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1、考研英语作文模版在此之前,我们先定下一个基调,写的作文主题就是好的是好的,坏的也可以变成好的,总之一句话,积极向上,美好愿望实现是必然。一、 如何解剖模版作文你首先明确一个目标,那就是你要写的作文想让他成为什么样子。你可能觉得很简单,让他成为高分作文的样子,ok,没问题,接下来,什么样的才是高分作文,你去网上发现很多都是高分的作文,所以,会鉴别高分作文,才是你应该做的第一步。下面这个例子,你们应该看过,我不作具体的内容分析,只是告诉你们看这篇文章的方法,因为至少5年内,没太大希望再看到他出现。2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题1) describe the drawing br

2、iefly2) explain its intended meaning, and3) give your commentsYou should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET2.(20 points) 从作文的要求看1描述2解释3观点,那么分析文章的时候基本上就从这三个点来分析。第一步分拆:描述:How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social phenomenon, from which we can observe that in th

3、is cartoon stand two men and a bottle of milk. The two men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground.其实,分拆的方案有很多,我个人是按3段论分的,事不过三,其实这样有很多好处,就是非常方便建立你的架构。 解释:1According to the information given in the above-mentioned cartoon, 2the gist of it is regarding how we

4、should perceive the world around us.3 People tend to show different attitudes towards the issue. Then , what prove to be the underlying reasons for it? The following several reasons stated below can be taken to be responsible for it. First and foremost, that issue is largely having something to do w

5、ith the current state of people mind, without any doubt, some people are born positively, and while some others are born negatively. What is more important is that the outlook and value embodied in society affects how we throw our insights into something we are deal with. 观点:As far as my personal th

6、inking is concerned,when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are experiencing and encountering setbacks, only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopted, can we be bound to live

7、a life of happiness.有些东西,我想了很久,始终无法想出来怎么用文字来表达这种感觉,那就是,当你看到一篇文章时怎么迅速剖析出结构来。其实,单纯的阅读而言,这一点要比后面我总结的一些小方法,要更加重要,(如果有必要,我有时间当面讲好了)下面,我尽量用文字说一些剖析结构的思路。先看第一段How vivid the cartoon it is! What the profound cartoon reflects is a not uncommon social phenomenon, from which we can observe that in this cartoon s

8、tand two men and a bottle of milk. The two men show different perspectives toward the bottle of milk that is place on the ground.这里就应该去注意到,第二三段的那些,没有具体指代的句子,短语了。但是,这不是整个文章的结构。不得不说的废话,其实这些话就是简单的一种结构,因为它不涉及到具体的内容,能让文章看起来有层次感。这里涉及到一个小的应试点A,暂且不表。这里涉及到了文章内容,但我个人觉得不要简单的认为结构就是结构,内容就是内容,(你们政治应该学的)那么怎么办呢,提炼结

9、构:2短语从总体上概述了画面的内容,我们可以简单的称之为总述,3具体的描绘画面内容。其实这两个点,就是考验你英语功底的东西。一个是句子的表达方式,另外一个就是单词和短语的使用。第一段, 我们提炼的的结构为:开头的套话+画面的简单的总起的概括+具体的画面内容描述。第二段 1According to the information given in the above-mentioned cartoon, 2the gist of it is regarding how we should perceive the world around us.3 People tend to show dif

10、ferent attitudes towards the issue. Then , what prove to be the underlying reasons for it? 3The following several reasons stated below can be taken to be responsible for it.3B First and foremost, that issue is largely having something to do with the current state of people mind, without any doubt, s

11、ome people are born positively, and while some others are born negatively.3B What is more important is that the outlook and value embodied in society affects how we throw our insights into something we are deal with.我们先做第一步的分析:1句,还是套话,这个东西表明了你下一步要去做什么,不做过多解释,方法中我再说,套话怎么去写。2句,其实我个人来看,这是最重要的东西,表明你的见解和

12、观点以及个人立场的一句话。写错了,基本就over game了。因为你下面的东西无论怎么阐释都要围绕他展开,或平铺或深入,或正反。所以,第二句的结构就是表明你对这些东西的理解,或探讨方向。3A部分,会有好几种方式来表达,这里我们就事论事,看看它的结构。3A部分是一个承上启下的部分,这个部分可以总结为一些套话。3B部分,其实就很明了了,就是我们所说的三段论思想,只不过这里,只是列明了两个原因,一般要列三个,最后一条,比如,the last but not the least,.。单就本段而言,结构已经比较明了。(这个图是后期我做的,可能号码有点不对,只是希望你们有一个清晰的模型概况出来。)接下来,

13、第三段:As far as my personal thinking is concerned,when it comes to mentioning the issue concerning how to look at the world, what we should do is to observe it positively and confidently, especially when we are experiencing and encountering setbacks, only if we have the above-mentioned proposals adopt

14、ed, can we be bound to live a life of happiness.这又是一个典型的三段论格式的论断。1部分,表明你的这部分写的东西,可以定位套话。2部分,表明你的观点,其实就是把那些出题的老头子想表达的观点表达出来,你可以把他做成总结式的语句,也可以做成表达情绪式,或者列出几个应对的方法也可以。(我知道也许会有人告诉你们,这些都太老套了,老师会很烦,对没错,可是如果你们有能力去创新,会用高级的词汇和短语,就不要太在乎这个,如果不会,就老老实实的写。)3部分,作为一个结束,表达个人的思想祝愿,你就把这个经典结尾记住吧,这也是我从初中就开始用的一个句型。这是一个博大精

15、深的句子。怎么套都可以。Ok,这一段的结构相对也是简单的,套话+个人观点总结或者应对方法+美好的祝愿。好了,基本的文章分析结束,如果你们能够坚持做这种分析的话,以下的内容都是扯淡,因为,那些所谓的模版,再怎么好,都抵不过你自己分析总结出来的结构。接下来,我们从总体上来看一下该文章的结构,希望你们已经有一个较为清晰抽象的模型出来。二、 反向思维,做出模版你们可能体会到,上面所讲的东西其实就是,模版的一部分东西,下面我们将它逆向拼接,得到一些初级的模版。第一, 把握基础性质的东西,就是你肚子里要有些墨水,至少要背及写过一些文章,这是最基本的东西,不然模版带给你的将是无尽的伤害。因为,骨架再好看,一

16、旦全部露出来就不好玩了第二, 知道一些常用的套话,和句子转换结构,比如,generally speaking,acturally,however,what can we do is that .only in this way ,can we .这些东西必须熟,然后才能生巧。第三, 最基础的初步模版:在最初的一个便签条里我已经说过了,分三点是最好的方式,我们以此为基础,做一个初步的模型出来,(但是不要过于拘泥于三点,只是一种形式)在图中,我标出一些重要的结构点来,在写文章时,这些点先构思出来,文章基本就成型了,当然前提是,你平时写作文很熟练了。三、 模版的制作我们从第一部分开始as is vividly depicted in the picture, theres/re



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