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1、,Henry James,Contents,Personal information Major works Writing style Appreciation Contributions,Henry James(1843-1916),Personal information,1.a wealthy cultured family A.father- an eminent philosopher and reformer B.brother-a famous philosopher and psychologist 2.the cultural influence of Europe A.H

2、e developed a life-long friendship with William Dean Howells,who became his “moral police”(道德榜样) B.In the Harvard Law School, he read French novelists and critics C.He toured England, France and Italy, and met Flaubert福楼拜 and Turgenev屠格涅夫 D.He settled down in London in 1876. E.In 1915 he became a Br

3、itish citizen,Personal information,Died: 28 February 1916 He died in London Born: 15 April 1843 Birthplace: New York,Major works( three distinctive periods),a. international theme(1865-1882) The American 美国人 主人公克里斯托弗纽曼是白手起家的百万富翁,他到欧洲物色配偶时被人愚弄,但他并不怀恨,而是“颇有气度地”宽恕一切愚弄过他的人。纽曼虽然失败了。但在维护美国个性的尊严方面却赢得了道德上的胜

4、利。詹姆斯用这个人物最充分地表现了自己同胞的原型。 Daisy Miller 黛西米勒 主人公是美国一位富商的女儿,到欧洲游历,由于她“令人费解地集豪放与天真于一身”,追求她的美国人和意大利人都视她的大胆天真为不解之谜。她无视欧洲社会的传统,成了自己天真坦率性格的牺牲品,她不是死于男性的诡诈而是死于高烧。戏剧性的复杂决定了偶然的因素而不是心理的原因。作者用一位姑娘来作为美国国民性,的典型,让她的价值观更接近于自己的价值观。这个人物是成功的。“黛西密勒主义”已经成为美国妇女运动中一种要求更大的自由独立、破除繁文缛节的倾向的代名词。,Major works,Roderick Hudson罗德里克.

5、赫德森 An International Episode 国际风波 The Europeans 欧洲人 The Portrait of a Lady 贵妇的肖像 Washington Square 华盛顿广场 Watch and Ward时刻戒备,Major works,b. inter-personal relationships(1882-1895) His novels was poorly received Turned to play-writing in 1890,also failure Returned to the novels in 1895 with renewed vi

6、gor and a better knowledge of literary techniques,Major works,*A Little Tourin France 法国掠影 *The Bostonians波士顿人 *The Princess Casamassima卡萨玛西玛公主 *The Reverberator *The Tragic Muse *Guy Domville,Major works,c. novels and tales dealing with children and adolescence(1895-1900) The turn of the screw螺丝在拧紧

7、 What Maisie Knew 梅西所知道的 The Ambassadors 奉使记 是詹姆斯自认为“从各方面讲都是最完美的产品”。作者以一个法国女人对一个美国大资本家儿子产生的魅惑力,表现欧洲高雅文化对美国人的魅力。在这种魅力的吸引下,专程从美国赶到巴黎规劝那个青年回国的“专使”也受到感化。他宁可牺牲自己的幸福,放弃同那位青年的母亲 (一个十分有钱的寡妇)结婚的机会,反而劝那青年“不要错过机会”,继续在法国“尽情地生活”下去,Major works,The Wings of the Dove鸽翼 英国记者邓雪尔在其未婚妻凯蒂策划下,去追求一个得了不治之症十分有钱的姑娘密莉,以便在她死后继

8、承遗产。密莉去世后,邓雪尔果然如愿以偿;但他回忆起密莉高尚的品质,良心受到谴责,无法再与凯蒂共同生活下去 。 The Golden Bowl 金碗 美国大资本家阿达姆及其女儿梅季品德高尚,趣味高雅,心地善良,处事谨慎,父女在旅欧期间分别结婚后,发现继母和女婿之间早就有不正常的关系,现在又添私情。父女两人不露声色地解决了这个矛盾:阿达姆把妻子带回美国,女婿 (一个意大利王子)虽然失去了情妇,却认识到妻子的美德,就和她幸福地生活下去 。,Writing style,a. over-elaborate(复杂精美) style b. Language :highly-refined, polished

9、(文雅)insightful, accurate ,obscure(晦涩) c .Construction: complicated, intricate,Jamess literary techniques,1). “point of view” 视角 Explain the situation and character through one or several minds readers observe events and people through the consciousness of characters participate in their experience 2

10、)psychological analysis emphasizes the inner awareness and inward movement of characters-the founder of psychological realism-the forerunner of “stream-of-consciousness“ novels,The art of fiction,The aim of the novel is to present life Art must be related to life The artist should write about anythi

11、ng that concerns him, even the ugly and the commonplace “The only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life“,The Art of Fiction小说的艺术 (1884),He argued against rigid proscriptions(禁令) on the novelists choice of subject and method of treatment. He maintained that the

12、 widest possible freedom in content and approach would help ensure narrative fictions continued vitality(生命力),The art of fiction,小说的艺术(“The Art of Fiction”) 一文所阐明的许多理论和观点,迄今依然被广泛地认为是无懈可击的经典之作。现代文学评论的许多术语,也源于他的文学评论著作,例如,“sensibility” (敏感)、“execution” (处理、或技巧)、“point of view” (叙事角度)等,不一而足;詹姆斯也被尊奉为“大师”

13、,对欧美作家如康拉德、菲兹杰拉德等人影响颇大。,shortages,阶级局限性,多是描写资产阶级上层社会,缺失普通劳动者的气息。 创作局限于资产阶级人文主义,涉及道德,教养和情操,缺乏对整个社会的剖析。 作品中的女主人公不是同社会恶势力作斗争的强者.,The international theme,American innocence in face of European sophistication American personalities : innocence and freshness and ignorance, vulgarity(粗俗), enthusiasm ,simpl

14、icity and individuality European personalities :sophistication, highly cultivated, over-refinement, degeneration(衰退、堕落), complexity,Appreciation,The Portrait of a Lady,Plots Summary,一八六九年他首次独自赴欧旅游,在英国时听说他心爱的表妹密尼坦普尔去世,悲恸欲绝,竟终身不娶。十年后的春天,作家在意大利佛罗伦萨旅居时,就是以其表妹为原型,从“一个特定的、引人入胜的少女的性格和形象”开始构思,以此为基础展开故事:一个天真

15、又有主见的少女伊莎贝尔阿切尔只身随姨妈杜歇夫人来到英国,住在姨父的花园山庄里。她先后拒绝了美国工厂主卡斯帕戈德伍德和英国贵族沃伯顿勋爵的求婚。深深爱着她但为痼疾所困的表兄拉尔夫要求父亲留给她一大笔遗产,由此招来梅尔夫人的垂涎,诱使她嫁给吉尔伯特奥斯蒙德。婚后她才发现丈夫的真面目和他同梅尔夫人的暧昧关系,面临着何去何从的抉择,Isabel Archer,Touchett.couple,Ralph,Lord Warburton,Gaspar Goodwood,Madame Merle,Gilbert Osmond,Pancy,aunt and uncle,love,love,love,Meet i

16、n England,married,lovers,daughter,son,friend,Theme,contrasting regions women and femininity possession Pride Wealth (danger) Love(4) Lies and deceit Independence identity,THE TURN OF THE SCREW,The Turn of the Screw,Gothic romances deal with an intense experience in a setting isolated from the conditions of everyday life. Moreover, opposed to the novel, romances deal with those things we can never fully know, that we can never be sure of.,The tale is pe


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