碧桂园(02007)The Undisputed Leader_精编

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1、 Hong Kong Results Review FY17 results announced on 20 Mar were above expectations See important disclosures at the end of this report 1 Powered by the EFA Platform 21 March 2018 Property | Real Estate Country Garden Holdings Co Buy (Maintained) Target Price: HKD22.00 Price: HKD16.30 The Undisputed

2、Leader Market Cap: USD45,063m Bloomberg Ticker: 2007 HK We view Country Gardens fast asset turnover development model and expertise in Tier-3, 4 for the purposes of disclosure under the Hong Kong jurisdiction herein, please note that RHB Hong Kong Limited with its affiliates (including but not limit

3、ed to RHBSHK) will collectively be referred to as “RHBHK.” RHBHK conducts a full-service, integrated investment banking, asset management, and brokerage business. RHBHK does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm

4、may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this research report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. Importantly, please see the company-specific regulatory disclosures below for compliance with specific rules a

5、nd regulations under the Hong Kong jurisdiction. Other than company-specific disclosures relating to RHBHK, this research report is based on current public information that we consider reliable, but we do not represent it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied on as such. United States

6、 This report was prepared by RHB and is being distributed solely and directly to “major” U.S. institutional investors as defined under, and pursuant to, the requirements of Rule 15a-6 under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). Accordingly, access to this rep

7、ort via Bursa Marketplace or any other Electronic Services Provider is not intended for any party other than “major” US institutional investors, nor shall be deemed as solicitation by RHB in any manner. RHB is not registered as a broker-dealer in the United States and does not offer brokerage servic

8、es to U.S. persons. Any order for the purchase or sale of the securities discussed herein that are listed on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad must be placed with and through Auerbach Grayson (“AG”). Any order for the purchase or sale of all other securities discussed herein must be placed with and t

9、hrough such other registered U.S. broker-dealer as appointed by RHB from time to time as required by the Exchange Act Rule 15a-6. This report is confidential and not intended for distribution to, or use by, persons other than the recipient and its employees, agents and advisors, as applicable. Addit

10、ionally, where research is distributed via Electronic Service Provider, the analysts whose names appear in this report are not registered or qualified as research analysts in the United States and are not associated persons of Auerbach Grayson AG or such other registered U.S. broker-dealer as appoin

11、ted by RHB from time to time and therefore may not be subject to any applicable restrictions under Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) rules on communications with a subject company, public appearances and personal trading. Investing in any non-U.S. securities or related financial inst

12、ruments discussed in this research report may present certain risks. The securities of non-U.S. issuers may not be registered with, or be subject to the regulations of, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Information on non-U.S. securities or related financial instruments may be limited. Fo

13、reign companies may not be subject to audit and reporting standards and regulatory requirements comparable to those in the United States. The financial instruments discussed in this report may not be suitable for all investors. Transactions in foreign markets may be subject to regulations that diffe

14、r from or offer less protection than those in the United States. OWNERSHIP AND MATERIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Malaysia RHB does not have qualified shareholding (1% or more) in the subject company (ies) covered in this report except for: a) - RHB and/or its subsidiaries are not liquidity providers or

15、 market makers for the subject company (ies) covered in this report except for: a) - RHB and/or its subsidiaries have not participated as a syndicate member in share offerings and/or bond issues in securities covered in this report in the last 12 months except for: a) - RHB has not provided investme

16、nt banking services to the company/companies covered in this report in the last 12 months except for: a) - Thailand RHB Securities (Thailand) PCL and/or its directors, officers, associates, connected parties and/or employees, may have, or have had, interests and/or commitments in the securities in subject company(ies) mentioned in this report or any securities related thereto. Further, RHB Securities (Thailand) PCL may have, or have had, business relationships with the subject company(ies) men



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