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1、M5 U2 No.5Reading and Project 编写:孙兰玲审核:审核组 09.9.151. L5 表方位的副词或介词短语放在句子开头句子,谓语是be, stand, sit, lie 等要完全倒装,并不用进行时,但如主语是人称代词则不倒装。 (公共汽车来了) There lived an old man on the hill. There stands a big tree in front of our classroom. South of the city lies a big zoo. In front of the house stands a boy. In fro

2、nt of the house .(他正站在房子前面)2. L8. open the floor = be free to speak 自由发言 floor n. 发言权 have / get the floor 有/ 获得发言权 take the floor 发言 At last he took the floor.3. L9. voice vt. express 表达、说出 ones opinions 发表意见 He voiced our dissatisfaction. n. 声音、意见、呼声 in a loud / low voicevoice n. 嗓音 sound n. 凡是能听到

3、的声音 noise n. 噪音 travels slower than light. He cant bear city . He told me the news in a low .4. L12 amount = quantity a large of / large s of +n(u) n(c)a lot of 作主语时,谓语跟 amount 的数一致A large amount of money spent on the road (were / was)Large amounts of money spent on the road. were / was)the amount o

4、f n(c) pl / n(u) + V(单数)The amount of the desks 1000. (are , is )in large / small amounts 5. L14. flow vi. n. 流动 through 流过 into 注入、流入The river the East Sea. The river Paris.6. L16 in addition 另外、此外 in addition to sth. / doing = besides / as well as 除之外还 He gave us some books and a few pens 他除了英语之外,

5、还会说法语。 add vt. vi. 加、补充说 add to add to add up add up to This our difficulty.“I dont believe it, ” he added . some salt the soup.These figures fifty. all the money I give you.7. L16. large numbers of / a large number of /a number of / the number of + n (pl) the students in our school is 10,000. peopl

6、e think thats right.8. L20 population n. 人口、人口数 Whats the of has a of a large / small 那个国家的人口有多少? 这城市有25万人口。 The population here rising / reducing. Two thirds / Seventy percent of the there farmers. 纽约是一个有一千多万人口的大城市。9. L21 倍数表示法 A is times as + adj + as B A is times +adj 的比较级 than B.A is times +the

7、+n (size, width, height )+of B 这个房间是那个房间的3倍大。(用3种译法) A is times +名词性从句 This room is (过去的3倍大)10. L22 cut back (on) 缩减(生产)、削减(支出) cut down on 减少的量 The production was cut back by ten percent. If you want to lose weight , the amount of food you eat. smoking (减少吸烟的量) You have to spending. (削减开支) 与cut 相关短

8、语 cut across 走近路穿过 cut down 砍倒、减少的量 cut in 插嘴、插入 cut off 切断(煤气、水、电等的)供应、使孤立 cut out 剪下、删掉 cut up 切碎 The electricity because of the terrible storm.They should plant more trees if they want to trees for wood.To make the dish, you should first the vegetables.He an article about Liu Xiang from the newsp

9、aper.The moment I began to speak, he . We cut across the field to save time.11. L22 My suggestion is L42 Mr Lin suggested 表建议、命令、要求等意思的词,无论是动词还是名词,它后面从句中的谓语常用should do, should 可省略. 这类动词的记忆口诀是:I drop caps. 具体为insist 坚决要求. desire 要求、请求. request 请求. require 要求. order 命令. propose 建议. command 命令. advise 建议. prefer 宁愿. suggest 建议 The teachers suggestion is .(学生早点上床睡觉) .(他的建议我们早点动身是正确的) .(我建议你立刻回家)12. L33responsibility n(u). 责任、职责 avoid / escape (the) for sth./ doing take the for sth / doing 对负责a sense of responsible adj. 有责任的、应负责任的be for sb./ sth./ doing 你应该为你儿子负责。 他负责喂鸡。


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