六年级下册英语课件 m4u1 the balloons are flying away 外研社(三起)

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《六年级下册英语课件 m4u1 the balloons are flying away 外研社(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语课件 m4u1 the balloons are flying away 外研社(三起)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Huayuan Primary School Han Jia,The balloons are flying away!,balloon 单数,balloons 复数,Q: Whats happening to the balloons?(发生了什么?),The balloons are flying away!,Module4 Unit1,Q: Wheres Siomns mum?,火眼金睛,回答问题。,Q: Wheres Simons mum?,火眼金睛,回答问题。,Shes at the supermarket.,birthday party,在超市,Q1: Whats wrong wi

2、th Simons mum? (怎么了),火眼金睛,回答问题。,Q2: Who can help her?,Q1: Whats wrong with Simons mum?,She cant carry everything.,Q2: Who can help mum?,Daming or Simon?,火眼金睛,回答问题。,I can help you. I can carry.,Im on the phone. 在打电话 Sorry, I cant.,拿,拎,help mum do sth what we can do,Fill in the blanks.(填空),Simons mum

3、is at the _ . She is _ things for Daming. But she cant _ everything. Simon is on the _ . _ can help her. But whats happening? Look, the oranges are _ . The balloons are _ away.,supermarket,buying,carry,phone,Daming,falling,flying,小组合作,寻求帮助。,Work in groups and ask for help.,Im cleaning the blackboard

4、, but Im short. Who can help me?,I can help you. Im tall.,Sorry, I cant. Im writing.,小组合作,寻求帮助。,Who can help me? Can you help me?,可以帮助别人时,应说: I can help you.,不能帮助时,应说: Sorry, I cant.,向他人寻求帮助时可以说:,Homework,1.Read the text for your parents for two times. (阅读课文两遍) 2.Talk about your troubles and ask for help. (讨论一下自己的困难并寻求帮助),Helping others can make us happy! So we should always help each other.(帮助别人会使我们快乐,所以我们应该互相帮助。),Be a warm man,Thats all for my lesson. Thank you!,


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