新概念英语1A 单元测试1-4

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1、英语1A单元测试(Unit 1 - Unit 4)Name: Score:一选择题(1×15=15分)( )1. Whos that man? _ a teacher. A. It's B. Hes C. Shes( )2. _ is Robert? He s in the house. A. What B. How C. Where( )3. Theres _ apple on the table. A. a B. an C. /( )4. Theres _ book on the desk. A. a B. an C. /( )5. Is that your school

2、bag? No, it _ . A. aren t B. dont C. isnt( )6. What _ this? A. is B. are C. Be( )7. Its 7 oclock in the morning. Its time for _.A. lunch B. breakfast C. Supper( )8. Whos that woman? _ a policewomen. A. It's B. Hes C. Shes( )9. Is this your bedroom? A. Yes, it isnt B. Yes, it is C. No, it is( )10

3、. _ time is it? Its four oclock. A. What B. Who C. Where( )11. 你不知远处的某物是什么? 应该问: A.What is this? B.What is that?( )12. 不确定那个男的是不是警察,应该问, A.Is he a policeman? B.He is a policeman.( )13. 告诉妈妈苹果是红的,应该说, A. Its an apple B. Its red( )14. 你不知道妈妈在哪里,应该问, A. Where is Pop? B .Where are you,mum?( )15. 它是什么颜色,

4、应该说, A. What color is it?. B. What color it is?二填上适当的 be动词(am, is, are).(1×5=5分)1)Pauls bicycle _(是)old.2)Lucys and Roberts bags _(是)full of books.3)Roberts and Lucys outfits _(是)for the school play.4)Roberts camera _(是)interesting, very colourful and very unusual.5)Here _(是) Pauls new coa

5、t.三根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子:(10分)1)My n_(名字)is William Jenkins.2)Karen is my w_(妻子).3)Nice to m_(遇见)you.4)Its a g_(绿色)hat.5)You are r_(对的).6)The boy i _(在里面) the white car.7)The man w _(戴着) the black hat.8)These are my fathers s _(鞋子).9)The doctor is very b_(忙碌的).10)Give me the u_(雨伞),please.四连线,请把相对应的字母写在每题数

6、字前.(1×10=10分) 1)What colours his new tie? A.Its Williams new tie.2)What do you do?  B. Im a student.3)Where is Robert?  C. Thats our new teacher.4)Whose is that book?  D. Yes, I am.5)How are you?  E.

7、No, Im not. Im very cold.6)Whats the matter with her?  F. Its red. 7)Are you hungry?  G. Im fine.8)Who is that man?  H. She isnt very well.9)Are you hot?  I. Hes in the kitchen.10)Whats in this bag? J. Its Lucy

8、s. 四翻译(2×10=20分)1. 那是什么?那是Robert 的自行车.2. Robert 的自行车是什么颜色?它是银色的. 3. 银色自行车是谁的? 它是Robert的.4. 那个女孩是谁?5. 她是我们的英语老师,她是又矮又胖.6. 你怎么了?7. 你好吗? 我很好. 但是Robert 不是很好。8. 你的伞是什么颜色?9. 谢谢你们的欢迎!10. 或许你是正确的。六、按照要求作答:(2×10=20分)1)The red bicycle is Roberts.(对画线部分提问,用whose) 2)The boy on the

9、silver bicycle is Robert Jenckins.(对画线部分提问,用which) 3)Linda is Karens sister.(对画线部分提问,用who) 4)Is Robert hungry or thirsty?(回答他不饿,他是渴的) 5) The long silver ruler is in my bag. (用where 提问)6)Mrs. Jenckins is Roberts mother. (变成一般疑问句并作否定简略回答)7)William is the man with the

10、 black hair. (变成一般疑问句并作肯定简略回答) 8) There is a poster on the wall. (变为一般疑问句并做否定简略回答)9) The woman with the black umbrella is my father.(翻译成中文)10) 10)Who is the young man in the old car?(翻译成中文)7  根据要求写出下列词汇的正确形式.(10分1)tall(反义词) 2)new (反义词) 3)full(反义词) 4)thin (反义词) 5)book (复数) 6)bus(复数) 7)clever (反义词) 8)monkey(复数) 9)knife (复数) 10)clean(反义词) 八作文, 介绍自己的家人或者自己的爱好(10分)。



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