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1、综合单元测试Level 5 Unit 3 Listening Comprehension请根据需要填入Script:True Or FalseF F F T F F T F T F请根据需要填入Script:Spot DictationDirections: In this part of the test, you will listen to a passage and it will not be written out in full for you. You will hear the passage THREE TIMES. While listening, you are req

2、uired to fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. (10 points) Populations tend to grow at an exponential rate. This means that they 11 . As an example of this type of 12 , take one penny and double it every day for one month. After the first week you would have only 64 cents, but after the

3、fourth week you would have over a million dollars. This helps explain why the population has come on 13 . It took from the beginning of human life to the year 1830 for the population of the earth to reach one billion. That represents a 14 of at least two million years. Then it took from 1830 to 1930

4、 for world population to 15 . The next billion was added by 1960, only thirty years. 16 is increasing at a rate of 9,000 per hour, 220,000 per day, 80 million per year. This is not only due to high 17 , but to lower death rates as well. The number of births has not declined at the same rate as the n

5、umber of deaths. Some countries, such as Colombia, Thailand, Morocco, Costa Rica and the Philippines, are doubling their populations about every twenty-one years, with a growth rate of 3.3 percent a year or more. The United States is doubling its population about every eighty-seven years, 18 0.8 per

6、cent per year. Every time a population doubles, the country involved needs 19 of everything, including hospitals, schools, resources, food and medicines to care for its people. It is easy to see that this is very difficult to achieve for the more 20 countries.11.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:progressively doub

7、le12.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:growth rate13.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:all of a sudden14.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:time span15.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:reach 2 billion16.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:World population17.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:birth rates18.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:with a growth rate of19.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:twice as much20.请根据需要填入S

8、cript:正确答案:rapidly growingReading ComprehensionDirections: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices. Click on the best choice. (20 points)请根据需要填入Script: There are designer shirts, skirts and jean

9、s, and now theres a designer sport: wallyball. Wallyball is a version of volleyball played on a racquetball court. It is hardly an old folk recreation that modern-day enthusiasts revived. Rather, Joe Garcia designed the sport when the racquetball boom peaked around 1980. The game is suitable for tea

10、ms of two to four persons. The owners of racquetball clubs and neighboring pubs appreciate this quality instead of two people drinking beer after an hour on a racquetball court, wallyball provides up to eight. But let us backtrack a moment. In the beginning, there was handball. People played it in f

11、irehouses and gyms. The problem with handball is that it is played with a hard little rubber ball that stings the hands, and it requires that people use both hands equally well, which few people do. Then someone discovered that a hollow rubber ball and a short, strung racket could be used on handbal

12、l game. While racquetball is easy to play poorly, the game is difficult to master and play well. When the masses took to jogging and aerobics, the owners of racquetball clubs found they could no longer make a living on racquetball alone. Enter Joe Garcia and wallyball. Wallyball seems a relatively t

13、rivial innovation. But its origins call our attention to the ever-changing, dynamic quality of life. We are led by a commonsense orientation to regard the world a stable one. For practical purposes, most objects and events seem sufficiently durable to allow us to treat them as if they are unchanging

14、. Indeed, we often think of permanence as being the natural state of affairs and change as something requiring special explanation. In reality, however, social life is an ongoing process, constantly renewing, remaking, and transforming itself. Events in the world compel people to change. As people c

15、hange, they influence events in the social world of which they are a part. People like Joe Garcia, then, bring about change as they confront and deal with social life.21.Wallyball first appeared _.A.as handballB.as racquetballC.in ancient timeD.in about 1980请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:D22.The owners of racquetball clubs and neighboring pubs welcomed wallyball _.A.because it was more interesting than racquetballB.as more people were involved in the gameC.since it made no difference from racquetballD.for it was more demanding th



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