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1、专四基本词组小结 Set Phrases for TEM-41. to the best of ones ability 尽力地2. abide by 遵守;信守3. of/with no fixed abode 居无定所4. come about 发生;成为事实5. leave about 到处乱放6. go about sth 开始做7. be above one 太高深:不易理解8. be abundant in/with 有丰富的;大量的9. of ones own accord 自愿的;自动的10. admit of容纳的下;有 的余地11. to ones advantage 对某

2、人有利12. now and again 不时的;间或13. time and (time)again 多次:一再的14. be of age 成年15. on the air 广播着;播送着16. put on airs 摆架子17. on the alert (for )警惕着18. all but 几乎;差一点19. all for 完全赞成20. go all out 全力以赴21. all the more 更加22. make allowance for 考虑到;体谅到23. local anesthetic 局部麻醉24. general anesthetic 全身麻醉25. i

3、n the last/final analysis 归根结底;总而言之26. like anything 非常,十分迅速的27. play the ape 模仿别人28. receive with open arms 热情而高兴的欢迎29. around the clock 昼夜不停地30. as good as 几乎已经;实际已经31. at any rate 不管怎么样32. at hand 在手边;即将到来33. by hand 用手加工34. in hand 在手头;被控制住;在进行中35. on hand 在手头;在近处;36. at war 处于交战状态37. avenge one

4、self on.对。 。 。进行报仇38. awaken to 使认识到39. straight away 立即;马上40. at ones back 支持某人41. go from bad to worse 每况愈下42. be badly off 生活拮据;穷困43. ballistic missile 弹道导弹44. jump/climb/get on the bandwagon 顺应潮流,随大流45. under the banner of 以的名义46. drive a bargain 讨价还价47. have a bash at 尝试一下48. full of beans 精力充沛

5、49. beat off 打退50. beat time 打拍子51. beat up sb 痛打某人52. become of 发生。 。 。 。 。 。的情况;。 。 。怎么了53. put 。 。 。to bed 安顿。 。 。睡觉54. behind the times 过时;落在时代后面55. make believe 假装56. beside oneself with 极度。 。 。57. at ones best 全盛时期58. be better off 生活良好;生活更佳59. between you and me 咱私下说60. few and far between 不常

6、有;稀有61. big shot 重要人物62. give birth to 引起63. do ones bits 尽一份力64. bit by bit 一点点地65. every bit 完全(一样)66. to bits 成为碎片67. bits and pieces 七零八碎的小东西68. black and blue 青一块紫一块69. in black and white 白纸黑字70. blow hot and cold 变化不定71. blow off 吹走72. blow out 吹熄73. blow up 爆炸,爆破74. once in a blue 难得一次75. out

7、 of the blue 出乎意料的76. call ones bluff 接受某人的挑战77. board of directors 董事会78. boarding pass 登机牌79. be in the same boat 命运相同80. keep body and soul together 维持生命81. as bold as brass 极其胆大妄为82. hit the bottle 酗酒83. keep to the bottle 酗酒84. over a bottle(of a wine )一面喝酒85. box ones ear = give somebody a box

8、 on the ear 打某人一记耳光86. beat/cudgel/rack ones brains 绞尽脑汁87. have something on the brain 一心想着某事88. brain drain 人才外流89. brainwork 脑力劳动90. earn ones bread 赚钱养家户口91. break forth 突然迸发92. above ones breath 高声的93. below/under ones breath 喘息,松一口气94. waste ones breath 白费口舌95. bring .around 使转而同意96. bring to

9、light 发现,让人知道97. burn off 烧掉98. burn out (火)自行熄灭;烧光某物99. by and by 不久;过一会儿100. by and large 总的来说101. call to mind (使)想起102. candle stick 烛台103. care of 由。 。 。转交104. care-taker government 看守政府105. carry away 使激动的失去自制能力106. carry weight 有分量;有影响107. put the cart before the horse 本末倒置108. objective case

10、 宾格109. nominative case 主格110. cassette tape recorder 盒式录音机111. catch on 1.变的流行起来 + 2. 理解;了解112. take the chair 主持会议113. take a chance 冒险;试试看114. Take ones chance 听天由命115. change trains 换车;转车116. chartered flight 包机航班117. check in/at 投宿(旅社) ;记账118. check out 结账;搬出(旅社)119. check (up)on 核对。 。 。120. ch

11、eck over 核对;查账121. be with child 怀孕122. be childs play 容易之极123. chime in with sth 符合某事124. in chorus 齐声;一齐125. do a clean job 干得出色126. clean out 打扫干净;打扫127. clean up 收拾;整理干净128. clear up 放晴;澄清129. be clever at 擅长于130. be clever with 善于使用131. put/turn the clock back 把时针拨回;复旧132. work against the cloc

12、k 拼命按时间;抢在。 。 。之前做133. give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡对待某人134. in cold blood 残酷无情的135. come about 发生136. come by 得到137. come down 下降;跌价138. come off 成功139. come round 恢复知觉;(又一度)到来140. come up 引起注意 考虑到 发生 走进 走到跟前141. come up against 遭到142. come up to 及得上 不亚于143. comic strip 连环漫画144. take command of (开始)

13、指挥145. show concern for 关心146. in conformity with 遵照147. container ship 集装箱船148. be in a tight corner 陷入困境149. to ones cost 吃了苦头后才。 。 。150. under the cover of 在。 。 。的掩护下151. crack down 镇压;取缔;扫荡152. be a credit to 为。 。 。增光153. be credited with 被归功于;被认为具有某种成效154. crop up 意外出现或发生155. cross out 划掉156. c

14、ulminate in 达到高潮;终于157. curriculum vitae 履历;简历158. cut across 走捷径159. cut off 切断;隔绝;戒掉(吸烟)160. cut out 切断;删除;剪裁161. to date 迄今162. up to date 现代化的;最新的163. all day 整天;从早到晚164. by day 在白天165. call it a day 收工;结束166. day in,day out 日复一日167. in all ones born days 一生中168. of the day 当代169. to this day 迄今

15、170. as sure as death 千真万确171. dear knows 天晓得172. defer to 遵从;听从173. depart from 背离;违反;离开174. out of ones depth; beyond ones depth 深不着底;非。 。 。能理解;为。 。力所不及175. go into detail(s)详细叙述;逐一说明176. detention center 拘留所177. leave to ones own devices 听任自便;让。 。自行发展178. a devil of 非常糟糕的;极麻烦的;异常的179. go to the d

16、evil 完蛋;毁灭 滚开;见鬼去180. talk/speak of the devil, and he will appear 说曹操,曹操就到181. be dying for/to 渴望;巴不得立刻182. die away 变弱;渐渐停止183. die hard 难根绝,难改掉 顽固到底,难断气184. die off 相继死去185. die away 变弱;渐渐停止186. never say die 别气馁;别灰心187. split the difference 折中;妥协188. make a difficulty/ make difficulties 刁难;提出异议189. dig sb in the ribs 用肘碰一下某人190. dig at/make a dig at 挖苦;嘲讽191. dig in 挖壕固守,使站稳脚跟,巩固192. beneath ones dignity 有失某人身份193. stand on ones dignity 保


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