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1、石家庄石门实验学校2016-2017学年度第一学期期中考试试题初三 英语试卷(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)卷(85分)(一)听力部分.听句子,选出句子中包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 1. A. place B. poem C. poet( ) 2. A. 9:50 B. 10:10 C. 10:50( ) 3. A. stayed healthy B. stayed happy C. stayed awake( ) 4. A. I am taller my sister. B. My sister is taller than me. C. My sister is

2、 as tall as me.( ) 5. A. Look at the baby carefully. B. Look after the baby carefully. C. Take the baby away carefully.听句子,选出该句的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( ) 6. A. Im sorry to hear that. B. Bad luck! C. Oh, I dont know.( ) 7. A. Really? I dont think so. B. Sorry, I will. C. OK. Lets play!( ) 8. A. Yes, I

3、 do. B. I like pop music. C. I hate music.( ) 9. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, I would. C. No, I dont.( ) 10. A. My favorite animal is the cat. B. Its red. C. playing basketball.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)( ) 11. A. B. C ( ) 12. A. B. C. ( ) 13. A. He will buy something. B. He will buy a ticket for

4、 tomorrow. C. He will post a letter.( ) 14. A. Sandy. B. Millie. C. Daniel.( ) 15. A. About thirty. B. About forty. C. About fifty.( ) 16. A. A fiction movie. B. An action movie. C. A comedy movie.( ) 17. A. Wonderful. B. Interesting. C. Awful.( ) 18. A. Laughing. B. Crying. C. Eating popcorn.听短文和问题

5、,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)( ) 19. What sign will you find in a cinema? A. Exit. B. No talking. C. No smoking.( ) 20. If you go to the museum, what sign will you find? A. Entrance. B. No photos. C. No parking.( ) 21. How many signs are mentioned? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.( ) 22. How often does Mr. Smi

6、th go to work? A. Five days a week. B. Six days a week. C. Seven days a week.( ) 23. What did Mr. Smith usually do on the train? A. He usually slept. B. He usually talked with others. C. He usually read newspapers.( ) 24. How did Mr. Smith feel about last years life? A. Excited. B. Bored. C. Comfort

7、able.( ) 25. How does Mr. Smith go to work now? A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot.(二)笔试部分.单项选择。(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)( ) 26. Sally started to learn the violin at early age because she wanted to be a violinist.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 27. -Look at that girl under the tree. Is it Ann?-It be Ann. She is re

8、ading in the library now.A. can B. cant C. must D. mustnt( ) 28. True friends are those always take care of you and encourage you to succeed.A. which B. what C. whom D. who( ) 29. To my great surprise, the story of the famous musician differently on the Internet.A. reported B. was reporting C. repor

9、ts D. was reported( ) 30. Jack was once quiet in class, but now he becomes and often answers the questions. A. active B. peaceful C. silent D. wise( ) 31. Forks are usually made of , so they wont be broken easily. A. glass B. steel C. wood D. paper( ) 32. -Why are you so excited today? -We were told

10、 a picnic this weekend. A. have B. to have C. having D. had( ) 33. - Tom Lily is coming to our home. -Yeah, I am very happy that they can visit us tomorrow.A. Both; and B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Not only; but also( ) 34. -Would you like a cup of tea? -Yes, please. I prefer tea nothing in it.A

11、. to B. for C. of D. with( ) 35. They used to be friends, _?A. dont they B. didnt they C. do they D. did they ( ) 36. Our hometown a lot in the last few years. A. has changed B. changed C. change D. have changing( ) 37. You dont have to every new word in the dictionary while reading. A. look for B.

12、look up C. look at D. look after( ) 38. Why not your teacher for help when you cant finish the story by yourself? A. to ask; write B. to ask; to write C. ask; writing D. asking; to write( ) 39. Tom doesnt like doing chores, but he was made the dishes yesterday. A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. to washing( ) 40. I am so sorry, I took your bag instead of mine . A. by mistake B. all of a sudden C. without doubt D. in fact( ) 41. Everyone in the family her. She dealt with the thing bravely. A. were proud of B. showed an interest in C. took pride in D. paid attention to( ) 42


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