译林版(三起)三年级上册英语课件-unit 6 colours 第一课时

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《译林版(三起)三年级上册英语课件-unit 6 colours 第一课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版(三起)三年级上册英语课件-unit 6 colours 第一课时(43页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Who is wearing today?,today,today,is wearing today.,today!,Who,Colour Song,复数形式,Morning, class !,Theres a fashion show tonight.,Lets go !,今晚要举办一场服装秀。,我们一起去吧!,First, theres a mass-election.,首先有个试镜。,Come and try!,来试试吧!,Come and try!,Congratulations!,恭喜!,We all passed!,我们都被选中了!,I need to pick some clo

2、thes.,我得选些衣服。,To join the show,为了参加时装秀,,?,Try to remember all the colours.,记住所有颜色。,2,1,3,In 3 seconds,3秒之内,,What colour is my cap ?,What colour is my T-shirt ?,What colour is my skirt ?,What colour is my jacket ?,Its brown.,Its blue.,Its red.,Its green.,black,green,red,orange,blue,colours,brown,yell

3、ow,我有个好点子!,I have a good idea!,我得和朋友们一起彩排一下。,I need a rehearse with my friends.,you cant be here now.,But you can listen outside the door.,抱歉,你现在不能在这儿看。,但你可以在门外听一听。,Im so sorry,Look at my skirt.,杨玲展示了几次自己的 ?,杨玲分别是如何用语言展示自己 的?,3,2,1,3,What colour is my skirt now?,What colour is it now?,现在,Q:,次。,Im re

4、ady now.,Im coming !,现在我准备好了。,我来也!,black,white,green,red,orange,blue,brown,yellow,杨玲的 三次分别变了什么颜色?,Its orange.,Its green.,Its red and yellow.,3,2,3,1,A. 它是红色和黄色的。,B. 它是红黄相间的。,为 Its red and yellow.选择更为合适的译句。,Pay attention to my pronunciation and intonation !,要注意我的语音语调哦!,Nice show!,Lets imitate!,这服装秀真好

5、看!,我们一起来模仿吧!,发挥想象,加个结尾,让表演更出色。,?,?,Make an ending for the story.,Imitation show,Come and show!,You can take three big fans of you.,来秀上展示自己吧!,你可以带上三个粉丝哦。,I heard youll bring a magic.,Come on !,听说你也要带来一个魔术秀。,快来表演吧!,Magic show,What colour is it now ?,What colour is it ?,Its,Its,Magic show,orange,green,

6、brown,red,green,orange,blue,brown,white,colourful,Life is colourful & ,只要我们有善于发现美的眼睛,生活处处缤纷多彩,奇妙纷呈。,try to find them with eyes.,magical,画幅缤纷多彩的画,并向搭档描述它。,2. Draw a colourful painting, and try to describe it to your partner.,Homework,1. Show your clothes to your friends.,向你的朋友们展示自己的服饰。,向家人表演色彩魔术。,3. Perform the magic to your family.,


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