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1、奥运会选拔赛Olympic Trial 国际奥委会International Olympic Committee (IOC) 奥运会会歌Olympic Anthem 奥运火炬Olympic Torch 奥运会代表团Olympic Delegation 奥运村Olympic Village 组委会organization committee 开幕式opening ceremony 闭幕式closing ceremony 吉祥物mascot 申办城市 the bidding cities 候选城市 the candidate cities 申办2012年奥运会 bid for 2012 Olymp

2、ics 主办2012年奥运会 host the 2012 Olympic Games 奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit 世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day 奖杯 cup/trophy 奖金 prize money 奖品 prize/trophy/award 奖牌 medal 金牌 gold medal 银牌 silver medal 铜牌 bronze medal 颁奖仪式victory and ceremony/awarding ceremony 公布成绩 announce results 升国

3、旗,奏国歌 raise national flag and play national anthem 登上颁奖台mount the rostrum 风格奖 sportsmanship trophy 公平竞赛奖 fair play trophy 颁发奖品 awarding/ to present prize 称号 title 绕场一周向观众致意 undertake laps of honor 奥运气象服务Olympic metrological service 残奥会Paralympic Games 反兴奋剂anti-doping (the fight against doping in spo

4、rt) 更快,更高,更强:(Citius, Altius, Fortius)(官方标准用语),faster, higher, stronger 顾拜旦(现代奥运之父)Baron Pierre de Coubertin 国际奥委会The International Olympic Committee (IOC) 国际奥委会主席president of the IOC 罗格Dr. Jacques Rogge 萨马兰奇Juan Antonio Samaranch 首席女祭司(希腊) the high priestess 体育道德ethics in sports 兴奋剂doping 奥运会28项运动项

5、目 1、棒球Baseball 2、帆船帆板Sailing (1)女子龙骨船英凌级Yngling-Womens Keelboat (2)女子单人艇激光雷迪尔级Laser Radial-Womens One Person Dinghy (3)女子帆板RS:X RS:X-Womens Windsurfer (4)重量级艇芬兰人级Finn-Heavyweight Dinghy (5)快船49人级49er-Skiff (6)多体船托纳多级Tornado-Multihull 3、击剑Fencing (1)花剑Foil (2)佩剑Sabre (3)重剑Epee 4、举重Weightlifting (1)挺举

6、Clean and jerk (2)抓举Snatch 5、篮球Basketball 6、垒球Softball 7、马术Equestrian (1)三项赛Eventing (2)盛装舞步Dressage (3)场地障碍赛Jumping 8、排球Volleyball 9、皮划艇Canoe/Kayak (1)皮划艇静水Canoe/Kayak Flatwater (2)皮划艇激流回旋Canoe/Kayak Slalom 10、乒乓球Table Tennis 11、曲棍球Hockey 12、拳击Boxing 13、柔道Judo 14、赛艇Rowing 15、射击Shooting (1)气步枪air ri

7、fle (2)气手枪air pistol (3)移动靶running target (4)步枪卧射rifle prone position (5)步枪3种姿势50 m rifle three positions (6)手枪速射rapid fire pistol (7)多向飞碟Trap (8)双多向飞碟Double trap (9)双向飞碟Skeet 16、射箭Archery (1)个人赛Individual events (2)团体赛Team events 17、手球Handball 18、摔跤Wrestling (1)greco-roman古典式摔跤 (2)free style自由式摔跤 1

8、9、水上项目Aquatics(包括游泳、花样游泳、水球和跳水) (1)游泳Swimming (2)跳水Diving (3)花样游泳Synchronized Swimming (4)水球Water Polo 20、跆拳道Taekwondo 21、体操Gymnastics 1、体操(竞技体操)Artistic Gymnastics 2、艺术体操Rhythmic Gymnastics 3、蹦床Trampoline 22、田径Athletics (1)跳高high jump (2)撑杆跳高pole vault (3)跳远long jump (4)三级跳远triple jump (5)推铅球shot p

9、ut (6)掷铁饼discus (7)掷链球hammer (8)标枪javelin (9)男子十项全能Decathlon (10)女子七项全能Heptathlon (11)马拉松marathon (12)跳栏hurdles (13)接力赛relay (14)障碍赛steeplechase (15)竞走walk 23、铁人三项Triathlon (1)游泳Swimming (2)自行车Cycling (3)跑步Running 24、网球Tennis 25、现代五项Modern Pentathlon (1)射击Shooting (2)击剑Fencing (3)游泳Swimming (4)马术Rid

10、ing (5)越野跑Cross-country running 26、羽毛球Badminton 27、自行车Cycling (1)公路自行车赛Road cycling (2)场地自行车赛Track cycling (3)追逐赛sprint (4)计时赛time trial (5)计分赛points race (6)争先赛pursuit (7)山地自行车赛Mountain bike 28足球Football 国内外专项体育组织 奥运协调委员会Coordination Commission for the Olympic Games 奥林匹克勋章委员会Council of the Olympic

11、Order 奥林匹克博物馆Olympic Museum 国际棒球联合会International Baseball Federation(IBAF) 国际帆船联合会International Sailing Federation (ISAF) 国际击剑联合会Federation Internationale dEscrime(FIE) 国际举重联合会International Weightlifting Federation(IWF) 国际篮球联合会International Basketball Federation(FIBA) 国际垒球联合会International Softball F

12、ederation (ISF) 国际马术联合会Federation Equestre Internationale(FEI) 国际皮滑艇联合会International Canoe Federation(FIC) 国际排球联合会International Volleyball Federation(FIVB) 国际乒乓球联合会International Table Tennis Federation(ITTF) 国际曲棍球联合会International Hockey Federation(FIH) 国际柔道联合会International Judo Federation 国际赛艇联合会Int

13、ernational Rowing Federation(IRF) 国际射击运动联合会International Shooting Sport Federation(ISSF) 国际射箭联合会International Archery Federation(FITA) 国际拳击联合会International Boxing Federation(IBF) 国际手球联合会International Handball Federation(IHF) 国际摔跤联合International Federation of Associated Wresting Styles(FILA) 国际体操联合会I

14、nternational Gymnastics Federation(FIG) 国际田径联合会International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 国际铁人三项联盟International Triathlon Union(ITU) 国际网球联合会International Tennis Federation(ITF) 国际现代五项联盟Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne(UIPM) 国际游泳联合会Federation Internationale de Natation(FINA) 国际羽毛球联合会International Badminton Federation(IBF) 国际自行车联盟International Cycling Union(UCI) 国际足球联合会Fe



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