2017-2018学年七年级英语上册 unit 8 when is your birthday提分手册练习 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、UNIT 8 When is your birthday?【单词速背】1.month/mn/n.月;月份 他每月赚1000元。He earns 1000 yuan a .【答案】month2.January/dnjuri/n.一月 他一月份开始在那里工作。He started working there in .【答案】January3.February/februri/n.二月 我们可以在二月份完成这项任务。We can finish this task in .【答案】February4.March/ma()t/n.三月 春天始于三月。Spring starts from .【答案】Mar

2、ch5.April/prl/n.四月 萨姆出生在四月。Sam was born in .【答案】April6.May/me/n.五月 那家剧院是五月份开业的。That theatre opened in .【答案】May7.June/dun/n.六月 六月一日是儿童节。 1st is Childrens day.【答案】June8.July/dula/n.七月 他将在七月毕业。He will graduate in .【答案】July9.August/gst/n.八月 去年八月,他搬到了另一个国家。Last , he moved to another country.【答案】August10.

3、September/septemb(r)/n.九月 九月十日是教师节。 10th is Teachers Day.【答案】September11.October/ktb()/n.十月 十月份你将会很忙。You are going to be very busy in .【答案】October12.November/nvemb()/n.十一月 十一月初下过雪。It snowed in early .【答案】November13.December/()/n.十二月 十二月是一年中的最后一个月。 is the last month of a year.【答案】December14.happy/hpi

4、/adj愉快的;高兴的 你今天看起来不太高兴。You dont look very today.【答案】happy15.old/uld/adj.年老的;旧的 他把他的旧房子卖了。He sold his house.【答案】old16.party/()/n.聚会 我希望你能来参加我的生日聚会。I hope you can come to my birthday .【答案】party17.first/f()st/num.第一 他在竞赛中获得了一等奖。He won the prize in the competition.【答案】first18.second/seknd/num.第二 他是第二个到达

5、的。He was the to arrive.【答案】second19.third/(r)d/num.第三 我们住在第三层。We live on the floor.【答案】third20.fifth/fif/num.第五 这是琳达的五岁生日。This is Lindas birthday.【答案】fifth21.eighth/eit/num.第八 今天是九月八日。Today is September .【答案】eighth22.ninth/nan/num.第九 李明上九年级。Li Ming is in the grade.【答案】ninth23.twelfth/twelf/num.十二 十二

6、月是一年中的第十二个月份。December is the month of a year.【答案】twelfth24.test/test/n.测验;检查 他没有通过这次测验。He didnt pass the .【答案】test25.trip/trp/n.旅游;旅行 那是一次令人愉快的旅行。That was a nice .【答案】trip26.dear/d()/adj.亲爱的 她的女儿是她心爱的宝贝。Her daughter is very to her.【答案】dear27.student/stjudnt/n.学生 他是一个好学生。He is a good .【答案】student28.t

7、hing/n.东西;事情 你能把那边那个东西递给我吗?Can you pass me the over there?【答案】thing29.term/t()m/n.学期 这学期我们将会学一些新东西。We will learn something new this .【答案】term30.busy/bzi/adj忙碌的;无暇的 你今晚忙吗?Are you tonight?【答案】busy31.time/tam/n.时间 我们没有多少时间了。We dont have much .【答案】time32.there/()/adv.(在)那里 你怎样去那儿?How do you go ?【答案】ther

8、e【短语速记】1.Happy birthday!生日快乐! Happy birthday, Tom!生日快乐,汤姆!2.have a good time过得愉快 We had a good time last weekend.上周末我们过得很愉快。3.in August 在八月 It is usually very hot in August. 八月通常很热。4.English test英语测验 Well have an English test next week. 下周我们将有一次英语测验。5.birthday party生日聚会 Tom invited me to his birthda

9、y party yesterday.昨天汤姆邀请我去他的生日聚会。6.art festival艺术节 When do you have an art festival at your school? 你们学校什么时候有艺术节?7.have a book sale举行售书活动 They have a book sale every month. 他们每个月都有售书活动。8.Childrens Day儿童节 Happy Childrens Day! 儿童节快乐!9.Womens Day妇女节 Womens Day is on March 8th.妇女节是在三月八号。10.have a school

10、 trip进行学校旅行 Well have a school trip tomorrow.我们明天将进行学校旅行。11.basketball game篮球比赛 I missed the basketball game yesterday.昨天我错过了篮球比赛。12.have an English party举行英语派对 When shall we have an English party? 我们什么时候举行英语派对呢?13.National Day国庆节 The first of October is Chinas National Day. 十月一日是中国的国庆节。14.New Years

11、 Day新年 People around the world celebrate New Years Day on January 1st.世界各地的人们都会在1月1日庆祝新年。【句型速记】1.When is your birthday, Linda?你的生日是什么时候,琳达?结构:特殊疑问词(When)+一般疑问句(is your/his/her/Toms birthday)?回答:My/His/Her birthday is on+日期/in+月份. When is Lucys birthday?露西的生日是什么时候?Her birthday is on May 6th.她的生日是在五月六

12、号。2.How old are you, Alan? 你多大了,艾伦?结构:特殊疑问词组(How old)+一般疑问句(are you/is he/she/Mary)?回答:Im/He/She is (years old). How old is your brother?你弟弟多大了?He is nine years old.他九岁了。【话题作文】话题:介绍生日本单元的写作任务是叙述他人的生日及其他的情况。假如你叫梅(May),请你根据下列表格写一篇不少于50词的短文。称呼生日年龄职业May12月26日15Her father3月23日教师Her mother6月19日教师Her broth

13、er7月18日18参考范文:My name is May.Im fifteen years old.My birthday is December 26th. There are four people in my family.They are my father,my mother,my brother and IMy parents are teachers.My fathers birthday is March 23rd and my mothers birthday is June 19th.My brother is 18 years old.And July 18th is his birthday.Were very happy.简单模板:1.介绍自己My name isIm2.描述表格内容Imyears old. My mother isMy fathers birthday is3.结束语Were very happy.在校园的时候曾经梦想去桂林,到那山水甲天下的阳朔仙境,漓江的水呀常在我心里流,去那美丽的地方是我一生的期望,有位老爷爷他退休有钱有时间,他给我描绘了那幅美妙画卷,刘三姐的歌声和动人的传说,亲临其境是老爷爷一生的心愿,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有时间的时候我却没有钱,我想去桂林呀,我想去桂林,可是有了钱的时候我却没时间


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