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1、CCER 学刊(季刊) 2003 年 6 月 第 2 期 总第 16 期 CCER 学刊(季刊) 2003 年 6 月 第 2 期 总第 16 期 Journal of Economic StudiesJournal of Economic Studies Journal of Economic Literature Classification System for Journal Articles 本文拟对现今在国外经济学论文中经常用到的 JEL 的经济学文献分类系统作一个 详尽的介绍。 该分类系统由著名经济学杂志 JEL 创立并推广实施。 JEL, 全称 The Journal of E

2、conomic Literature, 即经济文献杂志,于 1969 年始在美国经济协会(AEA)赞助下 在每年的 3 月,6 月,9 月和 12 月季度发行。下面我们可以看到,该系统将所有的经济 学文献按内容分为 A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L、M、N、O、P、Q、R、 Z 共计 19 个领域,每个领域又细分为若干个子方向,在每个方向之下再设有专题内容; 其中,各领域和方向都有专门的综述栏,专题就不再设有综述内容栏。比如说,D 类为 微观经济学领域,共设 9 大方向(D00 是有关该领域的综述性文献另作一栏) :D1 家庭行为;D2生产和组织;D3分配;D4市场结构和定价;D

3、5一般均 衡和非均衡;D6福利经济学;D7集体决策分析;D8信息何不确定性;D9 跨期选择和增长。其中,D4 即市场结构和定价方向下又设有:D40该方向的 综述专题;D41完全竞争专题;D42垄断专题;D43寡头和其他形式的不 完全性专题;D44拍卖专题;D45配给、许可证专题;D46价值理论专题; D49其他专题。再以 E 类的宏观经济学和货币经济学领域为例:E00,为宏观经济 学和货币经济学领域的综述性内容栏;E1一般总量模型;E2消费、储蓄、生 产、就业和投资;E3价格、商业波动和周期;E4货币与利率;E5货币政 策、中央银行、货币与信贷的供给;E6公共金融的宏观经济层面、宏观经济政策

4、和一般内容。其中,E4 即货币与利率方向下又设有:E40综述;E41货币需求 专题;E42货币准则和制度、管制与货币体系专题;E43利率的决定和利率期 限结构专题;E44金融市场和宏观经济专题;E45预测与仿真专题;E49其 他专题。 整个分类系统都以这样的三级目录来组织的, 衷心希望本文的内容能方便读者 将来的研究工作。 A General Economics and Teaching o A0 General ? A00 General o A1 General Economics ? A10 General ? A11 Role of Economics; Role of Economi

5、sts ? A12 Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines ? A13 Relation of Economics to Social Values ? A14 Sociology of Economics ? A19 Other o A2 Teaching of Economics 176 JEL Classification CodeJEL Classification Code ? A20 General ? A21 Pre-college ? A22 Undergraduate ? A23 Graduate ? A29 Other B Me

6、thodology and History of Economic Thought o B0 General ? B00 General o B1 History of Economic Thought through 1925 ? B10 General ? B11 Preclassical ? B12 Classical ? B13 Neoclassical through 1925 ? B14 Socialist; Marxist ? B15 Historical; Institutional ? B19 Other o B2 History of Economic Thought si

7、nce 1925 ? B20 General ? B21 Microeconomics ? B22 Macroeconomics ? B23 Econometrics; Quantitative Studies ? B24 Socialist; Marxist ? B25 Historical; Institutional ? B29 Other o B3 History of Thought: Individuals ? B31 Individuals o B4 Economic Methodology ? B40 General ? B41 Economic Methodology ? B

8、49 Other C Mathematical and Quantitative Methods o C0 General ? C00 General o C1 Econometric and Statistical Methods: General ? C10 General ? C11 Bayesian Analysis ? C12 Hypothesis Testing ? C13 Estimation ? C14 Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods CCER 学刊学刊 177 ? C15 Statistical Simulation Meth

9、ods; Monte Carlo Methods ? C19 Other o C2 Econometric Methods: Single Equation Models ? C20 General ? C21 Cross-Sectional Models ? C22 Time-Series Models ? C23 Models with Panel Data ? C24 Truncated and Censored Models ? C25 Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? C29 Other o C3 Economet

10、ric Methods: Multiple/Simultaneous Equation Models ? C30 General ? C31 Cross-Sectional Models ? C32 Time-Series Models ? C33 Models with Panel Data ? C34 Truncated and Censored Models ? C35 Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models ? C39 Other o C4 Econometric and Statistical Methods: Specia

11、l Topics ? C40 General ? C41 Duration Analysis ? C42 Survey Methods ? C43 Index Numbers and Aggregation ? C44 Statistical Decision Theory; Operations Research ? C49 Other o C5 Econometric Modeling ? C50 General ? C51 Model Construction and Estimation ? C52 Model Evaluation and Testing ? C53 Forecast

12、ing and Other Model Applications ? C59 Other o C6 Mathematical Methods and Programming ? C60 General ? C61 Optimization Techniques; Programming Models ? C62 Existence and Stability Conditions of Equilibrium ? C63 Computational Techniques ? C67 Input-Output Models ? C68 Computable General Equilibrium

13、 Models ? C69 Other 178 JEL Classification CodeJEL Classification Code o C7 Game Theory and Bargaining Theory ? C70 General ? C71 Cooperative Games ? C72 Noncooperative Games ? C73 Stochastic and Dynamic Games ? C78 Bargaining Theory; Matching Theory ? C79 Other o C8 Data Collection and Data Estimat

14、ion Methodology; Computer Programs ? C80 General ? C81 Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Microeconomic Data ? C82 Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data ? C87 Econometric Software ? C88 Other Computer Software ? C89 Other o C9 Design of Experim

15、ents ? C90 General ? C91 Laboratory, Individual Behavior ? C92 Laboratory, Group Behavior ? C93 Field Experiments ? C99 Other D Microeconomics o D0 General ? D00 General o D1 Household Behavior and Family Economics ? D10 General ? D11 Consumer Economics: Theory ? D12 Consumer Economics: Empirical Analysis ? D13 Household Production ? D18 Consumer Protection ? D19 Other o D2 Production and Organizations ? D20 General ? D21 Firm Behavior ? D23 Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights ? D24 Production; Capital and Total Factor Productivity; Capacity ? D29 Other o D3


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