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1、1 Characteristics of Wood page 1 21 Characteristics of Wood page 12Character krkt基本翻译n. 字符;特性;角色;性格,品质vt. 使具有特征;印,刻网络释义character:字符|人物|性格additional character:附加符号|特殊符号|附加字符control character:控制字符|控制字元|控制符号Throughout history , the unique characteristics and comparative abundance of wood have made it a

2、 natural material for homes and other structures , furniture , tools , vehicles , and decorative objects .Character 1. the combination of qualiies which makes thing , event , place , etc . , different from another 2. the qualities which make a person different from another ; moral nature 3. fame , g

3、ood or bad Characteristics n . A special and easily recognized quality of someone or something adj. typical ; representing a persons or things usual character Characteristics krktristiks n. 特性,特征;特质;特色(characteristic的复数)网络释义characteristics:特性|特性、特性曲线|建设有中国特色的社会主义理论output characteristics:输出特性job char

4、acteristics:工作特性|职业特征Throughout ru:aut prep. 贯穿,遍及adv. 自始至终,到处;全部网络释义throughout:遍及|始终|吞吐量Carpet throughout:地毯throughout history:纵观整个历史Unique ju:ni:kadj. 唯一的,独一无二的;独特的,稀罕的n. 独一无二的人或物网络释义unique:独特的|唯一的|别致的, 奇特的Make Unique:独立|使独立|(使惟一) 【Uunique index:唯一索引|惟一索引|唯一索引 唯一索引Comparative kmprtivadj. 相当的;比较的n.

5、 比较级;对手网络释义comparative:比较的|比较级的|相当的comparative literature:比较文学|比較文學|文学比较comparative validity:相对效度|相对有效性|相对有效性/效度Abundance bndnsn. 充裕,丰富网络释义abundance:丰度|丰富|多度photospheric abundance:光球丰度abundance anomaly:丰度变异|丰度异常abundance of 许多;丰富;富足:网络释义abundance ratio of isotopes:同位素的相对丰度abundance of commodity supp

6、lies:商品供应充足abundance of population:资源量make it 达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程;(病痛等)好转网络释义make it:在面试、考试、比赛等获得成功|成功把握|成功Future is what you make of it:未来掌握在自己的手中And what I make of it:它使我什么natural material 自然材料;天然材料网络释义natural material:天然材料|木美自然|自然材料natural cementing material:天然胶结材料Cosmetic/Natural Soap Material:化妆品/

7、香皂材料structure strktn. 构造;结构;建筑物vt. 组织;建造;构成网络释义Structure:结构|装置,结构|建筑物atomic structure:原子结构|原子构造|释义:原子结构Structure Sketching:结构素描vehicle vi:ikl, 有时发vi:hi- n. 车辆;交通工具;运载工具;媒介物;工具;传播媒介网络释义vehicle:交通工具|车辆|你想买的一辆车Motor vehicle:机动车|汽车|机动车辆towing vehicle:牵引车|全挂牵引汽车|牵引汽车decorative dekrtivadj. 装饰性的;装潢用的网络释义de

8、corative:装饰的|装饰的,装潢的|装饰配件Decorative lighting:装饰灯具|装饰照明|灯饰decorative laminate:装饰性层压板|装饰薄板|装饰层压纸object bdikt, -dekt, bdektn. 宾语;客体;目标;物体vi. 反对;拒绝vt. 提出作为反对的理由网络释义object:对象|客体|标的object impossibility:对象不能犯|客体不能犯Object Properties:物体属性|对象属性|对象特性Today, for the same reasons , wood is prized for a multitude

9、of uses.Prized adj. 被看作最有价值的 1 to value highly 2 to use by force to get some thing网络释义the most prized books:最为珍爱的书Prized Possession: my parents:珍贵的人事物:父母亲。a multitude of 大批的,众多的网络释义a multitude of:大量(接复数名词)|大量|一大批Success covers a multitude of blunders !:成功由大量的失望铸就Charity covers a multitude of sins.:仁

10、爱可以隐藏罪恶All wood is composed of cellulose , lignin , hemicelluloses , and minor amounts (5% to 10%) of extraneous materials contained in a cellular posed kmpuzd cellulose seljulus n. 纤维素a. 镇静的,沉的v. 组成,著作,作曲vbl. 组成,著作,作曲minor main extraneous ekstreinjs a. 外来的,无关的n. 未成年人,副修科目a. 次要的,较小的,二流的,未成年的v. 辅修音乐

11、小调(5% to 10%) brackets opened 5 percent to 10 percent brackets closedVariations in the characteristics and volume of these components and differences in cellular structure make woods heavy or light , stiff or flexible , and hard or soft .stiff stif flexible fleksbl a. 灵活的,易弯曲的,柔韧的a. 坚硬的,严厉的,呆板的ad. 僵

12、硬地,彻底地The properties of a single species are relatively constant within limits ; therefore , selection of wood by species alone may sometimes be adequate .species spi:iz relatively reltivli ad. 比较地,相对地n. 物种,种类constant knstnt alone lun a. 单独的,仅仅ad. 单独地a. 经常的,不变的n. 常数,恒量adequate dikwit a. 足够的,充足的,适当的,

13、能胜任的However , to use wood to its best advantage and most effectively in engineering applications , specific characteristics or physical properties must be considered .engineering ,endiniri n. 工程(学),工程技术application ,plikein n. 申请 n. 应用软件程序physical fizikl a. 身体的,物理的,物质的 n. 体检consider knsidd 考虑过的,被尊重的H

14、istorically , some species filled many purposes , while other less available or less desirable species served only one or two needs . historically histrikli adv. 历史上地;从历史观点上说网络释义historically:历史上地|从历史观点说,在历史上historically significant experiment:具有历史意义的尝试historically sensitive dates:历史敏感的日子species spi:i:z, -si:z n. 物种;种类 adj. 生物物种上的网络释义Species:种|物种|种类Adaptable species:适应性强的物种Migratory species:移栖种For example , because white oak is tough , strong , and durable , it was highly prized for shipbuiding , bridges , barn timbers , farm imple



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