 在没有阿拉伯糖时,Pr形式占优势;一旦有阿拉伯糖存在,它就能够与AraC蛋白结合,使平衡趋向于Pi形式。这样,阿拉伯糖的诱导作用就可以解释为阿拉伯糖与Pr的结合,使Pr离开它的结合位点,然后,产生大量的Pi,并与启动子结合。,因为培养基中含有葡萄糖,所以cAMP-CAP没有与操纵区位点相结合,AraC蛋白处于Pr形式并与A位点结合,RNA聚合酶很少再与Pc结合,araC基因虽然仍有转录,但受到抑制,只有少量 AraC蛋白形成,整个系统几乎处于静止状态。 没有葡萄糖,也没有阿拉伯糖,因为没有诱导物,尽管有cAMP-CAP与操纵区位点相结合,AraC蛋白仍以Pr形式为

4、主,无法与操纵区B位点相结合,无araBAD mRNA转录。无葡萄糖,有阿拉伯糖时,大量araC基因产物以Pi形式存在,并分别与操纵区B、A位点相结合,在cAMP-CAP的共同作用下,araC和araBAD基因大量表达,操纵子充分激活。,araC的表达受到自身产物AraC的自动调控。当没有阿拉伯糖时,AraC起着一个转录阻遏物的作用。 细胞中AraC蛋白质稳态水平的测量表明,阻遏araC转录大约需要40个AraC。因此当AraC蛋白水平低时(就是说在细胞刚分裂之后),araC将表达直至存在足够的AraC去阻遏它的转录。,阿拉伯糖作为E.Coli的碳源,可以诱导ara操纵子的转录。当细胞中葡萄糖

5、水平高(导致cAMP处于低浓度)和阿拉伯糖水平低时,AraC阻遏araB,araA,araD的转录。 然而当阿拉伯糖水平高,而葡萄糖水平低(cAMP高)时,CAP-cAMP复合物能够与ara操纵子中的CAP结合部位结合,使DNA突环打开。,阿拉伯糖的作用象AraC的一个调控器,可将AraC由一个阻遏物转换为一个激活剂。阿拉伯糖与AraC结合似乎改变了AraC同源二聚体化特性和促进了AraC-CAP复合物的形成。在这样的条件下,AraC阿拉伯糖的作用象是一个转录激活剂,这正是CAP-cAMP诱导araB,araA,araD转录所需要的。,当由于araBAD编码的蛋白质的代谢使得阿拉伯糖水平下降时

6、,AraC又转换成一个阻遏物,同时araBAD转录减少,此时尽管CAP-cAMP复合物仍然存在于细胞中。有趣的是,当葡萄糖和阿拉伯糖都很丰富时,ara操纵子被阻遏,但阻遏的道理现在还不完全清楚,但这个结果表明araBAD诱导与AraC-阿拉伯糖和CAP-cAMP复合物都有关。,When the araC protein is bound to the operator araO1, transcription from PC is prevented. When arabinose levels are low, the AraC protein acts as a repressor and

7、 binds to two operator sites, araO1 and araO2, as well as to araI. Binding to araO1 inhibits transcription of the araC gene itself. Thus, araC is autoregulated at the level of its own transcription. AraC molecules bound to araO2 and araI interact with each other to form a DNA loop. This structure ca

8、uses repression of transcription of the araBAD genes.,Arabinose Operon,1. Coordinated expression of Arabinose Isomerase, ribulokinase, and an epimerase in response to arabinose “diet“ in E. Coli in absence of glucose. (Ara A, Ara B, Ara D).,Gene organization deduced from genetics. Two operators (Ara

9、 O1 and Ara O2) control expression of the BAD genes.,2. Ara C codes for a protein (C-protein) which mediates repression of BAD expression by binding to Ara O2.,3. C-Protein also represses its own synthesis at low concentrations of cAMP and represses BAD expression unless arabinose is present. a. C-P

10、rotein footprint at three sites (Ara O1, Ara O2, and Ara I) -in absence of aribinose and presence of glucose (low cAMP).,4. However genetically both AraI and AraO2 needed to inhibit BAD expression - proposed that Ara C protein binds simultaneously to AraI and AraO2.,When arabinose present, BAD expre

11、ssion is enhanced but C-protein synthesis still repressed. (absence of glucose, hi cAMP) a. Under this condition still see footprinting at same three sites of DNA. Found under this condition, CAP site is also bound with CAP protein and cAMP (so C-protein can act either as an repressor or an activator depending on presence of arabinose.) b. Analysis of the DNA structure indicates C-protein forms a loop in the DNA when the CAP site is not filled.,The Arabinose Operon,This loop prevents RNA transcription,No Arabinose present, operon OFF,Arabinose present, Glucose absent, operon ON,



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