七年级英语上册 Unit 8 Fashion Grammer教案

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1、Unit 8 FashionGrammar教学目标1 掌握现在进行时态的含义和结构。2 掌握现在分词的变化规则。3 能够使用现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情。教学内容四会内容词汇:lie词组:write to wait for look for句型:I am eating.You/We/They are eating.He /She/It is eating.I am not eating.You/We/They are not eating.He /She/It is not eating.Am I eating?Yes, I am. No, I am not/Im not.Are you/w

2、e/they eating?Yes, we/you/they are.No, we/you/they are not/arent. Is he/she/it eating?Yes, he/she/it is. NO, he/she/it is not/isnt.教学准备1 图片。2 多媒体课件。教学步骤Step I 导入1 教师问学生:Boys and girls, what are you doing now? 帮助学生回答:We are having an English lesson. 将一问一答的句子写在黑板上:把are doing 和are having 用线画出来。教师接着问:Wh

3、at am I doing now? (You are giving us a lesson.) 请学生尝试翻译这句话的意思。同样把句子写在黑板上,并把时态部分画出来。2 告诉学生:When we want to talk about things that are happening now, we should use this tense - the present continuous tense. Its structure is “be+ doing”. 把这个结构写在黑板上,请学生就刚才的四句话说说看,具体哪部分是时态的结构。3 教师对一个学生说:S1, please stand

4、 up. 然后问其他学生:What is S1 doing? (She /He is standing.)教师再用close the window,clean the blackboard,write a letter,carry the desk等动作指令做如上演示,使学生充分体会现在进行时的情境。Step II 呈现1 教师板书:He is standing. 并说:If I want to change “it” into “they”, what will happen to the sentence? 教师将They写在He下面,请一位学生说说句子将如何变化。引导学生发现主语变化引起

5、的be动词的变化,帮助学生说出:They are standing. 以此方法分别变换主语为I,she,we,you,Tom,all the class等, 帮助学生意识到be动词的使用受主语影响。完成98页的“Work out the rule!”2 再回到黑板上“He is standing”这个句子。引导学生发现“be+ doing”的结构里doing= do+ ing ,然后在standing下面写上speak,请学生说出speak加ing的形式和读音。3 再板书have,问学生怎么加ing,在帮助学生写出having后,再给出give,make,take,请学生将他们的ing形式写出

6、来,并请学生写出规律。帮助学生正确表述这一变化:以不发音e结尾的单词,要去掉e,再加上ing。以此方法总结归纳出加ing的另外两条规则。4 进入第97页讲解时态的表格,进一步为学生总结讲解规则,告诉学生可以在动词to be后面加上not来构成否定结构。Step III 练习1请学生两人一组讨论完成A部分的练习。核对答案,请学生将题目逐一读出来,教师将有特殊变化的动词写在黑板上,然后全班集体将句子读一遍。2 利用A部分的练习,检查学生对现在进行时肯定结构的理解。4教师给出一些表示动作的图片,请学生两人一组用现在进行时态对话:Here are some pictures. Please talk

7、about what they are doing with your partner. 教师请一位学生配合先进行示范。Sample conversationT: What are the children doing?S: They are having lunch.T: What are the women doing?S: They are shopping.给学生三分钟时间准备,然后请几组不同层次的学生对话。Step V 呈现1 教师就刚才活动中的某一幅图片问:Are they having lunch? 帮助学生回答:Yes, they are. 再利用另外一幅图片引出否定回答:No

8、, they arent.2 请学生阅读98页相关表格,和学生一起学习规律:to be放到句首即构成现在进行时的一般疑问句,其肯定与否定回答与to be的一般现在时疑问句的肯定与否定回答相同。3 仍然利用刚才的图片开展下面的操练活动。Sample conversationT: Are the women shopping?S: Yes, they are.T: Is the tall man playing tennis?S: No, he is playing basketball.给学生三分钟时间准备,然后请几组学生对话。Step V 家庭作业1 复习动词现在分词的变化规则。2熟记现在进行时态的用法及构成。



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