2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 3 the world of colours and light课时跟踪练(二)welcome to the unit

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1、Unit 3 课时跟踪练(二) Welcome to the unit & Reading Language points一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1The pond (池塘) full of various kinds of fish will be available to visitors tomorrow morning.2Youd better fill up the tank (箱) with oil, or you might use up the fuel halfway.3The large drop in industrial output (产量) this

2、year came as a big shock to the local government.4Lucy has a(n) acute (敏锐的) eye for fashion, which makes her a very good shopping companion.5Some people say beauty itself is abstract (抽象的). Do you agree?6It was his brother who committed (犯罪) the murder.7Television is a very efficient medium (媒介,传媒)

3、for spreading information.8Cooperstown, New York, is said to be the birthplace (发源地) of baseball.9This is the most impressive architecture (建筑,建筑物) Ive seen on this trip.10Have you finished calculating (计算) yet?.单句语法填空1Little John hardly got anything in reward for his kind act, which made him unhapp

4、y.2What he has said is more than I can understand.3They have achieved a consensus that if the company is set up, he will own the share of 15%.4The prices of the shoes range from $25 to $100.5As I explained on the phone, your request will be considered at the next meeting.6The more I thought of the i

5、nterview and recalled the detail of it, the more certain it appeared that I would be offered the job.7We are off to Qingdao tomorrow and want to make an early start.8The project is on such a gigantic (庞大的) scale that the cost is hard to_calculate (calculate)9For safetys sake, dont drive upwards of 3

6、0 kilometers per hour in the city.10They are looking for someone with a real sense of commitment (commit) to the job.完成句子1在短时间内学好一门外语是不可能的。It_is_impossible_to_learn a foreign language in a short time.2这是所发现的最大的油田。This_is_the_biggest_oil_field_ that has ever been discovered.3他因守时而出名,因此我们不知道这次他迟到的原因。H

7、e is_famous_for_his_being_on_time,_so we dont know the reason for his being late this time.4最大的鱼有六英尺长,重达200多磅。The biggest fish was 6 feet long and upwards_of_200_pounds_in_weight.5高考对于学生们来说不仅十分重要,还很有挑战性。The College Entrance Examination is more_than_important_to_the_students,_and its also challenging

8、.6正如所预料的,他考试又没及格。As_had_been_expected,_he failed the exam again.7你不应该永远指望家人来养活。You should not calculate_on_your_family to support you for ever.8建筑方许诺会按时完成任务。The builder made_a_commitment_that he would finish the task on time.课文语法填空We started our trip in Spain and went to Mlaga, 1.where Picasso was b

9、orn. Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art, and he did not just paint, 2.but made sculptures and worked with all kinds of media.After visiting Spain, we went to Paris.In the Louvre Museum is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the 3.Italian (Italy) artist Leonardo da Vinci, who was also 4.an

10、architect, scientist and engineer. Later we went to the Muse dOrsay to see the modern works of Claude Monet. His paintings were typical 5.of a style called Impressionism, with which the painter abandons the idea of showing real things.Yesterday we went to Van Gogh Museum.Van Gogh painted about 800 o

11、il paintings, did 1,600 drawings. But the sad thing is that he only sold one painting 6.when he was alive. Today, his paintings are worth upwards of 7.millions (million) of dollars each. Tomorrow we are 8.off to another museum in Amsterdam.串点成篇微表达达芬奇是意大利艺术家,他于1503年至1506年创作了蒙娜丽莎这幅画。该画非常珍贵,价格难以估算(calc


13、ut_his_reward._He_had_an_output_of_over_20,000_pieces_of_art_in_his_life,_some_of_which_are_still_shown_in_galleries._We_are_looking_forward_to_having_a_chance_to_appreciate_his_works.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Bramblitt is an artist whose work is defined by brave and expressive palette (主色调). It is hard t

14、o _1_ that the man behind the colorful paintings is a man who has been living in the _2_ for over 13 years. If you ask John Bramblitt what the world is like, _3_ are hell tell you its full of _4_. At 30,he suffered from a serious disease that _5_him blind.“When I first lost my sight, I was so _6_ th

15、at I broke everything I could find into pieces. It seems like _7_ that was important in my life was _8_ from me.” he said.Losing his vision was a _9_ point in Bramblitts life. He calls it “the deepest, darkest _10_”. But he eventually climbed out of that hole by picking up the paint brush. Blind _11

16、_ he might be, the painters vision is as _12_ as his art.“If I hadnt lost my sight, I wouldnt start painting.” Over the course of painting, he _13_ that every shade of colors has its own _14_ textures (质地). He figured out how to mix colors by _15_ the differences between textures in the oils. He also le



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