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1、总结55个口语topic1.恶劣的天气weather2.最喜欢的书book3.喜欢的餐馆restaurant4城市发展development of city5青年文化culture6时尚fashion7难忘的事an thing which is not easy forget8欣赏的名人people who is famous9媒体media10apartment housing11web site12影响深刻的建筑物building13家用电器appliace14广告advertisement15影响最大的人people who influtent you 16日常的一天daily time

2、17交通工具transportation18北京beijing19动物(野生)wild animal20颜色colour21喜欢的山hill22春节spring festival23好朋友good friend24钱money25衣服clothes26玩具.有意义的东西toy.meaning thing27想学的技巧skill28爱好hobbies29中国教育chinese education30自我介绍(尽可能详细)introdut myse31喜欢的季节season32传统tradition33空闲时间spare time34家乡hometown35学习英语.学习经验study engli

3、sh.experience36社会问题social question37父母亲parents38敬佩的人people who you admire39长的象的人people who you look like 40计算机computer41计算机前的发明 an invention before computer42礼物gift43旅游travelling44最喜欢的商店shop.store45坏习惯bad habit46少数民族an ethnic minonty47中国的特色characterize48最喜欢的运动sport49国际援助50孩童时开心的事51家庭的新鲜事52一个产品53商标53

4、.你做的一个重要决定54准时的重要性55人体的形状拓展:1讲一讲一个对你影响比较大的older person。他是怎么样的一个人?都在哪些方面对你有一些什么影响?你们国家对老年人是什么态度?你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好?老人在你们家有什么影响?你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样?他们对大家有什么影响?2名人, 介绍一个famous的人。三个问题要谈:谁?干什么的?为什么famous? 还有一个explain,为什么你认为他会出名?你觉得为什么有许多人喜欢出名?出名有什么好处?有什么坏处?谈一下你的国家的媒体对与明星的生活的报道?报道些什么?为什么老百姓想要知道明星的生活?

5、明星的影响力是如何关系到你的生活的?3中国人什么时候送礼?你在孩童时和现在送的礼物有什么不同?你觉得在将来人们应该送哪种礼物?你会不会把电视,电脑,家用电器等作为礼物?4。怎么看待一些组织捐款?你会为哪种类型捐款?我怎样号召人们捐款?5。中国人都住什么样子的房子?他们喜欢什么样的房子?你觉得这样的房子好么?城市里的房子和乡村的有什么不同? 哪里不同?你住的是什么样的房子?你认识你的邻居吗?你认为应该怎样改进住房?现在的年轻还跟父母住在一起吗?说出南方和北方的生活方式有什么不同,以其在建筑上的差别。6对旅行怎么看?可以学到什么?tourist industry , what tourists g

6、et from traveling? give some solution to benifit tourist industry. 如何促进中国的旅游业7。 怎样通过衣服看一个人,uniform的优缺,中国的traditional clothes等等do your country have any tradition and national clothing? do you think the clothing are more important than before? why? what type of clothing do you wear in different occasi

7、ons?(for example) what information can you find in another persons clothing?(就是让你说如果你看见一个人穿一种什么类型的衣服时,你会想他是什么职业的或者他的性格是怎样的)8what is different between you and your parent holidy? what do you do difference purpose between older and younger. how to develop chinas tourist ?9关于电影的问题,中国现在流行的电影类型有什么,中国现在的电

8、影和以前相比如何,孩子与成人喜欢的电影的区别,中国最有名的外国演员是谁,为什么,中国演员与外国演员的区别,哪个更受欢迎,为什么电影中有太多暴力,影院在中国重要吗,演员成功所需特质。这部电影多长,中国现在流行的电影类型有什么?中国现在的电影和以前相比如何?10。what is a good teacher or a bad teacher?11中国比起百年以前现在的发展,有什么不同。人口的增长, 中国以后的发展12。 working change, social change, family structure change,高科技对现代工作方式带来的change.13。 creative ne

9、w things. if you are a teacher what kind of creative new things you will teach? is it creative mind is important.14一般有什么广告,人们对广告有什么看法,应该如何解决等,还问了个品牌的问题。15。about the develoment of city. 比较农村和城市的人的生活,还有政府对城市发展的作用,为什么起到很重要的作用 etc.16。your favorate transport?科学技术很先进,请展望一下未来,你认为科学家们会发明出什么样的新的transport?新技术

10、对人们的影响和未来发展趋势,有什么优点和缺间的. 现代人如何分配时间的, 这带来了什么问题, 如何改进和平衡. 如何改进你计划时间的方式.18中国什么组织是帮助people 的,说一种新方法help people to make money关于其中一些topic的讨论,请大虾补充1.special gift: Describe the best present/gift you have received : i. Who send it? What is the gift?what is it for? ii. When did you receive it? iii. Detail inf

11、ormation about the present. Last year , my wife celebrated my birthday at home. She bought a electronic dict ionary as birthday gift. I like the electronic dictionary very much. Its blue an d quite small. It fits into my pocket. I remember at that time, my wife said to me :she decided to immigrate t

12、o Canada with me. In future, we must study very hard .And she hoped that the electronic dictionary could help me to improve my English. On that day, I was very happy because my wife agreed to immigrate to Canada finally. Also, with the help of the electronic dictionary , I made such rapid progress t

13、hat before long I began to write articles in English. 1) In China, when will people send the present? Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party.During Spring Festival, people give presents each other, including clothes , books , flowers and foods. 2)Compare the gift which people ha

14、ve received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving, whats the difference between them? ( try to compare the gift you recieved in your teenage with the gift children received now ) Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a notebook as gift. But now,

15、 there are various gifts to choose from. Such as flowers, wine, food, clothes etc. 3)just image the gift in the future children will recieve. In the future , I think more and more children will receive intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on. 4)just image the gift in the future people will receive. In the future , oh , in most case , people will give flowers each other. I think flowers will be the most popular present. 5) u can describe the ways people send others gift ? 2. building what is the in



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