The Romantic Period Lecture美国文学 浪漫主义时期

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1、Lecture 2 The Romantic Period (1800-1865)1. What is Puritanism?2 What is “original sin”? Original sin: the tendency to evil supposedly innate in all human beings, held to be inherited from Adam in consequence of the Fall. The concept of original sin was established by the writings of St. Augustine.3

2、 What are major works by Franklin?(1) Poor Richards Almanac(2) Autobiography(1)Franklins Poor Richards Almanack, begun in 1732 and published for many years, made Franklin prosperous and well-known throughout the colonies. In this annual book of useful encouragement, advice, and factual information,

3、amusing characters such as old Father Abraham and Poor Richard exhort 劝告the reader in pithy精练的, memorable sayings. In The Way to Wealth, which originally appeared in the Almanack, Father Abraham, a plain clean old Man, with white Locks, quotes Poor Richard at length. A Word to the Wise is enough, he

4、 says. God helps them that help themselves. Early to Bed, and early to rise, makes a Man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Poor Richard is a psychologist (Industry pays Debts, while Despair encreaseth them), and he always counsels hard work (Diligence is the Mother of Good Luck). Do not be lazy, he advise

5、s, for One To-day is worth two tomorrow. Sometimes he creates anecdotes to illustrate his points: A little Neglect may breed great Mischief.For want of a Nail the Shoe was lost; for want of a Shoe the Horse was lost; and for want of a Horse the Rider was lost, being overtaken and slain by the Enemy,

6、 all for want of Care about a Horse-shoe Nail. Franklin was a genius at compressing a moral point: What maintains one Vice, would bring up two Children. A small leak will sink a great Ship. Fools make Feasts, and wise Men eat them. (2)Franklins Autobiography is, in part, another self-help book. Writ

7、ten to advise his son, it covers only the early years. The most famous section describes his scientific scheme of self-improvement. Franklin lists 13 virtues: temperance, silence, order, resolution, frugality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, tranquility, chastity, and humility

8、. He elaborates on each with a maxim; for example, the temperance maxim is Eat not to Dullness. Drink not to Elevation. A pragmatic实用主义的scientist, Franklin put the idea of perfectibility to the test, using himself as the experimental subject. Romantic Period1 Brief Introduction 2. Early Romantic Per

9、iod3 .Summit of Romanticism American Transcendentalism超自然论,超越主义4. Late Romanticism 5. Romantic Poets During the Revolutionary Age, 1765-1790, some of the greatest documents of American history were authored. In 1776, Thomas Paine authored Common Sense and Thomas Jefferson wrote The Declaration of In

10、dependence. In 1781, The Articles of Confederation were ratified. Between 1787 and 1788, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote The Federalist Papers. Finally, in 1787, The Constitution of the United States was drafted and in 1789 it was ratified. (2)The Early National Period of Ameri

11、can Literature saw the beginnings of literature that could be truly identified as American. The writers of this new American literature wrote in the English style, but the settings, themes, and characters人物角色 were authentically American. In addition, poets of this time wrote poetry that was relative

12、ly independent of English precursors先驱者. Three of the most recognized writers of this time areWashington Irving华盛顿欧文, James Fenimore Cooper库柏, and Edgar Allan Poe. 埃德加爱伦坡 (女The period 1828-1865 in American Literature is commonly identified as the Romantic Period in America, but may also be referred

13、to as the American Renaissance or the Age of Transcendentalism超自然论. The writers of this period produced works of originality and excellence that helped shape the ideas, ideals, and literary aims of many American writers. Writers of the American Romantic Period include Ralph Waldo Emerson, 拉尔夫瓦尔多爱默生

14、Henry David Thoreau亨利大卫梭罗, Edgar Allan Poe埃德加爱伦坡, Herman Melville赫尔曼麦尔维尔, Nathaniel Hawthorne纳撒尼尔霍桑, Harriet Beecher Stowe哈里特比彻斯托,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利沃兹渥斯朗费罗, Emily Dickinson艾米莉迪金森, and Walt Whitman沃尔特惠特曼. Elements of Romanticism 1. Frontier: vast expanse, freedom, no geographic limitations.

15、 2. Optimism: greater than in Europe because of the presence of frontier. 3. Experimentation: in science, in institutions. 4. Mingling of races: immigrants in large numbers arrive to the US. 5. Growth of industrialization: polarization 两级分化of north and south; north becomes industrialized, south remains agricultural.Romantic Subject Matter主题1. The quest for beauty: non-didactic, pure beauty. 2. The use of the far-away and non-normal - antique and fanciful: a. In historical perspective历史展望: antiquarianism古物研究; antiquing or artificially aging; interest in the past. b. C



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