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1、译林版八下Unit6 单元检测题一、单项选择题(共10题,共18分)1.This road is about _.A. twenty metres tallB. twenty metres thickC. twenty metres longD. twenty metres wide2.The boy is often made _ pictures for hours by his mother.A. to drawB. to drawingC. drawD. drew3.How many English songs have you learned this term? _ 10.A. A

2、t allB. At onceC. At timesD. At least4.In our country the old _ taken good care of.A. beB. isC. areD. being5._ is necessary that you start training a few months before the walk.A. ThisB. ThatC. WhatD. It6.Has she had _ for the job?Yes, she has taught English for more than 10 years.A. enough experien

3、ceB. enough experiencesC. many experiencesD. much experiences7.You should keep _ record of your expense.A. aB. anC. theD. that8.He is _ in basketball, but I am _ in football.A. interested; interestingB. interested; interestedC. interesting; interestedD. interesting; interesting9.Her mother is well b

4、ecause she often _.A. smokesB. exercisesC. sleepsD. sings10.Mary lost her bag _ school.A. on her way toB. on her wayC. in her way toD. in her way二、完形填空(共10题,共10分)1.Have you everplanted a few trees on Tree-planting Day? Every year, millions of people, bothyoung and old, (1) a lot of trees. But this m

5、aynot be the best way to make our home a (2) place.Last week wevisited a park in Hebei province. We were (3) tofind most of the trees had been burned. The workers told us that the trees (4) soon after they were planted because they werent watered wellenough. (5) the workers burned them and cleanedth

6、e place for(6) trees to be planted this year. (7) acard found in one of the dead trees, a student wrote, “I hope this tree will grow upwith me to (8) the backbone (栋梁) of our country.” The workers said that thesurvival of the trees was really more important than (9) treeswere planted.Some people inB

7、eijing now have a new idea that they can donate some money and letprofessionals (专业人士)plant and (10) the trees.(1)A.water B.plant C. lookfor D. burn(2)A.smaller B.warmer C.greener D. larger(3)A. pleased B. happy C.interesting D. surprised(4)A.died B.grew C.bought D. planted(5)A. Though B. When C.Bec

8、ause D. So(6)A.few B.old C.new D. dead(7)A.Over B. From C.On D. Above(8)A.need B.hold C.plant D. be(9)A. how many B.when C. howsoon D. why(10)A. take out B.take down C. take away D. takecare of三、阅读理解(共10题,共20分)1.Gladys Holm wasa secretary (秘书).She worked in an office all her life. Gladys made about

9、$15,000 a year. Shedied when she was 86 years old. And she left a big surprise$18 million! She gave the moneyto a childrens hospital.Gladys Holmnever got married or had any children. But she always liked children, and shewanted to help them. When her friends daughter was ill in hospital, Gladysbroug

10、ht her a toy bear. After that, she visited the hospital many times. Everytime she visited, she brought toy bears for those children. After that, peoplestarted to call Gladys the “Toy Bear Lady”.Gladys alwaysgave toys and other presents to her friends but no one knew she had a lot ofmoney. She lived

11、in a small house outside Chicago. Everyone was very surprisedwhen they learned that she was a millionaire. One of her friends said, “Shealways gave us nice presents and things, but we didnt know she was rich.”How did Gladysget so much money? She asked her boss how to make more money, and she listene

12、dto what he said. She bought the stocks (股票) that he told her to buy, and she got very rich.Before she died, she talked to her friends about “giving something to thechildrens hospital”. No one knew that the “something” was $18 million!(1)Gladys Holm often visited the hospitaland gave children toy be

13、ars because_.A.she had too much money B.she had a lot of toy bears C.she had never got married andhad no children D.she liked children very much(2)People started to call Gladys the “ToyBear Lady”_.A.after she visited the childrenin hospital many times B.after she died C.before her friends daughter w

14、asill D.before she worked with his boss(3)Everyone was surprised that_.A.Gladys lived such a long life B.Gladys lived in a small houseoutside Chicago C.Gladys had so much money D.Gladys always gave her friendsnice presents(4)_, so she got rich.A.Gladys made $15,000 a year as asecretary B.Gladys did

15、what the boss toldher to do C.Gladys got the money from theboss D.Gladys did another job in thehospital(5)When Gladys Holm became a millionaire,_.A.she spent most of the money onnice presents and things B.she stopped working C.she still lived in the same way D.she could hardly wait to tellher friends and family2.In 1638, JohnHarvard donated some money a


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