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1、Unit 1 教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语4B第一单元教学目标1 复习并进一步学习有关职业类单词。2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3 能熟练地演唱本单元中的歌曲。4 进一步学习有关辅音字母在单词中的读音。教学要求1 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词a student,a teacher,a doctor,a nurse,a boy,a girl,a man, a woman, new.2 能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语Welcome to our school. Whos the boy in the tree? Come down. All

2、right. Dont climb trees again. Yes, sir. Im new here.3 能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型Whos that-? Hes/Shes-. Are you-? Yes, I am. /No, Im not.4 了解辅音字母w和z在单词中的读音。5 会唱歌曲Whos that girl?教学重点能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词 a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy, a girl, a man, a woman, new.能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型Whos that-?Hes/Shes-.A

3、re you -? Yes, I am./ No. Im not.教学难点能用Whos that-?Hes/Shes-. Are you-? Yes, I am./No ,Im not. Welcome to our school. Whos the boy in the tree? Come down. All right. Dont climb trees again. Yes, sir. Im new here.等简单的日常交际用语进行对话。课前准备课前准备好八张职业类单词的图片(a student, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a boy, a girl

4、, a man, a woman, new.)第一课时教学内容九年义务教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语4B第一单元第一教时教学目标复习和进一步学习有关职业类单词。掌握日常交际用语Are you-?Yes,I am./No,Im not.教学重点能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词a student,a teacher,a doctor,a nurse,a boy,a girl,a man,a woman.教学难点会使用日常交际用语Are you-?Yes,I am./No,Im not.教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图 一 一 GreetingT: Good morning. T: Ho

5、w are you today? S: Good morning.S: Fine,thank you. 二 二 RevisionT: Whos he ? A man or a boy? Show the picture) S:A boy. T: How to spell it? .Please use your fingers. S:A boy.S:B-O-Y.(可开一组小火车) 利用图片复习a boy, a girl, a man和a woman,并进行读,写方面的指导 三 New wordsT: Lets spell. T:A teacher. please read after me.

6、T: Who am I? 用同种方法教授a student, a doctor, a nurse. S:A-. S:T-E-A-C-H-E-R(可开一组小火车)S:A teacher.教师做动作,让学生猜是什么职业,依次来教a student, a teacher, a doctor听诊器扮作医生;做打针;输液桩扮作护士)手拿备课笔记及教具扮作教师;手拿和a nurse. (可肩背一只书包扮作学生; 四 Play a gameT:I say a name of a job. T:I do an act .You guess: Whats my job? Ask some students to

7、 play this game. For example: a doctor. And you act it. S:OK.最后让学生分组进行游戏S:A doctor. 设计游戏Listen and act来复习a student, a teacher, a doctor, a teacher和 a nurse也可以教师扮作职业,学生猜猜 五 New sentenceT: Whats my job?(我是做什么的?) T: Are you a teacher? T: Please read after me. Are you a teacher? T: Are you a student? T:

8、谁会给我完整的回答? T: Yes, Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? S:A teacher. S: No. S:-. S: Yes, I am S: No, Im not. S: Yes.(让学生了解Im是I am的缩写。) 学习新句型六 PracticeAsk students to practice with each other.B: Yes./No.A; Are you a-?七 完成课堂作业:一 按要求完成各题:1、we(形容词性物主代词) 2、his(人称代词)3、this(反义词) 4、she(物主代词)二 写出完整形式:Im= youre=

9、whos= isnt=Hes= shes= dont= whats=八 Homework 1 抄写本单元所学单词四遍。2 复习第一单元课文并试着跟磁带朗读。板书设计 Unit One A new studenta student a doctor a boy a mana teacher a nurse a girl a woman Are you a-?Yes,I am./No,Im not.课后小记:1 在教学中多采用说说,猜猜,唱唱,演演等活动形式,有利于调动学生的学习积极性,有利于学生主动地参与到课堂教学活动中去。2 复习句型时,教师把句型放入具体的生活情景中,让学生在亲切真实的语言环

10、境中掌握并运用所学的语言知识。3、通过对单词的拼读与背诵,使学生能在课堂上就对单词达到熟练的程度.第二课时教学内容:九年教育六年制小学教科书 牛津小学英语4B第一单元第二教时。教学目标1.复习本单元所学的职业类单词。2.进一步掌握句型Are you a-?及其回答Yes,I am./No,Im not.3.学习并掌握新的句型Whos that-? Hes/Shes-.教学重点1.能正确地听,说,读,写单词a student,节a doctor, a boy, a man, a teacher, a nurse, a girl, a woman.2.能正确地听,说,读,写句子Whos that-

11、?Hes/Shes-.教学难点1.能熟练地使用日常交际用语Whos that-?Hes/Shes-.教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图一 Greeting T: Hello. How are you?(Write this sentence on the blackboard)T: Welcome back to school.S: Fine, thank you.(5-6students) 复习已学句型 二 Revision Game T: Speak out seven words T: Are you a teacher? a teacher, a nurse, a girl, a wom

12、an.)T: Ask “Whats missing?” 同法依次复习其他七个单词。T: what s my job? ( For example: a student, a boy, a man,S: Look at the pictureand listen to the teacherS: Yes, I amS: You are a teacher.S: No ,Im not.S: A doctor.通过游戏帮助学生进行复习上堂课所学的单词a student, a doctor, a boy, a man, a teacher, a nurse, a girl, a woman.将这八个单

13、词的图片分上下两行依次排列在黑板上。 通过师生之间的自由对话复习句型。三 New text1如果班里有新同学,教师可先向同学们介绍This is -Hes new here.并对新同学说Welcome to our school. Welcome to our school.对这句话的意思稍作解释请部分同学向新同学介绍自己(如果没有新同学,教师可事先请一位班中的同学戴上头饰扮作新同学)2 教师可让新同学(事先准备好)用:Whos that boy/girl?的问句认识班里的同学,教师对这句话进行适当的解释,T: Read after me. Whos that boy?A act Ben.B act Gao Shan. C act the nurse.5 T:Now please read after the tape.T:Now give you 1 minute to prepare.Then please act this dialogue.T:I want to ask some students to act it引导其他同学试着用Hes/Shes-.回答。



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