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1、九年级英语九年级英语写作训练讲解写作训练讲解人教版(新目标)人教版(新目标) 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 写作训练讲解 话题(一) 家庭,朋友与周围的人(Family, friends and people around) 根据题目可涉及到的内容包括:关系、外貌、性格、工作、爱好、变化和理想等。 A. 重点句型(Target language) 1. Whats he like? 2. Hes very funny/ calm. He has shorter hair than Sam. 3. Hes short/ tall/ medium height. 4. She h

2、as curly/ straight/ . hair. 5. You used to be quiet. 6. He didnt use to like tests. 7. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 8. You used to play the guitar, didnt you? No, I played the piano. 9. People sure change. 10. What does he do? He is a waiter. 11. Where does she work? She works at

3、 a bank. 12. What does she want to be? She wants to be a bank clerk. 13. What is he going to be when he grows up? 14. Hes going to be a computer programmer 15. How is he going to do that? 16. Hes going to study computer science. 17. What does he like? He likes collecting stamps. B. Text(Unit 6, Book

4、 3) Some friends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things. What is your opinion? Should friends be different or the same? We asked some people what they think and this is what they said. “I like to have friends who are like me. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class, an

5、d so is my best friend Loretta. There are some differences, though. Im more intellectual than Loretta. Shes more athletic.” Dave Morrison “I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend Ruben is taller and more outing than me. We both like sports, but Ruben is more athletic than me

6、. Also, Im quieter than he is.” Lyle Huang 写作任务: 在班里谁是你最好的朋友?给大家全面介绍一下他/她,并比较一下你们俩在性格、外 貌、兴趣爱好方面有什么相同和不同之处,以及你们三年初中生活的变化。 话题(二)兴趣和爱好(Interests and hobbies) A. Target language(重点句型) 1. I want to join the music club. 2. I like action movies and thrillers, but I dont like romances. 3. What kind of musi

7、c do you like? 4. I like music that I can dance to. 5. Rosa likes music thats quiet and gentle. 6. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 7. How long have you been skating? 8. I have been skating since nine oclock. 写作任务: 人们说一个人的爱好反映了一个人的性格。你喜欢的东西是什么?先完成表格,再给 大家介绍一下你自己。 (字数 6080) 参考句式:My favorite., I

8、 love.best. Im interested in., I prefer. (可适当使用时间状语从句、原因状语从句和定语从句) My favorite name or kind Reason singer/ group movie sports hobby color subject thing to do 话题(三)日常活动(Daily routines) 一. 常用词组: (1)日常学习与生活: get up, take a shower, go to school, have meals, do homework, watch TV, do sports, go to bed, d

9、o chores. (2)Some vacation activities: stay at home, go to the beach/ mountains., go to the summer camp, go fishing and boating, go hiking/ skating/ swimming, visit the Summer Palace., have a picnic, play computer games/ soccer, visit some museums. 二. 参考句型: My hobby is swimming, so I often go swimmi

10、ng on weekends. my hobbies are collecting stamps and watching TV, so I always go shopping to look for special stamps and watch programs about it. Im interested in/ good at playing the piano because I think its good for me to study well. (It can make me happy and relaxed.) I really enjoy going hiking

11、, but I have a lot of homework. so I have to spend much time doing my homework and reading some books. Every Saturday, Im willing to help my mother do some cleaning. I really feel very tired, but its good for me to understand my parents. I used to play basketball with my good friends after class twi

12、ce a week, but now I hardly ever play basketball or do other sports. My parents think my hobby takes me a lot of time. 任务: 以下是 Lily 的作息时间表,请根据表格内容写一篇英语小短文。 7:00起床 7:15早餐 4:20 活动(打篮球、踢足球) 5:00 回家 7:30去学校 8:00上课 5:30 晚餐 6:00 做作业 11:30 午餐(在学校) 4:00 放学 8:00 看电视 9:00 睡觉 话题(四)饮食与健康(Food, drink and health)

13、 写作参考句型: Its important to exercise three times a week because. Its necessary to keep a balanced diet and be in a good mood. Its important to have enough sleep hours. Good food and exercise help me to study better. A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. My healthy lifestyle helps me get

14、 good grades. You must try to eat less meat. Im unhealthy because I always eat junk food and never exercise, although I have one healthy habit. I try to get up fifteen minutes earlier and walk to school. You should try to have a good balance between study and hobby. You should make time to exercise.

15、 For example, You can walk to school and enjoy the fresh air. 任务:书面表达。 假如你的朋友埃米经常生病,你写一封信给她,告诉她应该怎样注意保养自己。词数: 60 词左右。 take more exercise play sports like running, swimming, climbing have healthy food have more fruit and vegetables drink more water and milk get enough sleep stay happy 写作任务: 你楼上的人家把音响

16、开得很大(play their stereo too loud) ,而且经常持续到半夜(often last into midnight) ,使得你睡不好(cant sleep well) 。而且他们的女儿早上早早地就开始练 习唱歌(practice singing in the early morning) 。请写一封礼貌的抱怨信给你楼上的邻居。 范文: Dear Neighbor: I am writing to tell you that your family really bother me these days. Since you moved upstairs, you have always played the stereo so loud that I hardly fall asleep, I have to eat sleeping pills in order to sleep well. Would you mind turn



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