高中英语 unit4 sharing language points课件 新人教版选修7

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1、Language Points,adjust purchase sew participate operate donate relevant soft political remote privilege,调整; 使合适 购买 缝制 参加 工作; 运转 捐赠 有关的 软的 政治的 偏僻的 特权,hear from be dying to come across stick out dry up in need participate in,接到的信 渴望; 极想 碰到 伸出 干透 在困难中 参加,Words & phrases,1. be dying to do / for sth. 渴望做

2、某事;迫切想要 She is dying to go abroad. Im dying for a glass of water.,“渴望”的类似说法有: be thirsty for sth.; have a strong desire for sth.; desire to do sth.; long to do / for sth. be desperate to do sth/ for ath,2. picture n. 图画 vt. 描绘;想象=imagine,The artist pictured her as a Spanish dancer. I cant quite pict

3、ure myself as a mother.,词性转换在阅读中常有出现,map:绘地图、作图 head:向前进 hand:手 传递,交 water:浇水 book:预订 dry: 使干燥,3. Thanks for your letter, which took a fortnight to arrive. “花费时间金钱干某事”的常用句型: It takes sb. time to do sth. It costs sb. money to do sth. sth. costs sb money sb. spends time / money (in) doing sth. / on st

4、h. sb. pays money for sth It will cost you $50 to fly to Paris. zxxk She spends two hours (in) watching TV every day.,4. adapt (oneself) to: change sthin order to make it suitable,for a new use,etc适应,适合 We had to adapt quickly to the new system 我们不得不迅速适应新制度。 When you go to a new country,you must ada

5、pt yourself to new manners and customs,注意:adapt也可表示“改编,改写”,其搭配如下: 1)adapt sthfor 改写为用,改编为适合 It is hard to adapt this story for children (the film) 要将这部小说改编为适合小孩子(电影)很困难。 2)be adapted from由改编 This play is adapted from a novel,常见含有to 的短语归纳如下: be used to 习惯于 be related to 与相关 lead to 导致,通向 devote onese

6、lf to 献身于 give rise to 引起 look forward to 盼望 pay attention to 注意 contribute to 为做贡献 access to 接近,进入(某地的)方法 be accustomed to 习惯于 be addicted to 沉溺于,嗜好,5for sure certainly so 肯定如此,毫无疑问 She wont lend you any money,and thats for sure 她不会借钱给你,那是确定无疑的。 Hell be at the party,for sure 毫无疑问,他会参加这次聚会的。 be sure

7、 ofabout确信,对有把握 be sure of oneself有自信 make sure确信,查明,核实 to be sure的确,诚然(作插入语用) He works slowly,to be sure,but he does a good job,6. imaginative adj. 富有想象力的,爱想象的 an imaginative child/writer imaginary adj.想象中的,假想的 imagine v.设想 imaginable adj.可想象的 image n.雕像,肖像 imagination n. 想象力 a man of rich imaginat

8、ion,词语辨析: imaginative: showing new and exciting ideas富于想象力的;创新的 We need imaginative people to put new energy into the team imaginary: existing only in your mind or imagination想象中的 The story is wholly imaginary imaginable:(与形容词最高级或与all,every连用,表示强调或概括)想象得到的;可想象的 The house has the most beautiful views

9、 imaginable,7come across :(偶然)遇见,碰见,发现(无被动语态) =to meet or find by chance I came across children sleeping under the bridge come upon 偶然遇见=happen to meet = meet with,与come相关的短语: come along 快点,来吧 come around come back 回来,折回 come from 来自, 从来 come off 从离开, 脱落 come out 出来, 出版 come up 走过来, 走近 come over 过来

10、come to 来到, 结果是, 苏醒,8Sometimes l wonder how relevant chemistry is to these students,most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8 anyway. 1)relevant 有关的;有实际重要性的 (be relevant to sth.sb) His age is not relevant to whether he is a good teacher 他的年龄与他是否是一位好老师无关。 2)will be doing将来进行时,表示将

11、来某个时候正在发生的动作。如: Im sure l will be studying in a university next September我相信下一年的9月我会正在大学里学习。,9. wonder用法归纳: wonder at对感到惊讶惊奇 Everybody wonders at his doing that wonder about,对感到疑惑 Dont you wonder about his reasons for wanting money? 难道你对他缺钱的理由不感到怀疑吗? wonder to do对做某事感到惊讶 We wondered to see her there

12、看到她在那儿,我们很惊奇。 wonder+that从句对事情感到奇怪吃惊 Can you wonder that they refused?他们拒绝了,你(会)感到奇怪吗 wonder wh词+to do 想知道(常译为“不知道”) wonder wh-if+从句 想知道(常译为“不知道”) I was wondering where to spend the weekend I wonder if you are free this afternoon (It is) no wonder+ (that) 从句:难怪,怪不得,不足为奇 No wonder that he has passed

13、the examination,10Tombes father, Mukap, led us to his house,a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof 他的父亲领我们到他的房子,一个低矮的小竹屋,草伸出屋顶。 stick out伸出 stick with保持密切关系;继续支持 stick to坚持,维持 Its rude to stick out your tongue at others 对别人吐舌头是不礼貌的。 I will stick with my friends through thick and thin 我

14、与朋友患难与共。 He promised to help us and he stuck to his word 他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。,11. Tombe told me that the can was heated to dry out the leftover food. They believe that any leftovers attract evil spirits in the night, so the food is dried up in the can and dry out (使)变干,干透 Water the plant regularly, never

15、 letting the soil dry out. dry up (河流,湖泊等)干枯,(使)完全变干 During the drought the river dried up. The writers long separation from outside dried up his imagination.,The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. adjust vi. 适应 He adjusted quickly to the heat of India. adjust vt. 调整; 整理 He adjusted his tie before entering the hall. adjustable adj.可调整的 adjustment n.调整,13. It was such a privilege to have spent a day with Tombes family. privilege 殊荣 It was a privilege to make his acquaintance. privilege 还表示“特权”、“权利” Only members have the privilege to use the ground


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