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1、2014年职称英语资格考试卫生类A级补全短文模拟练习题以下内容是2014年职称英语资格考试卫生类A级补全短文模拟练习题,如需更多考试资讯,敬请关注查询考试宝典,更多考试资料,试题命中率高!why would they falsely confess? why on earth would an innocent person falsely confess to committing a crime? to most people, it just doesnt seem logical. but it is logical, say experts, if you understand wh

2、at can happen in a police interrogation (审讯) room under the right conditions, peoples minds are susceptible (易受影响的) to influence, and the pressure put on suspects during police grillings (盘问) is enormous.(1) the pressure is important to understand, because otherwise its impossible to understand why

3、someone would say he did something he didnt do. the answer is: to put an end to an uncomfortable situation that will continue until he does confess. developmental psychologist allison redlich recently conducted a laboratory study to determine ho likely people are to confess to, things they didnt do.

4、(2) the researchers then intentionally crashed the computers and accused the participants of hitting the alt key to see if they would sign a statement falsely taking responsibility. redlichs findings clearly demonstrate how easy it can be to get people to falsely confess: 59 percent of the young adu

5、lts in the experiment immediately confessed.(3) of the 15- to 16-year-olds, 72 percent signed confessions, as did 78 percent of the 12- to 13-year-olds. theres no question that young people are more at risk, says saul kassin, a psychology professor at williams college, who has done similar studies w

6、ith similar results.(4) both kassin and redlich note that the entire interrogation in their experiments consisted of a simple accusationnot hours of aggressive questioningand still, most participants falsely confessed. because of the stress of a police interrogation, they conclude, suspects can beco

7、me convinced that falsely confessing is the easiest way out of a bad situation. (5) a in her experiment, participants were seated at computers and told not to hit the alt key, because doing so would crash the systems. b in some ways, says kassin, false confession becomes a rational decision. c its a

8、 little like somebodys working on them with a dental (牙齿的) drill, says franklin zimring, a law professor at the university of california at berkeley. d but adults are highly vulnerable too. e how could an innocent person admit to doing something he didnt do? f redlich also found that the younger the

9、 participant, the more likely a false confession. 参考答案:1. c 2. a 3. f 4. d 5. bscience and technology there is a difference between science and technology. (1) science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that se

10、rve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for applying the findings of science. (2) progress in science excludes the human factor. scientists, who seek to understand the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy

11、 and certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other peoples likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. (3) but even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of refusing to believe it! but hardly so with technology; we do not hav

12、e the choice of refusing to hear the sound produced by a supersonic (超音速的) aircraft flying overhead; we cannot refuse to breathe polluted air. (4) the purpose of technology is to serve people people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to ga

13、in advantage for themselves. (5) many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution, resource depletion (枯竭) and even social decay in general - so much so that the promise of technology is obscured. that promise is a cleaner and healthier world. if wise applications of science and technolo

14、gy do not lead to a better world, what else will? a another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each. b unlike science, progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor. c what scientists discover may shock or anger people as did darwins theo

15、ry of evolution. d science and technology are different. e we are all familiar with the improper use of technology f science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. 参考答案:1. f2. a3. c4. b5. ebroken: dreams of rural peace it was dusk in tub

16、ney woods, deep in rural oxfordshire. the birds were singing at the end of another perfect day. the woman living at the edge of the forest could stand it no longer. she phoned the local noise pollution officer. its the rooks (秃鼻乌鸦), she said. 1 cant bear that awful cawing (呱呱地叫) noise. can you do something about it? the call was no surprise to officials at the vale of white



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