2017-2018学年九年级英语全册 unit 9 i like music that i can dance to period 5导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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2017-2018学年九年级英语全册 unit 9 i like music that i can dance to period 5导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《2017-2018学年九年级英语全册 unit 9 i like music that i can dance to period 5导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年九年级英语全册 unit 9 i like music that i can dance to period 5导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Period 5 Section B(2a-2e)班级: 组名: 姓名: 【学习目标】1) 能掌握重点单词及重难句子;2) 会用that/which/who引导的定语从句来谈论自己在乐队,书籍,电影等方面的个人爱好。3) 培养学生的阅读能力和归纳能力。【学习重点】阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。【学习难点】阅读能力和归纳能力的提高。【学习过程】一 、目标呈现创设情境1. Do you like Chinese folk music?2. Do you know any Chinese musica

2、l instruments?二、自主合作读2b完成下列学习任务。学习任务一 :找出下列短语1.中国民俗音乐_ 2.最令人感动的乐曲_3. 因而著名_ 4. 挣钱_5. 结婚_ 6. 继续做某事_ 7. 以这样的方式_8. 在.时候为止_ 9. 可惜,遗憾的是_ 10. 总共,共计_学习任务二:翻译下列句子1. 那首由二胡演奏的乐曲深深地打动了我。_2. .它是我曾经听到过的最动人的乐曲之一。_3. 这首乐曲是由一个1893年出生在吴锡的叫阿丙的民间音乐家所写的。_学习任三:读课文完成2b ,2c,2d的问题。并检查答案三、展示质疑辨析1.:wound与hurt wound (1)名词“创伤”,

3、主要指肉体上的(2) 及物动词,“使受伤”,其宾语是整个人。 hurt (1)及物动词,“使受伤;伤害”,指人的肉体受伤而疼痛,或伤了某人的自尊心或感情。(2)不及物动词,“痛”,可以表示精神上以及肉体上“创伤”,但重点强调某部位疼痛2. It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded to this day. (1)本句结构:It is +名词+that从句翻译:遗憾的是,他丢了手表。_ (2)in total意为“总共;合计”相当于in all。翻译:这儿的学生总计6,000人。 .四、巩固构建:(一)完成

4、句子1.I senses a strong _ _ _.(我感觉到了一种强烈的悲伤和痛苦。)2.He lived on the street and played music _ _ _ .(他住在街上并且弹奏音乐挣钱。)3.He performed _ _ _.(他用这种方式表演了许多年。)4His musical skills _ _ _ _ .(他的音乐技能使得他非常受欢迎。)5.Many books _ _ by himself. (许多书都是他自己写的)6.He _ his _ _.(他又回忆录他最深的伤痛)4.不经过艰苦的努力谁也不会成功。No one can _ any hard

5、 work.5.我认为迫使他停止练习跑步是不公平的。I think its _ to make him _ running .(二)、完形填空KANG KANG is a ninthgrader at No.1 Middle School, Xining.He got back home on March 1 after four days out in the open.He ran away from home _1_ he felt stressed out about the coming senior high school entrance examination (中考)The

6、boy is not the only one stressed out over exams.Reporters _2 _ a survey at a middle school.It showed that 72 percent of students feel stressed and 67 percent of these students said their stress comes from school grades.People often feel stressed when they have a big _3 _,such as performing in a play

7、, taking a test, or playing in a sports match.Some stress is _4_.It makes you active.f you have an important test, stress can push you to study _5_.But too much stress is unhealthy.It can _6_ make you feel worried and tired.What is the best way to _7_ stress? During the days when you are preparing f

8、or the exams, you can take a walk and chat with your classmates.You can also _8_ each other your worries.It makes you stay _9_.Doctors suggested that, besides sharing thoughts with friends, students could also relax _10_ listening to music, reading a book or just spending some time alone.()1.A.becau

9、se Bso Cand Dthough ()2.A.do Bdoes Cdid Dwas doing ()3.A.work Bjob Crest Dsleep()4.A.bad Bsad Cboring D.good()5.A.hard Bharder Chardest Dwell()6.A.hardly Bnever Calmost D.also()7.A.deal with Bcatch up with Cagree with D.com up with()8.A.say Bspeak Ctell Dtalk ()9.A.unhappy B.upset CpeacefulDunhealthy()10.A.by Bwith Cin Dto在校园的时候曾经梦想去桂林,到那山水甲天下的阳朔仙境,漓江的水呀常在我心里流,去那美丽的地方是我一生的期望,有位老爷爷他退休有钱有时间,他给我描绘了那幅美妙画卷,刘三姐的歌声和动人的传说,亲临其境是老爷爷一生的心愿,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有时间的时候我却没有钱,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有了钱的时候我却没时间3



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