2017-2018学年高中英语 专题03 understanding each othe试题(含解析)牛津译林版选修6

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1、Unit 3 Understanding each other 美国人最烦人的习惯是什么As an Australian who has travelled quite a bit and been part of many different expat communities, I find that Americans more than people from other countries do this one particular thing that annoys me.我是个澳大利亚人,旅行过很多地方,也去过很多各种各样的外籍人士社区,然后我发现跟其他国家的人比起来美国人有一

2、点特别讨厌。When I am speaking, really about anything, just in general conversation, I hate being interrupted so that someone can impersonate my accent to me.当我在说话的时候,不管我再说什么,就算只是一场普通的谈话,我也很讨厌别人插嘴打断我然后去模仿我的发音。This is how it goes:事情是这样的:Me: .so then Id probably add just a little butter.我:接下来我想加一点黄油American

3、: Buttah! Buttah.you say Buttah. Australian accents are so funny!美国人:黄优!你居然说黄优!澳洲口音真是太搞笑了!Me: Uh yeah, so as I was saying.我:呃,我是说So I have a different accent. I get that. But people not from Australia have a very different accent from me. I dont stop them midway through a conversation to repeat back

4、 to them what they said because, well, its just rude.我知道我口音跟美国人不一样,但是还有很多外国人口音也跟我不一样,我就不会中途打断他们说话然后去模仿他们说话,这样太无礼了。Disclaimer: I love the U S of A. I spent some of the best years of my life there. I love most Americans that I have met (except for the jackasses).我要先说清楚:我很喜欢美国,我在这里度过了我生命中最美好的时光,我喜欢我遇到的

5、大部分美国人(除了某些蠢货)。So.this is not exactly an annoyance. But one thing I notice about some (many?) Americans that I dont see that much elsewhere is, they are eating or drinking something all the time.呃其实也不是很讨厌,但是我注意到有一些(很多?)美国人无时不刻都在吃东西,我在其他地方都没见过这样的。Like, if they go to the movies theyre munching on a hu

6、ge bucket of popcorn or sipping on a bucket of soda through the entire movie.比如说,如果他们去看电影的话,整个放映期间他们都在津津有味地咀嚼一大桶爆米花或者狂喝一大桶苏打水。If theyre walking down the street they have a Starbucks latte or a Snapple bottle or something in one hand and a phone in the other. Or they are chewing gum.如果他们走在街边,必定会一只手端着

7、星巴克拿铁或者斯奈普果汁或者其他什么东西,然后另一只手拿着手机。或是他们还会嚼口香糖。They eat in the car all the time too.他们就连在车里也一直吃吃吃。The excuse Ive heard for this is its because Americans are so busy all the time that they have to eat on the run anywhere they can.他们告诉我这是因为美国人太忙了所以只能尽可能就地吃点东西。But still.arent people in other countries busy

8、 too? Its a bit of a puzzle.但话说回来难道其他国家的人就不忙吗?我真搞不懂他们。I get worried about Americans response if I criticize something about the US.当我在评论美国某些方面的时候很担心美国人对此的反应。Europeans and Asians are used to criticism from outsiders more due to multicultural geography and not take that criticism as hate.大概是因为地域多样性吧,欧

9、洲人和亚洲人都很习惯接受来自外界的评论,起码他们不会认为这些评论带有恶意。Every now and then, when I criticize something about the US online, even when Im very careful with my words to not offend anyone, I still receive some responses like, First look at your own country!, Youre not from here, you have no right to say anything. Foreign

10、ers hate America.我经常遇到这种情况,当我在网上评论美国某些方面时,就算我已经很控制自己的语言不带有冒犯意味,我还是会收到这样的评论:先看看你自己的国家再来说我们!、你不是本地人,你没资格说任何话。、你们这些外国人就是讨厌美国。Americans have a lot of behaviors that while not being actually bad things, seem rude to foreigners.美国人的有些行为并非怀有恶意,但是对外国人来说好像很失礼。Americans are loud.美国人太吵了。It seems to be the norm

11、 here in the US, so you dont notice it a lot, but in other countries where people speak normally, it sounds very rude/uneducated.在美国有些地方似乎没有明确规定要保持安静,所以你们就不太注意这点,但是在其他国家如果大家都以正常音量说话,美国人的大嗓门听起来就非常粗鲁,或者说没教养。Especially in restaurants, where all the locals speak softly and politely to each other, and a

12、group of people is like OH MY GAWD, THIS FOOD IS SO GOOD, BWAHAHAHA, THATS THE SH*T DUDE!特别是在餐馆里面,所有本地人交谈的时候都很温柔礼貌,但是有一群人是这样讲话的:哦!我的天!这太好吃了!哇啊啊啊啊!太特么美味了!Everyone else in the restaurant is immediately thinking Rude Americans.餐馆里的其他人就会立刻反应过来:是野蛮的美国人。外国人如何看待中国和中国人My nationality is British, I have lived

13、 in many different countries from an early age (including China), am an architect, environmentalist and traditional acupuncturist.我的国籍是英国籍。我从很年轻的时候开始就在很多国家居住过(包括中国)。我是一个建筑师、一个环保主义者,还是一个针灸师。I am at present living in Auckland, New Zealand with my Chinese wife.我现在住在新西兰的奥克兰,和我的中国太太一起。Whilst my mandarin

14、is almost no-existant, but I have many friends in China and have some of my architectural projects completed there.虽然我的普通话聊胜于无,但我在中国有不少朋友,而且在那建成了不少项目。I enjoy some Chinese people as I do friends from other countries, but some I would not get along with either.有些中国人我挺喜欢的,就像我喜欢其他国家的朋友一样,但也有一些是我不想理会的。Tr

15、avelling around is not difficult, except at rush hour and holidays. Tourist places are mostly full of people whatever time one visits, except wilderness areas.(在中国)四处移动并不难,除非是在高峰期和节假日。旅游景点不管什么时候去都全是人,除非是些蛮荒之地。The air is sometimes clear, but generally polluted around cities.空气有时候还挺好的,但城市区域通常都是有污染的。Living there is quite easy, most things are efficient and fast在那生活很方便,大部分东西都是又高效有迅速These are some observations that I have gathered but then they might change.这就是我观察到的不过他们也可能会变。My dad has a very negative view of China and Chinese.我爸爸对中国和中国人的看法非常负面。The only sources of information


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