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1、Module 4 Unit 1 Using Language Why not carry on her good work?教学设计设计教师:梅州市曾宪梓中学 刘开平教学年级:高中一年级课题名称:Why not carry on her good work? 课型:Reading授课时间:45分钟教法说明:1. 阅读短文,获取信息,问答问题。2. 通过找出作者问关于自己和林巧稚的问题,分析分钟结构,归纳总结出做研究的方法。3. 通过小组合作的模式和“讨论总结呈现”的步骤,让学生利用前面所学知识来表达自己的观点。学生分析:高一(8)班是高一年级的普通班级,学生英语基础一般,但认真、肯研究,上课能

2、积极配合老师,师生互动较好,能通过小组讨论形式进行自主探究学习。教材分析本课时以“有成就的女人”的背景为话题,旨在通过本课时的教学使学生掌握了解林巧稚的成就和该篇文章的结构,并就此进行总结、呈现,提高学生的口语水平。教学目标1. 语言知识(Knowledge objectives)a) Teaching Aims教学目标:1. To recall the words used to describe the qualities of a great woman.2. To learn to find out the achievements of Lin Qiaozhi by using so

3、me reading skills. 3. To improve students spoken English. b) Teaching Important Points教学重点:1. Get the students to find out Lin Qiaozhis achievements.2. Enable the students to find the answers to questions correctly. c) Teaching Difficult Points教学难点:1. How to guide the students to get the structure o

4、f this passage and conclude the method of doing a research smoothly and effectively.d) Teaching Methods教学方法:1. Go through the text to get the answers. 2. Guide the e students to get the structure of this passage and conclude the method of doing a research.3. Discuss as a group.e) Teaching Aids教具准备:

5、A computer使用多媒体教学,制作PowerPoint课件呈现教学内容,增加教学的直观性,使教学节奏紧凑,调动学生的学习积极性,提高学生学习英语的效果。2. Knowledge and skill语言技能:1. Recall the words, especially adjectives used to describe a great woman .2. Enable the students to find out the proper words describing Lin Qiaozhi.3. Ask the students to discuss the task and

6、learn to express themselves. 3. Process and Strategies学习策略:1. Explanation to acquaint the students with the skills of reading.2. Group work or individual work to involve the students in a heated discussion.3. Guidance to acquaint the students to conclude. 4. Feelings and Value情感态度: By reading this p

7、assage, the students may get more information about the important womanLin Qiaozhi, who was the first woman doctor to specialize in womens diseases and the problems of having babies. Her story may inspire a lot of students. 教学过程Step I: Review and Lead-inT: What qualities do you think a great woman n

8、eeds? selfless / determined / generous / kind / modest / intelligent / hard-working / brave / confident / considerate.( Although this part served as revision, it is important because these words will be often used not only in this period but also in the whole unit. )Step : Reading 1. Background T: D

9、o you know the picture? Who is she? T: What achievements did she get? ( From the Warming Up, students know that it is Lin Qiaozhi and she was a doctor, a specialist in womens illnesses and devoted all her life to her career. )2. Listening While listening to the tape, students are asked to get the an

10、swers to the two questions: What made Lin Qiaozhi succeed? What words in the passage are used to describe her?Since the second question is not easy, teachers guidance is necessary. 3. AnsweringStudents are asked to finish exercise 2 on page 6. After they answer the questions, some key words should b

11、e shown on the screen.Then a small discussion will be carried out about finding out the achievements of Lin Qiaozhi. The teacher can give an example to help students. Achievements: She got a medical training for her career.She became a specialist in womens diseases.She wrote books and articles.She h

12、ad made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.Step : Finding 1) Find out the personal questions that the writer asked herself. Which one should I choose to study at university? Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?(From the two questions, the tea

13、cher can guide the students the structure of this passage.) Structure: begin a question puzzle end another question decision / solution 2) 2. Find out the questions that the writer asked about Lin Qiaozhi. Why did she write that? Who were the women that Lin Qiaozhi thought needed this advice? Was sh

14、e so much cleverer than anyone else? What made her succeed later on(From these questions, the teacher can guide the students the method how the writer finds out about Lin Qiaozhi. And this is also the method of doing a research. ) Method: Question Answer Another question Answer .Step : Discussion Wh

15、at will your future careers be?How can you arrive at your aims?(The two questions are designed for students to think about their future career choice and how they may can make their dreams come true. After discussion, some students are expected to present their ideas. )Step : HomeworkPreview Reading Task on page 44-45. 教学反思本节课完成的效果较理想,完成了预期的教学任务。首先,在复习时,学生能够说出前面所学关于描述伟大妇女的形容词,达到了巩固的效果。其次,在阅读时,学生能够抓住关键信息,找到答案,说明学生的信息获取能力比之前有所提高。但在找出林巧稚的成就时,并不是大多数学生能够完成,因为有些信息不是直接从文章中划出来的,要学生自己稍微总结才能得出来。再者,在讨论环节,学生非常踊跃,对于自己将来



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