the world is thirsty 世界缺水教学课件

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《the world is thirsty 世界缺水教学课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the world is thirsty 世界缺水教学课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,Welcome to our class,2,中国水系,3,长江,4,黄河,5,太湖,6,巢湖,7,洞庭湖,8,洪泽湖,9,Some people believe that we Chinese dont have to worry about water because China is a big country and has a lot of rivers and lakes. Do you think so?,10,Some places are short of water,11,12,13,Water pollution,14,15,What about the worlds

2、 water resources (资源)?,16,What can you guess from the picture ?,17,The earth is sweating, The earth is too dry, The earth is short of water. The earth is thirsty.,18,Unit 6 Wheres YourRecyling Box ?,The World Is Thirsty 宿豫职教中心 巩宏伟,19,land,water,Fresh water,Sea water,20,1.People can use water from ic

3、ebergs and glaciers directly.( ) 2.The small amount of fresh water on the earth is not enouth for all of us right now. ( ) 3.Compared with industry , agriculture is more likely to be affected by a limited water supply. ( ) 4.One way to stop wasting water is to reuse it. ( ),F,F,T,T,21,Useful express

4、ions,be covered with 被覆盖 sea water/salt water咸水 need for 需要 fresh water 淡水 take steps to采取措施做 in the form of 以的形式 as things stand 照目前的形势 small amount of少量 deal with 处理,对付 day by day 一天天地 even worse 更糟糕 later on 后来,过些时候,22,1.Why can Man only drink and use 3% of the water on the earths surface? 2.What

5、 is the first step we should do to stop wasting our precious water? 3.Why cant we use all of the fresh water directly?,Because about 97% of the water of the earth is sea water or salt water.,To develop ways of reusing it.,Because some of it is in the form of icebergs and glaciers.,23,Listen carefull

6、y paying attention to your pronunciation and intonation,24,Poswhat should we do to save water? Make a list of the small things we can do, and then share your ideas with other groups.,25,1,Prevent people from pouring waste water into the riverlake nearby. 2,All of us should realize the importance of

7、controlling water pollution. 3,Stop people from wasting fresh water. (1),Never keep the taps running all the time. (2),Dont take have a shower for too long. 4,Try to make full use of our water resource. For example, we can recycle the waste water for irrigating. 5,Try to make fresh water from the se

8、a water by using high tech. 6,Try to make use of the fresh water from ice and snow.,26,Summary Saving water actually means saving our existence(生存) on Earth. We should realize the importance of protect it and start from the small things right under our noses.,27,Homework,1, Do more reading about water resources. 2,Write a passage about how to protect and save water.,28,Bye-bye,


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