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1、1 OGSCsummary 红色部分是最重要的! 必须掌握的 咖啡色和黑色是普通知识点!OG的基本 1. 1. In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that date back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, none could be taken seriousl

2、y. (A) psychologists, declaring that since most of the studies had failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, (B) psychologists, declaring that most of the studies failed in not controlling for such variables like social class and family size, and (C) psychologists declare

3、d that since most of the studies, having failed to control for such variables as social class and family size, (D) psychologists declared that since most of the studies fail in controlling for such variables like social class and family size, (E) In a review of 2,000 studies of human behavior that d

4、ate back to the 1940s, two Swiss psychologists declared that since most of the studies had failed to control for variables such as social class and family size, none could be taken seriously. 思路:思路:理解句子意思理解句子意思 waterblue01:cd A A declaringdeclaring分句去掉以后句子没有主句分句去掉以后句子没有主句 B B 同同A A C C 去掉去掉havinghav

5、ing分句分句,thatthat后后sincesince从句缺谓语从句缺谓语 D D failfail 一般现在时和一般现在时和declareddeclared时态不一致时态不一致 E E 正确正确 2. Manufacturers rate batteries in watt-hours; if they rate the watt-hour higher, the longer the battery can be expected to last. (A) if they rate the watt-hour higher, the longer (B) rating the watt-

6、hour higher, it is that much longer (C) the higher the watt-hour rating, the longer (D) the higher the watt-hour rating, it is that much longer that (E) when the watt-hour rating is higher, the longer it is 思路:思路:idiom,the more, the more A A 不符合不符合thethe moremore,thethe moremore 搭配搭配,thethe longerlo

7、nger。 。 。就显得很奇怪就显得很奇怪 B 同A,很奇怪 C 正确 the more X, the more Y. D 同A E 同A 2 总结总结: “the+比较级,比较级,the+比较级比较级”意为意为“越越越越” ,本题这里为省略,具体看下面解释:,本题这里为省略,具体看下面解释: 表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个其中的两个 the 都是副词都是副词,而不是冠词而不是冠词。本文拟从以下几个方面对本文拟从以下几个方面对 此句式作一浅析,希望能帮助同学们加深理解。此句式作一浅析,希望能帮助同学们加深理解。 一、对主、从句的理解一、对主

8、、从句的理解 1.在通常情况下,前一个在通常情况下,前一个“the +比较级比较级”相当于比较状语从句,后一个相当于比较状语从句,后一个“the + 比较级比较级”为主句。例如:为主句。例如: The more I read the book,the more I liked it 这本书我越看越喜欢。这本书我越看越喜欢。 The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. 问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。问题越难,他回答出来的可能性就越小。 2.有时前一个有时前一个“the +比

9、较级比较级”相当于条件状语从句相当于条件状语从句,后一个后一个“the + 比较级比较级”为主句为主句,从句不可用将来时从句不可用将来时。 例如:例如: The earlier you start,the sooner youll be back. 你出发得越早你出发得越早,回来得就越早。回来得就越早。 The more you practise, the better you can understand. 你练习得越多,理解得就越透。你练习得越多,理解得就越透。 3.除上述情况外,还存在着主句在前,从句在后的特殊情况。此时,主句中的除上述情况外,还存在着主句在前,从句在后的特殊情况。此时,

10、主句中的“the+比较级比较级”多放在主句多放在主句 之末。此时,要按汉语习惯先译从句,再译主句。例如:之末。此时,要按汉语习惯先译从句,再译主句。例如: He is the busier, the happier he feels. 他越忙越高兴。他越忙越高兴。 You climb the higher, the farther you will see. 你爬得越高你爬得越高,就看得越远。就看得越远。 二、语序二、语序 一般说来一般说来,从句中的主语与谓语必须是正常语序从句中的主语与谓语必须是正常语序,不能是倒装语序不能是倒装语序。主句可根据需要调整主句可根据需要调整,既可采用正常既可采用

11、正常 语序,也可采用倒装语序。例如:语序,也可采用倒装语序。例如: The noisier they were, the happier was their mother. 孩子越吵闹,他们的母亲就越高兴。孩子越吵闹,他们的母亲就越高兴。 The harder you work, the more progress you will get. 你越努力,进步就越快。你越努力,进步就越快。 三、省略三、省略 1.在通常情况下,如果主、从句中的谓语动词是联系动词在通常情况下,如果主、从句中的谓语动词是联系动词 be,而且主语非代词时,此时,而且主语非代词时,此时 be 常常省略。常常省略。例例 如

12、:如: The better the food (is), the more popular a restaurant gets. 食物越可口,饭店的生意就越红火。食物越可口,饭店的生意就越红火。 The higher the tree (is), the stronger the wind (is). 树大招风。树大招风。 The more exercise you take, the stronger you are. 锻炼得越多,身体越强壮。锻炼得越多,身体越强壮。(注意:此句中的联系动词注意:此句中的联系动词 are 不能省略。不能省略。) 2.对于主句在前,从句在后的特殊情况,主句中

13、形容词或副词前的对于主句在前,从句在后的特殊情况,主句中形容词或副词前的 the 常常省略。例如:常常省略。例如: 3 You practise (the) more, the better you can understand. 你练习得越多,你理解得就越透。你练习得越多,你理解得就越透。 I knew him (the) more, the more I liked him. 我越了解他就越喜欢他。我越了解他就越喜欢他。 3.主、从句的主语和谓语动词在叙述的场合有默契,可酌情省略。例如:主、从句的主语和谓语动词在叙述的场合有默契,可酌情省略。例如: The sooner (you fini

14、sh it), the better (it will be). 你完成得越快越好。你完成得越快越好。 The more (you know), the more dangerous (it will be). 你知道得越多,处境就越危险。你知道得越多,处境就越危险。 3. Although a surge in retail sales have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the rec

15、overy might not last. (A) have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally (B) raised hopes for there being a recovery finally (C) had raised hopes for a recovery finally being (D) has raised hopes that a recovery is finally (E) raised hopes for a recovery finally 思路:思路:under way正在进行中正在进行中 A A 主语主

16、语 a a surgesurge 谓语谓语用单数用单数 hashas;主系表结构本身可以表示状态,不需要改成;主系表结构本身可以表示状态,不需要改成 therethere bebe ;而且而且 there be+抽象抽象 名词错误名词错误;表示状态的形容词表示状态的形容词,一般以主系表形式表现出来一般以主系表形式表现出来,表达状态表达状态。此时此时,不再需要不再需要 there be 结构强调这结构强调这 种状态种状态 B B raisedraised 时态不准确时态不准确,现在完成时现在完成时比一般过去时能更好的比一般过去时能更好的 跟一般现在时结合跟一般现在时结合,这里表示,这里表示hashas raisedraised 对后面对后面 economists saysay 有影响有影响; therethere beingbeing 永远错永远错; finallyfinally应该修饰一个动词应该修饰一个动词,不能作形容词修饰不能作形容词修饰 recoveryrecove



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