九年级英语上册 Module 7 Unit 2 It is still read and loved学案(无答案)(新版)外研版

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1、Module 7 Unit 2 It is still read and loved学习目标:Master all the new words,phrases and sentences.一、词汇:A)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。A)1.Tom is better than any boy at _(日常的)English. 2.We are p _to see the dog alive. 3.My grandma was dead, I went to her f_. 4.Jims family has moved to a s_city. 5.The students _(tell)t

2、o take care of their desks and chairs. 6.You should _(讨论)the question first. 7.He decided to stay although all his _(邻居)moved away. 8.Going through the forest alone is not a _(明智的)decision. B)利用括号内单词的正确的形式填空。1. Vegetables, eggs and fruits _(sell) in this shop.2. The foor _(sweep)by my sister every d

3、ay.3. A Christmas present _ (send)to me by my uncle every year.4. This machine is used for _(keep)the room wet.5. I wont leave my office until all the work _(finish)6. It _(not allow) to drive after drinking. 二、单项选择1. The skirt is made of silk. It _so soft. I like it.A washes B is washed C is felt D

4、 feels2. -Is your old dog still _?-No,it has been _for half a year.3. -How often _your school sports meeting _?-Once a year.A does,hold B was hold C is held D did hold4. Mark Twain _a great writer.A is known as B is known for C is known D known5. Confucius works are still _by many people today.A rea

5、d B reading C reads D to read6. Middle school students _not to smoke.A is always told B always tell C are always told D always told7. The streets_by the hard-working cleaner.A have cleaned B will clean C are clean D was cleaned8. The children _by the nurse.A were looked B look after C are looked aft

6、er D looked after三、从方框中选择恰当的短语,并用其适当形式填空be bad for in danger grow up be afraid of ran away1. These children have _ , and dont depend on their parents.2. Dont _ , Lucy. I need your advice.3. I _ being alone in the dark place.4. The sick man is _ of death.5. Eating too much junk food _ your health.四、根

7、据句意完成句子1.It is still _ and _ by people _ _ _ _. 它仍然被全世界的人们阅读和喜爱。2. I think people who write for a job are not as important as they _ _ _.我觉得,那些为工作而写作的人不如以前那么重要了。3. _ _ _ that not enough people do that.没有足够的人那么做真是一个遗憾。4. But doesnt he _ _ _?但是他没有遇到麻烦吗?5. He wrote down his ideas _ _ _ _.他以很多著名的对话和书信的形

8、式写下了他的想法。五、任务型阅读You may love to see tigers at the zoo. But what if you had to stay with one on a boat on the open sea for over 200 days? Life of Pi(少年派的奇幻漂流),the movie from American Chinese director(导演),Li An, tells an amazing story. Pi is a boy. He lives happily with his family in a beautiful India

9、n town. His father has a zoo, so Pi knows a lot about animals. But one day, his father decides to move to Canada, He will sell all his animals there. The family begin to sail on the Pacific with all the zoo animals. But a big storm(暴风雨)hits their ship at night Finally, Pi finds the only survivors(幸存

10、者)are himself and a large tiger called Parker on an 8 meter boat. To keep himself alive, Pi has to keep feeding the tiger so that he himself does not get eaten. He tries to get on well with the tiger during a 227-day sail on the sea. The movie is from a Canadian writer Yann Martels book of the same

11、name. The book has sold 7 million copies worldwide. It discusses not only hope but also relationship(关系)between humans and nature. It took Li An four years to make the movie. He also used 3D for his first time. He hopes the movie will “make the people think”. Life of Pi opened in Chinese theaters on November 22,2012.根据短文内容回答下列问题。1. Where does Pis father decide to move?2. What happens when they sail on the Pacific at night?3. Why does Pi have to keep feeding the tiger?4. What does the movie discuss?


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