六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)

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六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)_第1页
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六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)_第2页
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六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)_第3页
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《六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语同步拓展课件-module1 unit 1 great cities in asia 特殊疑问词 牛津上海版(一起)(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、游戏名称:Ask and Answer,游戏规则: 1). 每位同学各选一枚棋子代表自己,放在start处; 2). 掷骰子来决定其所走的步数,走到每格都必须回 答出格子里的question, 回答正确才能停留在格子里,回答不正确则停留 在原地不动; 3). 每位同学轮流掷骰子,先到终点的同学获胜。,特殊 疑问句,1,2,3,构成:,疑问词,解题步骤,疑问词+一般疑问句?,疑问词,Where,What,Who,Whose,Which,When,Why,How much,How many,How Long,How far,How often,How soon,How old,疑问词,解题步骤,例

2、如:对划线部分提问 1. They are looking for a bag.(对划线部分提问) _ _ they looking for? 2. There are twelve students.(对划线部分提问) _ _ students are there?,What are,How many,根据划线部分确定疑问词,将句子变为一般疑问句,去划线部分加问号,疑问词的选择,1.对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问,疑问词用_; 关于what的其他疑问词:_,That is my new T-shirt. _ is that?,what,what color,I am writing a pie

3、ce of article. _ are you _?,The shirts are light yellow. _ _are the shirts?,What,What color,What doing,疑问词的选择,2. 对修饰名词的定语提出疑问,疑问词应用_,而且通常和名词连用。,which,The book on the second shelf is mine.,_ _ is yours?,The girl in pink is my classmate. _ _ is your classmate?,The movie with many movie stars is my fav

4、ourite one. _ _ is your favourite on?,Which book,Which girl,Which movie,疑问词的选择,3. 对指人名词或代词提问用_ ,作宾语时提问用_。,whom,who,That boy is my younger brother. _ _ that boy?,I gave that book to the boy next to me. _ _ you give that book to?,Who is,Whom/who did,疑问词的选择,4. 对代词和名词所有格提问用_,且要和名词连用。,whose,That computer

5、 is his friend Mikes. _ _ is that?,I have lost my toy in Mr. Greens home. _ _have you lost in Mr. Greens home?,Whose computer,Whose toy,疑问词的选择,5. 具体时间提出疑问,如 in the morning, last Sunday等,疑问词用_;,when, 对具体几点钟提问,疑问词应用_ 。,What time,I finished my homework this afternoon. _ _you finish your homework?,I usu

6、ally get up at 7:30 am. _ _do you usually get up?,When did,What time,疑问词的选择,6.对具体地点提出疑问,疑问词应用_,Where,I come from Canada. _ _you come from?,Alex lived in his hometown during the winter vacation. _ _Alex live during the winter vacation?,Where do,Where did,疑问词的选择,7.对表原因的从句提问,常见的有because引导的从句,疑问词应用_ 。,w

7、hy,I am late for school because my bike broke down on the way. _ _you late for school?,There wont be a sports meeting because it is going to rain. _ _ there be a sports meeting?,I will get up early to catch the early bus tomorrow. _ _you get up early tomorrow?,why are,why dont,why will,疑问词的选择,8.对方式或

8、程度等提出疑问,用疑问词_ 。,how,I like China very much. _ _ you like China?,We can write something with ink. _ _ you write something?,The boy made the cake by reading the cooking book carefully. _ _ the boy make the cake?,How do,How can,How did,疑问词的选择,9. 对数量提出疑问,疑问词为_ 或_, 要注意_ 必须跟名词的复数形式。,How many how much,How

9、many,There are over thirty birds in the tree. _ _ birds are there in the tree?,I need some milk before I go to bed. _ _ milk do you need before you go to bed?,How many,How much,疑问词的选择,10.对价格提出疑问,疑问词用_,How much,That pen is fifteen yuan. _ _ is that pen?,Ipad mini cost me nearly three thousand. _ _ di

10、d Ipad mini cost you?,How much,How much,疑问词的选择,11.对时间、长度提出疑问,疑问词应用_,how long,The ruler is 20 cm long. _ _ is that ruler?,I have stayed in Shanghai for over 3 years. _ _ have you stayed in Shanghai?,How long,How long,疑问词的选择,12.对时间频率,如 once a year, twice a week等提问,疑问词用_,How often,对具体次数,如 once, twice,

11、three times等提问,疑问词用_,How many times,The Smiths go travelling every other year. _ _do the Smiths go travelling?,Students have vacations twice a year. _ _ _do students have vacations?,How often,How many times,疑问词的选择,13. 对距离提出疑问,疑问词用_。,How far,(注意:对 ten minutes walk/ride等提问也用_),How far,Its about two ki

12、lometres from here to the country. _ _ _ _ from here to the country?,Its about ten minutes walk from my home to school. _ _ _ it from your home to school?,How far is it,How far is,What(对指物名词或谓语动词提出疑问 whose(对代词或名词提问) which(对修饰名词的定语提出疑问) when(对具体时间提出疑) where(对具体地点提出疑问) why(对表原因的从句提问 2. How(对方式或程度等提出疑问) how long (对时间、长度提出疑问) how far(对距离提出疑问) how many(对数量提出疑问) how much(对数量或价格提出疑问) how often(对时间频率) how many times (对具体次数),1. 复习精讲提升部分的内容; 2. 请在规定时间内完成讲义中的课后巩固部分。,What has happened to . ?,What has happened to . ?,



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