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1、河北工业大学 硕士学位论文 摆线针轮减速器参数化CAD/CAE系统的研究与开发 姓名:李健 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:机械工程 指导教师:曲云霞 2010-12 摆线针轮减速器参数化 CAD/CAE 系统的研究与开发 iv 摆线针轮减速器参数化摆线针轮减速器参数化 CAD/CAECAD/CAECAD/CAECAD/CAE 系统的研究与开发系统的研究与开发 摘摘 要要 摆线针轮减速器在工业生产中具有重要的地位,它主要应用于矿山、冶金、化工、国防、起重运 输等部门。摆线针轮减速器具有:传动比大、传动平稳、传递效率高、承载能力大、工作可靠、使用 寿命长等特点。但是摆线针轮减速器比一般齿轮减速器结构复

2、杂,因此针对摆线针轮减速器的力学分 析比较困难,因而在一定程度上阻碍了摆线针轮减速器的推广。本文以摆线针轮减速器参数化 CAD/CAE 系统的研究与开发为目标,运用 Pro/TOOLKIT 和 VC+编程对 Pro/ENGINEER 进行二次开 发,完成了摆线针轮减速器的参数化建模,并进行了有限元分析,取得了如下主要成果: (1)利用 Pro/TOOLKIT 和 VC+编程对 Pro/ENGINEER 进行二次开发,完成摆线针轮减速器参 数化系统的开发,从而实现对摆线针轮减速器各个零件的参数化设计。本系统可以避免相似零件的重 复造型,从而大大缩短了产品设计的时间,具有实用价值和可推广性。 (2

3、)对摆线轮进行受力分析,计算出各个齿上的受力情况,利用 ANSYS 有限元分析软件对摆线 轮进行有限元分析,得出摆线轮的位移矢量图、形变图、应力图。探讨了如何将 Pro/ENGINEER 中的 模型导入 ANSYS 中,将 Pro/ENGINEER 和 ANSYS 进行无缝连接,这对于复杂机械系统的有限元分 析具有实用价值。 (3)对摆线针轮减速器进行可靠性优化设计,列出目标函数以及约束条件,利用 MATLAB 编程 对摆线针轮减速器的针轮分布圆直径、摆线轮宽度、短幅系数、针齿套外径、转臂轴承外径、柱销直 径进行优化。优化以后的摆线针轮减速器承载能力不变,体积更加小,降低了生产的成本。 (4)

4、基于 Pro/ENGINEER 的二次开发研发的参数化系统,对摆线针轮减速器各个零件进行三维 建模,并利用 Pro/ENGINEER 对摆线针轮减速器进行装配和运动学分析,定义各个运动副的驱动源, 对摆线针轮减速器进行运动学仿真, 分析其运动特性。 运动学分析可以检测各个零件的尺寸是否合适, 装配关系是否正确,从而提高了设计的效率。 关键字关键字:摆线针轮减速器,参数化设计,有限元分析,VC+,Pro/ENGINEER,ANSYS。 河北工业大学硕士论文 v R R R Researchesearchesearchesearch andandandand D D D Developmentev

5、elopmentevelopmentevelopment thethethethe P P P Parametricarametricarametricarametric S S S Systemystemystemystemofofofof CycloidalCycloidalCycloidalCycloidal P P P Pinwheelinwheelinwheelinwheel R R R ReducereducereducereducerBasedBasedBasedBased onononon CAD/CAECAD/CAECAD/CAECAD/CAE ABSTRACTABSTRAC

6、TABSTRACTABSTRACT Cycloidal pinwheel reducer plays an important role in industrial production. It is mainly used in mining, metallurgical, chemical industry, national defense, lifting transportation departments. The characteristics of cycloidal pinwheel reducer include smooth transmission ratio, hig

7、h transmission efficiency, strong carrying capacity, reliable operation and long service life etc. But the structure of cycloidal pinwheel reducer is more complex than that of ordinary gear reducer .,so it is more difficult to analyze the stress of cycloid gear and it block the diffusion of cycloida

8、l pinwheel reducer.The research and development of parametric CAD/CAE system of cycloidal pinwheel reducer is taken aid at in this paper. Pro/TOOLKI and VC +programming are used for secondary development of Pro/ENGINEER. The parameterized modeling of cycloidal pinwheel reducer and finite element ana

9、lysis of cycloidal pinwheel reducer have been done. The main achievements obtained are as following: ( 1 ) Pro/TOOLKIT and VC + + are used for secondary development of Pro/ENGINEER, the development of the system of cycloidal pinwheel reducer parametric is completed ,so as to achieve the parametric d

10、esign of cycloidal pinwheel reducer various parts. This system can avoid repeating models of similar parts. The design time greatly shortened. This system is of practical value. (2)Mechanics analysis of cycloid gear is done at first .Then various stress on the teeth is computed. Cycloid gear is anal

11、ysed using the ANSYS finite element analysis software and the diagrams of vector , the diagrams of deformation and the diagrams of stress of cycloid gear are obtained. How to import the model of Pro/ENGINEER to ANSYS and connect Pro/ENGINEER and ANSYS for seamless are discussed,which has practical v

12、alue for complex mechanical system of the finite element analysis (3)The reliability-based optimization design is done for cycloidal pinwheel reducer. The objective function and constraint conditions are listed .Then diameter of pin wheel distribution circle, width of cycloid gear, short amplitude c

13、oefficient, the outer diameter of needle tooth set, the outside diameter of turn arm bearing and the diameter of dowel pin diameter are optimized by ANSYS programming. The volume is decreased after cycloidal pinwheel reducer optimized. So the cost is reduced. ( 4 ) The 3D modeling of cycloidal pinwh

14、eel reducer can be obtained by using the developed parameterization system. Then assembly and kinematics analysis are accomplished in Pro/ENGINEER. The driver source of each motion pair is defined. Then cycloidal pinwheel reducer is simulated and the motion 摆线针轮减速器参数化 CAD/CAE 系统的研究与开发 vi characteris

15、tics of cycloidal pinwheel reducer are anslyzed. The kinematics analysis is used to check whether the sizes of the parts and assembly relations arecorrect. So the efficiency can be improved. KeyKeyKeyKey wordswordswordswords:Cycloidal pinwheel reducer,Parametric design ,The finite element analysis ,

16、VC+, Pro/ENGINEER,ANSYS. 河北工业大学硕士论文 iii 原创性声明原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下,进行研究工作所取得的成 果。 除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本学位论文不包含任何他人或集体已经发表的作品内 容, 也不包含本人为获得其他学位而使用过的材料。 对本论文所涉及的研究工作做出贡献 的其他个人或集体, 均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本学位论文原创性声明的法律责任由本 人承担。 学位论文作者签名:日期: 关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明关于学位论文版权使用授权的说明 本人完全了解河北工业大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的以下规定:学校有权采 用影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文;学校有权提供本学位论文全文或者部 分内容的阅览服务;学校有权将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索、 交 流;学校有权向国家有关部门或者机构送交论文的复印件和电子版。 (保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权说明) 学位论文作者签名:日期: 导师签名:日期: 河北工业大学硕士学位论文 1 第一章第一章绪绪论论 1-11



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