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1、词汇,一、主要考点: 1.难词辨意。找题目中的关键词。 2.短语搭配。 3.近义词辨析。许多英文词汇的中文解释相差不多,可联系其英文解释,或者看中文解释 中括号里面的内容。 4.形近易混词。一般四个选项中有最为相象的两个词,答案就在这两个词中间。但是也有例外。 二.词汇的记忆: 1.正确的读音;看其英文解释及其典型例句。 2.词根词缀记忆法,与形象化相结合。 3.在语境当中记忆;生活中学英文。 4.在阅读当中达到反复和熟练。 5.个性化记忆方法。发展自己的想象力,结合读音,词形来记忆。例如:bride,“b”读 音“不”,“ride”义为“骑”,不骑就是坐轿子,为新娘;groom,“g”读音“

2、给”, “room”义为“房子”,则提供房子的为新郎。,三.词根词缀: soph(wise智慧):sophism 诡辩,sophomore 大二学生,philosophy 哲学, concom(together一起):coincidence 同时存在 con(together/ fully):contact; convince(vin:win)使信服 tact(touch):contact lens隐形眼镜;intact 未开化; clude(close关上):exclude 排除,除去;include 包括;exclusive 独占的,排他的,仅仅的;preclude 阻止,排除; sub(

3、under在下面);subway 地铁;submit 提交; scribe(write写):subscribe签署文件,捐款;describe 描述;ascribe把归于;prescribe 开处方;,1.There was once a town in this country where all life seemed to live in with its surroundings. A、coincidence B、harmony C、uniform D、alliance 2. On weekends my grandma usually _ a glass of wine. A、 su

4、bscribes to B、engages in C、hangs on D、indulges in 3.He is holding a _position in the company and expects to be promoted so on. A、subordinate B、succeeding C、successive D、subsequent 4.The vast majority of people in any given culture will _to the established standards of that culture. A、confine B、confo

5、rm C、confront D、confirm,cur(to run):excursion 远足,游览;recur 重现,再发生;precursor 前驱,前辈; incursion入侵,侵犯; cide(cut):decide;pesticide;suicide 自杀; nov(new):lenovo 联想;novel 新意的/小说;innovation 革新,创新; inter(相互的):interchange;interview;review;preview; volv():revolve 围绕;evolve 演化; liter(letter):literal; verge(inclin

6、e):diverge;converge,seque(to follow):subsequent;consequence; 后果 duplicate;dual;dutwo pel(drive赶):repel 抗御,击退,驱除;compel 迫使,强迫;expel 逐出去,开除; impel 推进;propel 驱动; verse(turn):reverse 颠倒,反转;adverse 不利的,有害的;inverse相反的,对立的;subvert颠覆,破坏;introvert 内向的;extrovert 外向的;anniversary 周年; trans(across跨越):transmit (病

7、)传播,传送,发送(信号);transaction 交易,业务;transition 过渡,转变;transfrom 改革,改造;transfer 调动,移动,转会 ;transient 短暂的,瞬间的;,1.The mayor was asked to_ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions. A、constrain B、conduct C、condense D、converge 2.The work in the office was _by a constant stream of visitors. A

8、、confused B、perplexed C、reversed D、hampered 3.Under the guidance of their teacher, the pupils are building a model boat_ by steam. A towed B pressed C tossed D propelled 4.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the _ from fall to winter. A、transmission B、transforma

9、tion C、transition D、transfer,scend(move):ascend;descend; fect(do):defect 缺陷;affect ;infect press(压):impress 留有印象;express 表达;depress 沮丧;compress 压缩,受压迫; ject(jet喷射):projector 投影仪;eject 弹射;inject 注射;objection 反对; fess(说):confess 坦言,倾诉;professor 教授; pose(put):compose 合成;expose 姿势;impose 施加;dispose 处理;

10、dis(分散):dispose;dismiss;disappear; rupt(break):interrupt 中断;abrupt 突然的;erupt 喷发;corrupt 腐败;(cor:完全的) mit(send):emit;transmit; ob(against);e(out);de(down/out);re(again/back);pre(before);ex(out);in(in/into);,1.We managed to reach the top of the mountain, and half an hour later we began to_ . A、ascend

11、B、descend C、decline D、plunge 2.Although there are occasional outbreaks of gunfire, we can report that the rebellion has in the main been _ . A) canceled B) destroyed C) suppressed D) restrained 3.After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally _. A、deteriorated B、dispersed C、dissipated D、dra

12、ined 4.With the satellite down, we cant _over the mountain range. A. transform B. transmit C transfer D transplant 5.Sadly, the Giant Panda is one of the many species now in danger of_. A) extinction B) migration C) destruction D) extraction,四.重要词汇。 1.adhere to 坚持(观点,信仰);粘住stick sth. by glue ;遵守(法律,

13、法规); conform to(遵守;适应适合),comply with(遵守); appropriately(适当,恰当), 2.glance(扫一眼,看一眼)/glimpse(扫一眼)/peer(由于近视,看不清而凝视)/gaze(由于感兴趣而盯着看)/scan(浏览,快读;细看,审视,扫描)/glare(瞪眼,怒 目而视)/gape(瞪着看,由于吃惊或惊吓)/peep(偷窥); obscure(晦涩的,模糊的),reproduction,decline(国力)的衰落;(数字,指标, 比率)下降,下跌;婉拒;,deprive(deprive sb. of sth.),exclusive(高

14、级的,独家的),shrink( 缩水,比原来少) 3.介词 名词 介词(词组意义在于名词): with the exception of(除了)/with the purpose of(目的是)/with reference to(谈及,提及,关于)/with a view to(为了,以为目的); hamper =hinder(妨碍,阻碍),propel(驱动), 4.以trans为词根的词,总会放在一起考形近易混词,不会单个考。,5,resort(依靠,依赖,求助于; to:resort to arms/force使用武力)/grant(同意 ,给予;grant sth)/afford(买

15、得起;afford to经受得住,承担得起)/entitle (法 律方面)赋予权利资格;be entitled to/into doing sth.; conspicuous(杰出的,明显的),gloomy(阴暗的,忧郁的;take a gloomy view of sth.),authentic(真的,可靠的,真迹的),in terms of(从方面来说,根据,在某方面), contaminate(污染,毒害),trivial(不重要的;琐屑的),compliant = obedient(顺从的),vulnerable(脆弱的,易受攻击的),indignation(愤怒,愤慨) in ca

16、se(万一),at a loss(不知所措的),scratch(抓;擦;乱写乱画), ascribe = attribute to(归因于),dilemma(困境;prisoner dilemma囚徒困境),profound(深奥的,深远的;profound effect),foridable(难以对付的,可怕的), increasingly(逐渐地,与日俱增地),deteriorate(变质,恶化),fluctuate(价格等波动 ),coincide(时间,空间上巧合),,6.advocate(提倡;鼓吹)/ allege(声称;硬说)/ address(演说;向致辞)/ announce(宣布,宣告) 7.模版题。有几个大词作为选项: spontaneously(自发地,无意识地),simultaneously(同时地,同步地),homogeneously(同性地;同类地),instantaneously(瞬间


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